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Insufficient Reason To Doubt


As the Apostles of Jesus Christ grew in their appointed roles, recognizing their position was a recurring struggle.  In fact, not only was it a struggle to recognize their position, but they also frequently failed to acknowledge the power and authority of the Lord as well.  After following Jesus for a significant amount of time, we find in Luke 17 that the Apostles still had much to learn.  Being witnesses of the extraordinary miracles and the authoritative teachings of Jesus, the disciples had more than enough reason to place their complete trust in Him.  Be that as it may, in Luke 17:5 we read that there was still confusion among the disciples; a confusion channeled through feelings of inadequacy and insufficiency. 

Posed as a demand, not a question, the Apostles desire that the Lord Jesus gives them more faith.  At first glance one might wonder what the big deal is, faith is a good thing, so why would we not want more of it?  However, we mustn’t overlook the suggestion that such a demand elicits.  Because by asking for more faith, the Apostles were insinuating they did not have enough to perform the function they were given.  Essentially, according to their assessment, they had insufficient means, which rendered them inadequate for the task.  How does our Lord respond to such an inquiry?

Being the extraordinary teacher that He was, Jesus gives them a much needed lesson on the power of God given faith.  Jesus explains that even if their faith was as small as a mustard seed, they could order the mulberry tree to be uprooted and placed into the sea and it would obey them.  The mustard seed is among the smallest seeds of the garden plants, while the mulberry tree is a fast growing tree that has quite an extensive root system.  Uprooting a mature mulberry tree is an impossible task for the strength of mere human hands.  But Jesus is not suggesting the Apostles possessed the physical strength to execute this act.  Instead, Jesus was proclaiming His own power, that by trusting in the faith that has been divinely supplied, the Apostles could do anything the Lord willed.  By asking for more faith, the Apostles were not simply expressing their own inadequacy; rather they were unknowingly accusing Christ of providing insufficient means by which to operate under. 

Something the disciples needed to understand, and something we must understand as well, is the Lord abundantly supplies His children with everything they need to live out their purpose according to His will.  In spite of the many deficiencies of man, God can do more in and through us than we could ever ask or imagine.  Saints of God are not lacking in anything, but are fully supplied by the provisions of God to live out lives that are Holy and pleasing unto Him (Philippians 4:19).  The Apostles did not need a greater measure of faith, they simply needed to rely upon and trust in the faith that Christ had given them.  By doing so they would have to shift focus from internal ability and fully submit themselves to the Lord, reliant on His boundless power. 

This passage is a wonderful reminder that power is not in the quality of faith, but trusting in the power of the Giver of faith.  What is impossible for man is possible with God (Luke 18:27).  Commit today that there is no need to feel inadequate for the task of serving the Lord faithfully, for this is divine calling that will be met with divine means to accomplish the necessary results.  Our Lord is sufficient and He ensures that His children are adequate to accomplish the perfection and precision of His will and plan.  Trust in the faith that you have been given, for the Giver is certainly worthy.  To His name be the glory, forever and ever.                                              


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam

The King’s Sheep


Growth and maturity ought to be increasing in the life of a believer in Jesus Christ.  Though there is not a set formula or test one can administer to determine the rate of growth or the level of maturity, there are certainly verifiable indicators.  One of those indicators is an awareness of the character of God through the ongoing study of His Word.  While preparing for a sermon, I read through a familiar passage from the book of Matthew.  In chapter 25 Jesus describes the judgment that will take place prior to His millennial reign.  By separating the sheep from the goats we see a clear distinction made, those who are true believers in Christ and those who are not.  Though the wonderful attributes of our Lord are displayed in both addresses, my attention was drawn specifically to the sheep.  

Jesus starts out by explaining the reason these individuals are among the sheep, due to the love of the Father who has blessed them.  Furthermore, this is a blessing that goes all the way back before the foundation of the world.  In God’s perfect, sovereign plan, not only did He prepare an eternal place of glory, but He also determined who would occupy His kingdom.  In this extraordinary opening statement we see the love, grace, mercy, precision and perfection of our Lord.  He makes no mistakes and His plan is brought forth with no impediment.  

Jesus goes on to tell the sheep that when He was in need of various things, such as food, water, clothing, visitation and encouragement, they took care of these needs.  Greatly perplexed, the righteous sheep questioned this charming allegation.  Jesus’s response to their misunderstanding reveals a wonderful truth.  The Messiah commends them for the love, compassion, mercy, and self-denial that they had been exhibiting in their lives towards others.  Through these acts, Jesus was glorified, so much so that it was as if they had been doing those acts directly to Him.  How is it possible that simple sheep could bring such glory to the Lord of the heavens and earth?  Only through a position of being in Christ do sheep have the means to please the Lord.  For all things are brought forth from Him and through Him and unto Him (Romans 11:36).  Jesus is the source of the sheep’s ability to honor Him through their actions, without which no such task would be possible.

Something we needn’t miss out on in this passage is the many possibilities that our Lord provides us with.  Daily we have multiple occasions to honor God with our words, actions and attitude towards others.  Our outlook and perspective on this must be in proper focus.  Having ample opportunities is not a burden or a menial task, rather it is an extension of God’s grace.  We don’t need to fret over figuring out ways to honor the Lord, for by His grace He has provided those divine opportunities.  

In assessing this passage, one cannot help but to recognize the goodness of our Lord.  In His great love for us, He called us His own, long before we were born.  Clearly this was not based on any human merit or potential, instead it was part of His wonderful plan.  He equips His sheep for ministry, giving them not only the desire to serve and honor Him, but also the tools to do so.  How do undeserving sheep inherit the kingdom of God?  They do so because He is a good and merciful God, full of grace and abounding in steadfast love (Psalm 103:8).  

As we continue to search and study the Scriptures may we increasingly recognize the attributes of God that saturate each and every passage.  To God be the glory. 


By His Grace And For His Glory,

Pastor Sam                          



The Evolution Of Worship?


Worship to the Lord is seen all throughout the Holy Scriptures by individuals deliberately expressing their love for Him.  Make no mistake, worship for the believer is not optional, it is required of a faithful steward of God (Luke 4:8).  The manner of worship varies from singing (Psalm 100:2), bowing or kneeling (Psalm 95:6), being in awe and reverence (Hebrews 12:28), the use of musical instruments (2 Chronicles 29:28) and through prayer, teaching and the reading of God’s Word (Acts 2:42).  No matter what worship method is utilized in Scripture, one thing is certain, worship is to be led by Spirit and truth (John 4:23-24), for this is what God desires.  Corporate worship, that which is done in a congregational setting, is to be done in a way that is honoring to God and edifying to the Body. 

Unfortunately far too many think it necessary to “revamp” worship or put a modern spin on it.  This perversion can take many different forms, but generally speaking there is a direct attempt to manipulate the Holy Spirit.  Now, to be clear, no one has the power to manipulate the Holy Spirit in a way that actually affects how the Spirit operates.  Instead, the manipulation is seen through the false accusations towards the Spirit, namely indicating the Spirit is the motivation behind unbiblical practices.  Such egregious perversions are manifest through stumbling around, laughing uncontrollably, and slap happy behavior that resembles drunkenness, in what is known as Holy Spirit intoxication.  This kind of ridiculous behavior goes directly against the very Word of God that charges saints to be sober minded (1 Peter 1:13, 4:7, 5:8, 1 Timothy 3:2, 3:11, ).  In calling these deviant practices worship, those who partake are not only fooling others, they are fooling themselves. 

Another way that some have chosen to misconstrue genuine worship is through literary means.  False teachers such as Ann Voskamp, in her book One Thousand Gifts, find it appropriate to depict God in an erotic way, departing from anything that Scripture would provide pertaining to God’s character and nature.  Writing, as well as other artistic methods of worship, must maintain the same reverence and accuracy as all other modes of worship are to hold.  Sadly, many musicians and writers have appeared to grow tiresome of the words the Bible uses to describe God, thus they have taken artistic liberty to redefine God on their terms.  Great caution must be taken when attempting to label God’s attributes in our own descriptive way. 

When we see such a drive toward something new, the question must be asked, “What is wrong with the old way?”  We are not talking about modern technological advances here; we are talking about proper, God-honoring worship.  When we strive to worship God, we mustn’t deviate from His very Word, which instructs us in what is pleasing to Him.  If we are to ensure our worship to Him is in Spirit and truth, then we know it cannot possibly be that which contradicts His Word.  Nor can it contradict His very character and nature.  Thus, the most pleasing form of worship is Word Centric; rejoicing in the Lord, praising Him for beautifully revealing Himself through Holy Scripture.  There is no need to reinvent that which is already perfect.  May we praise and worship Him in a way that is consistent with the unchanging nature of His precious Word.                                                                                   

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                                         




Hold Off On The Retirement Party

One thing our modern culture has grown quite accustomed to is the concept of retirement.  Great efforts are made to retire early, leaving the life of the work “grind” behind.  But how do we understand retirement as it relates to ministry?  Many will be quick to point out that they are not in a ministry position.  While their sentiment is understood from a paid, vocational perspective, they are not properly acknowledging their responsibility as believers.  You see, all believers in Jesus Christ are called to a life of ministry.  Costi Hinn was quoted, saying this about the notion of retiring from ministry, “In Christian ministry there is no retirement only reassignment.”   

While encouraging the believing church in Ephesus, the Apostle Paul gives great clarity on the role and function of the church, as it stands as the body of Christ.  In Ephesians 4:12 we read that one of those key functions is to equip saints for ministry.  It is here that we must understand there is no saint who is excused from ministry, for exemption should never be the desire of one of God’s elect.  There are a couple of things that are of great value to recognize in this verse. 

First, in order for the body to function effectively, in a God-honoring way, there must be unity.  In order for there to be unity, the body must operate as one cohesive unit.  The local church, a small representation of the body of Christ, is vital to the body of Christ universally.  If the local body does not function effectively, how could we expect the universal body to function effectively?  Many will proudly appeal that they don’t need to be a part of a church body to be a Christian.  If a person utters that they don’t need the body, they don’t need church family, think of what that says about God.  It is suggesting that which God has put together for His glory, is not important.  For those who are able bodied, but choose to stay at home and not be a part of a church body, repent, get off the couch, and get involved in a Bible believing local church body.  There are genuine circumstances of shut-ins and that is not at all who I am speaking of here.  The body should do all that they can to support shut-ins, make them feel loved, appreciated and valued.  Instead it is those who make a volitional decision to separate themselves from the body that need called into question.    

Second, what needn’t be overlooked in Ephesians 4:12 is the inclusion of all saints into Christian ministry.  Understandably not all chosen instruments of God will become pastors or paid staff members of a local church.  However, this does not lessen the importance of the responsibility that all believers have to minister in the name of Christ.  Far too often an unhealthy practice exists within the church.  Many high school youth ministries repeat over and over again that they are preparing the church of tomorrow.  And oftentimes, the older generation in the church, typically those who have retired from their places of employment, settles on the idea that ministry is in their rearview.  Both of these common practices are not only unhealthy, but they are unbiblical at the same time.  The born again teenager is not the church of tomorrow, they are the church of the present.  Looking forward to a day when they can use their giftings and zeal for the glory of God is a serious overlook of what they are commanded to do in the present. 

Those who are in the later season of life have a great deal to offer in ministry as well.  Perhaps ministry will look different than it once did, but that is certainly to be expected.  It pains me to hear elderly individuals who voice their opinion regarding their perceived ineffectiveness or inability to minister.  In these cases, they are just not aware of their reassignment.  I have had the pleasure of witnessing the multitude of ways elderly saints minister for the glory of God.  Diligent prayer, providing meals of comfort, discipleship, counsel, sharing godly wisdom & insight with a struggling brother or sister, encouraging other servants, just to name a few.  Just because ministry may not look the same that it always had, doesn’t mean ministry efforts should cease.  There is no retirement from ministry.  No matter what age group you currently find yourself in, prayerfully consider the ways in which you can minister for the glory of God.  The Lord will honor those who desire to serve Him faithfully.         

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam          


A Perfect Plan of Joy and Glory


One of the greatest things for a saint to ponder is the vast depth of love that God has for His children.  God’s love is a reality that we cannot fully grasp, as it stands as one of the many incomprehensible attributes of God.  Inability to perceive is a result of the finite mind, not because God has not properly revealed His love for us.  Thank goodness the Word of God gives ample evidence to the depth and breadth of God’s abundant love for His children.  Perhaps one of the most profound verses regarding the extent of God’s love is found nestled in a parable recorded in the book of Luke. 

Jesus tells three parables, all of which provide congruent principles of the value that God places on His chosen instruments.  However, Luke 15:10 reveals God’s love in one of the most glorious ways: 10 “Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”  This is absolutely extraordinary.  Let’s consider what was said here from the mouth of Jesus Christ.  The very angels of God rejoice, they are overjoyed and celebratory over the conversion of a soul.  Why would the angels react in such a way?  Don’t they have better things to do, like praise God?  That is precisely what they are doing. 

There are those who have bought into the poor, misguided theology that presumes that God is waiting eagerly for a sinner to repent, then once the sinner repents, with a relief, God is grateful for another one added to the fold.  This kind of ideology supposes God is not aware of who are actually His until they have made a personal, volition decision to be such.  Furthermore they assert that this is precisely why there is celebration in heaven when a sinner repents.  The repentance of a sinner is in fact a great cause for celebration.  However, it is not because God is pleasantly surprised, rather it is the ongoing proof of His perfect, established will and plan. 

When a sinner repents, it is not a meritorious act on behalf of the sinner.  If that were the case the cause of celebration would be credited to the repentant sinner.  Instead, the glory belongs exclusively and wonderfully to God, for doing what He alone can do.  And this is not a reaction to the sinner’s repentance, for God had planned the occasion from eternity past.  The sovereign will and plan of God being unfolded, bringing sinners to repentance, demands exaltation of His Holy name.  God’s angels bring Him glory, God’s children bring Him glory, the sum total of all that God does is for the purpose of His own glory.  How remarkable it is that God loves us so much that by lavishing His saving grace upon our lives, He is further glorified through our new life in Christ.  Redemption of fallen man is the means God has chosen to bring glory to Himself.  To properly understand this verse in Luke 15, we must be keenly aware of God’s goodness seen through His providential means of ensuring His own glory, which He accomplishes through His image bearing creation.  Fallen mankind is so undeserving to be the instrument that God uses to bring Himself glory, a glory that is recognized by the angels, causing further praise of His Holy name.  The angels rejoice not in man or man’s ability, for unregenerate man has no pleasing ability of their own.  Rather, the angels rejoice in the continual working of God’s perfection, the outward manifestation of His divine glory.                                                                                                                                                    

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam       


Perseverance Through Prayer


The Apostle Paul’s explanation of the full armor of God was a timely lesson that the church in Ephesus needed to hear.  Today, with the militant celebration of sin and the propagation of evil, we too as Christians should find Paul’s explanation of great value.  One of the keys to properly understanding the power of this armor is the fact that it’s the armor of God and not the armor of man.  Each piece of this armor is a gift from God, not an achievement or purchase that man can make.  The belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shoes of the gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit are all God designed and God given armament to ensure the victory that has already been declared for all saints.  The armor of God is critical to our success against the forces of evil.  However, there is further instruction that the Apostle Paul gives to the battle ready soldier. 

In Ephesians 6:18 we read the instruction to pray continuously in the Spirit.  Prayer is not an ancillary work; rather it is the means by which God has established to further display His goodness, power and provisions.  Paul makes no accommodations for soldiers of God who do not commit themselves to prayer.  Prayer is a requirement for service in the Lord’s army.  In fact, the remainder of verse 18 further reveals that it is through prayer that a soldier stays alert and perseveres.   A veteran soldier knows full well that perseverance is a trademark sign of a good soldier.  Again, as this world in which we live grows increasingly wicked, our need for perseverance through prayer becomes more apparent.  Just like the full armor of God that we put on, prayer is an undeniable part of the battle plan.  These components are all gifts from God.  James 1:17 tells us that every good and perfect gift comes from God; therefore we never have cause to doubt. 

The question we must ask ourselves is this, are we praying in a way that is in line with what God’s Word commands of us?  Are we praying often enough?  Are we always praying with recognition of the power of the Spirit of God that we are praying in?  If you are reluctant to answer either one of these questions, let me be the first to throw my hat into the ring.  No.  I do not pray as often as I should, nor do I always pray in the confidence of the power of the Spirit as I ought to.  I am a soldier that recognizes I have a lot of room for growth and maturity.  By the grace of God, He is molding and shaping me into the image and likeness of Christ.  He who has sanctified me is also continuing to sanctify me.  His grace is sufficient, the victory is His, and He has called me His own.  There is no greater army to be in, there is no greater fight to be had, there is no Master more worthy to be served.  So I put on the armor that He has given me, piece by piece, with the assurance of victory and the aim of exalting the name of my God.                                                                                                                                                                                     

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam   

Triumph Through The Sword


Searching through the halls of history will invariably disclose the repeated instance of battle.  Historians regularly conclude that combat has played a recurring role in every civilization known to man.  One of the most notable combatants is the Japanese Samurai, a fierce warrior with an unshakable determination.  The weapon the Samurai carried into battle is perhaps the most iconic of all battle history, the Katana.  Legendary swordsmith Amakuni constructed the first curved blade Katana around 700 AD, which was designed specifically for maximum damage to a Samurai's adversary.  The elaborate system of fusing four metal bars together, heated to a temperature exceeding 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit, then sharpened down to a razor's edge was a stroke of engineering genius.  In the end, the Katana was a lethal weapon of legendary proportions.  For the Samurai it was the Katana, while the Welsh preferred the longbow, the Vikings perfected the use of the axe, and civil war soldiers relied on the rifled musket.  Battle conditions determined what weapons were needed to optimize victory. 

The ideal weapon serves two main functions in battle, one being defensive and the other being offensive.  However, primarily weapons are designed for offense, as some weapons are absent of any defensive benefit.  Provided for us, as soldiers of God, we have the most powerful weapon of all time, the Sword of the Spirit.  There is no other sword like it; no other can do what the Sword of the Spirit can do.  Carrying with it the full power of God, this Sword is the precise weapon needed to defeat the powers of evil that wage war against us.  In fact, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 tells us that our weapons of warfare are not of this world, thus the Sword of the Spirit is a supernatural gifting of the Lord to ensure our victory against the powers of satan.  As born again believers in Jesus Christ, which consequently transforms us into soldiers for the Lord, we have the promised Holy Spirit indwelling within our being (John 15:26, John 16:7-14, 1 Corinthians 3:16, Ephesians 1:13-14).  Therefore we have the power of God working in and through our lives to accomplish His will, a will that has promised victory in advance. 

Another aspect of the Sword of the Spirit is the very Word of God, Holy Scripture.  1 Peter 1:21 explains that no prophecy of Scripture was a result of man’s opinion, rather it is divine in origin, the Spirit of God being the agent in producing the infallible Word of God.  Thus, Scripture is an inseparable dimension of the Sword of the Spirit.  The Katana is perhaps the sharpest man made weapon ever forged, but it pales in comparison to the effectiveness of God’s Word.  Hebrews 4:12 details the power of God’s Word, being sharper than any other sword, even discerning the thoughts and intentions of man’s heart.  The truth of Scripture, the entirety of the Bible, is the very weapon that soldiers in God’s army carry with them.  No weapon of the enemy can stand up to the power of God’s Word. 

As we continue to expound upon each particular piece of the armor of God, may we repeatedly be drawn to a posture of thanksgiving, praising the Lord for doing in our lives what could not be done by any other means.  He has equipped us, He has declared victory for us, and by His grace He has chosen us to be part of His beloved flock.  Faithful saints, hold the sword high, for the enemy must tremble at the power of the Spirit of God.                                                                                                                                                            

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam

Get Your Head In The Game


There are numerous different ways a soldier or warrior can acquire battle gear.  For some it is given as standard military attire, some will purchase it, others will earn it perhaps.  Contrary to these measures of attainment, each enlisted soldier in the Lord’s army is gifted with the necessary protection of the helmet of salvation.  God, the Great Commander and Chief of the kingdom of righteousness, doesn’t just give His soldiers a fighting chance, instead He gives them the means of victory.  Salvation is a gift that the Lord alone holds the exclusive rights to and all who serve Him have been given this most precious commodity.  Furthermore, the helmet of salvation is a piece of armor that distinguishes who is among the Lord’s army and who is not, since salvation cannot be manufactured or replicated by any counterfeit god (Acts 4:12).  Thus, all who fight the good fight will sport this most valuable headpiece. 

The head is where all outward actions manifest themselves through.  The heart may be the root of the desire and passion, but ultimately thought precedes activity.  So, protecting this most vital extremity is a provision that God ensures for our successfulness in the endeavor of Spiritual warfare.  Unquestionably all soldiers have cause for overwhelming confidence in the security the helmet of salvation yields.  In His great love, our Lord gives this most precious gift in an irrevocable way.  Those who receive salvation are forever changed, and this is a transformation that cannot be reversed or discarded.  A debate throughout church history has centered on the topic of eternal security.  Those who believe man possesses the power to unravel what God has done, whether knowingly or not, accuse Him of ineffectiveness.  Even with a plethora of Biblical evidence stacked against such a notion, many choose to rely on feelings and emotions instead of the immutable promises of God.  Doubting the authority of our Great Leader is a recipe for battle disaster. 

In John 10 Jesus proclaims that He is the good shepherd and His sheep, who happen to all be soldiers, are kept secure in Him, even against all opposition.  That means that we are not defenseless.  We can march forward in boldness of Him who has declared that not even the ruler of this fallen world can snatch us from our position in Christ (John 10:28-29).  Finding solace in the salvation granted through Christ is to properly understand His finished work on the cross.  Nothing will separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39) and His ability to finish the good work that He has begun in us (Philippians 1:6).  And it is in that glorious promise that we have already been declared conquerors (Romans 8:37).

Dear Christian I implore you to take great pride not in self but in the one who has furnished you with the sweet salvation that has readied you for battle.  Let the helmet of salvation be that constant reminder that the enemy cannot win this fight.  Praise the name of our Mighty God.             


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam              

The Safeguard of Faith

Have you ever been in a circumstance that took you off guard?  Of course, I would conclude everyone has been.  Unquestionably soldiers encounter unique situations that can sometimes be extremely volatile.  No wonder they train rigorously for any and all possible scenarios, as to remain in a constant state of preparedness.  Being a member of the Lord’s army is no different in this sense; unpreparedness is not an option for a good soldier.  Paul sheds necessary light on this understanding in his explanation of what putting on the full armor of God entails.  In fact, in Ephesians 6:16, the zealous Apostle explains that in ALL circumstances a soldier is to put on the shield of faith.  As is the case with all items of saintly armor, God is the giver as well as the source.  Hebrews 12:2 tells us that Jesus is the Author and Perfecter of our faith.  That means that saving faith is not man-made, it is not created by the fortitude of human intuition, rather it is the necessary gift for salvation granted to us by the Savior (Ephesians 2:8-9).

Faith is described abundantly throughout the canon of Scripture.  Faith is not an optional component of Christianity; instead it’s the certain assurance of the greatness of God and the redemption He has brought about in our lives.  It is a fundamental part of our position in Christ.  In fact, Hebrews 11:6 says that without faith it is impossible to please the Lord.  The more we grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord (2 Peter 3:18), the stronger our faith becomes.  Faith is vital to our protection as children of God, which is precisely what the second part of Ephesians 6:16 says.  As soldiers we can take great relief in knowing that the faith we have been afforded is the defense against ALL attacks of the evil one.  In these challenging days we are in, the attacks of the evil one seem to be growing in frequency as well as effectiveness.  Fear not little flock, our mighty Lord has supplied the proper defense for His beloved. 

Thanks be to God that He shields us through faith to withstand the attacks of evil.  What a merciful, gracious, and loving God He is.  So, as the days grow seemingly more wicked, may our confidence reside in the Lord for protecting us through His providential means.  The shield of faith is one of those means that we can praise Him for furnishing us with.  I would encourage you to look up the great hymn “Faith Is Our Victory”, written in 1882 by Ira Sankey.  Written with 1 John 5:4 in mind, this wonderful masterpiece sets our minds on things above, even as we continue to fight here below.  Don’t grow weary dear soldier, for the battle is won, victory has been obtained, and faith is the battle gear our Lord has given us to achieve that end.                                                                                                          

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                                         



Stability of Peace

On what my wife would call an “all too common” occasion, my oldest son and I will wrestle in our home.  He and I have spent hundreds of hours on wrestling mats in our lives.  However, wrestling on hardwood floors greatly benefits the one who is not wearing socks.  Traction is key to wrestling success, as is the case for any form of combat or battle.  Whether it’s cowboy boots to lock stirrups in place or cleats to dig into the grass, footwear is an essential part of making a contender sturdy and sure.  So, it is no wonder that when the Apostle Paul was detailing the components of the full armor of God, the inclusion of shoes was a……..well, shoe in.  Paul specifically describes shoes being for the purpose of readiness that is brought forth from the gospel of peace.  To properly interpret this phrase, we must understand who the beneficiaries of the gospel of peace are.  A key element to a proper understanding is to be aware of the context.  Writing to the believers that were present in the church in Ephesus was Paul’s target audience.  Therefore, we can conclude that the peace that is manifest through the gospel applied to this demographic.  However, is this truth limited to this one particular group of people at this single period in time?

Romans 1:16 tells us that the gospel possesses the power of God for salvation, for ALL that will believe upon it.  To comprehend the peace that the gospel elicits, we must recognize the bondage that sin has upon an unregenerate sinner.  We read in 2 Peter 2:19 that which overcomes a person, is the very thing that enslaves them.  By the grace of God, those who hear the gospel, repent out of a contrite heart, submit themselves to the Lord, are saved from the eternal wrath of God.  In this salvatory work, inner turmoil and bondage has given way to peace, a peace like no other, one that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:6).  A child of God has nothing to fear, for the greatest fear of all has been removed by the blood of Christ.  Therefore, those who will put on the full armor of God will strap on battle ready shoes, representing the power of the gospel of peace, in a world that offers only destruction and chaos. 

Standing firm with the shoes of the gospel of peace is to properly recognize the readiness that we have been given through the provisions of God.  He is on our side, He is in our corner, He is our strength, He is the source of our endurance and perseverance, He is our reason to be bold, He is our firm foundation, losing is not part of His character, He is victorious in all that He does, so we must plant our feet with great assurance, knowing that whatever the enemy may bring to the battleground will not prevail, for our God will not be defeated and His glory will be seen through the fierce determination of His soldiers.   Conversely, those who remain as adversaries to God lack divinely given peace.  To those who are perishing, living not for the Lord but only for themselves, the gospel is foolishness (1 Corinthians 1:18), being the stench of death for the unrepentant soul (2 Corinthians 2:15-16).

Though the enemy makes every attempt to advance, may we recognize the sure footed position we have in Christ.  Dear Christian we have no need to retreat, in fact, retreating is not even an option.  We are called to put on the full armor of God, entrusting the one who has enlisted us into His army.  We fight not begrudgingly, but with thanksgiving.  And it is the peace of Christ that will rule in our hearts as we take to the battlefield (Colossians 3:15).                     


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                                          



   Imputed Victory


In medieval times when a warrior would ready himself for battle, the armor he chose to wear was vital for combat success.  Without question one of the foremost articles of protection was the breastplate.  In the 13th century chainmail was the leading choice of chest protecting material, giving way to the single solid breastplate form in the 14th century.  The breastplate served as a safeguard against the thrust of an opponent’s spear, sword and even arrows.  Protecting one’s vital organs proved to be of ongoing importance, thus the evolution of the breastplate was a natural progression.  In 1976, Richard Davis created the first all Kevlar vest, serving as the premier for bullet proof defense.  It has always been advantageous for a soldier to guard and protect themselves against any and all attacks their enemy may use to come at them.  Certainly a spiritual application can be gleaned from the battle ready soldier who would not even consider going to war without their breastplate.

In explaining the necessity of one adorning themselves with the full armor of God, first the Apostle Paul lists the belt of truth.  Like the truths contained in both the Word of God as well as in the very character of God, this central component of armor is vital to all the other pieces.  It supports the usefulness and effectiveness of the other articles.  The next part of the soldier of God’s attire is the breastplate of righteousness.  Unlike a weapon of offense, the breastplate is purposed to allow the soldier to withstand attacks from the enemy.  A bit of historical knowledge in arms and armor would provide ample evidence of the usefulness of the breastplate, but as soldiers of God we must assimilate the union of this defensive instrument in regards with righteousness.  One of the defining attributes of God, existing in the all 3 members of the Godhead, is His undeniable righteousness.  God is righteous in all His ways, echoing the word of the Psalmist in Psalm 145:17.  Furthermore, magnifying the extent of God’s grace, those who are drawn to saving faith receive the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21, Philippians 3:9, 1 Corinthians 1:30).  That is, the sinless perfection of Jesus was cast upon our lives in an incomprehensible way that allows God to look upon our lives as spotless and blameless. 

So, to put on the breastplate of righteousness is to have fearless confidence in the righteousness that we bear, for it is not our own, but it is the power of the perfect Son of God actively working in our lives to accomplish His will.  Thus, the enemy has not one weapon that could pierce through the breastplate of righteousness.  Forged by the power of God, the breastplate of righteousness is impenetrable.  Before we even get to any of the offensive weapons a soldier of God wears, may we take a moment to recognize that the enemy cannot win the battle if he cannot overcome this line of defense.  Secured by the providential protection of God, His saints are to stand firm against the attacks of the evil one.  The words of 1 Corinthians 15:57-58 should resonate within our hearts - But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.  Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.  This is no superficial pep talk or cliché sentiment.  Rather this is a reassuring promise backed by the very power of God that declares the victory that has already been granted through Jesus Christ.  Are we to be battle ready?  Of course, Scripture tells us this much.  Are we to be concerned of the outcome?  Absolutely not, because the battle is already won.   


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                

   Fashioned With Truth


As we consider what it means to put on the whole armor of God, it should come as no surprise that the first article listed is the belt of truth.  God is the very source of truth, which in turn means that each individual member of the Godhead is full of truth, being void of fallibility or error (John 14:6, John 16:13) .  Not only does truth describe God, but with inseparable union, the sum total of God’s Word is also truth (Psalm 119:160, John 17:17, John 8:31-32).  Mankind in his natural state does not accept the things of God (1 Corinthians 2:14), unable to recognize the truth in his spiritual blindness (2 Corinthians 4:4, Matthew 15:4).  Glory be to God that when He transforms a sinner’s heart and draws them to salvation, they are brought out of spiritual darkness and into the marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9).  This new life in Christ also results in the indwelling of the very Spirit of God, a necessary “helper” in our lives, allowing us to properly interpret and discern the truth, guiding us to not only uphold the truth, but rejoice in it as well.

The enemy of evil operates under deceit, with satan being described as the father of lies (John 8:44).  Even a rudimentary synopsis of attributes renders a clear distinction between the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light.  Like any good soldier, we are to know our enemy well, to best be prepared to dispel the onslaught of his attacks.  Thus, it makes logical sense that we combat false with truth, bringing light to the darkness.  The belt of truth contains the unmatched power of God, a power that our opposition does not possess (1 Chronicles 29:11).  Wearing the belt of truth is not just an accessory item to our attire; rather it is necessary to ensure our preparedness for action.  Something we must understand is that the command here in Ephesians 6 is that we put on the full armor of God.  Putting on denotes an action that each soldier must take in order to be useful for battle.  Though we understand that God is the source of truth, thus the source of the power in the belt of truth, we also have a responsibility to utilize this weapon.  How does this work?  How do we effectively put on the belt of truth?

Through the God given gift of illumination, those who have been born to a new life in Christ have the capacity to know and understand the truths of God.  The Holy Spirit is at work in our lives, aiding us in our ability to comprehend what was formerly foreign to us.  However, illumination is not just a handing over of complete knowledge and keen interpretive discernment.  A child of God must be diligent in their pursuit to know God and know what He desires in our lives.  The Bible is the very Word of God, His revelation to His people, giving us everything we need to live a life that is holy and pleasing (Romans 12:1).  We find great strength in the Holy Scriptures.  Though the truths of the Bible contain great power, the command still remains the same, we must put it on.  Putting on the belt of truth requires that we search the Scriptures, study them, meditate on their precepts (Psalm 119:15), hunger and thirst for them, devote time, energy and effort learning their principles.  Like any weapon, if we don’t know how to use it, it does us little to no good, leaving us ineffective.  Good soldiers will saturate their lives with the truths of God’s Word, knowing that it is the necessary means to properly equip them against the evil enemy.  Putting on the belt of truth is not a once and done action, rather it is a daily, volitional decision we must commit to.  The belt of truth also provides great comfort for those who will adorn it.  Unlike other articles of an outfit, this one is exclusively gifted by the maker Himself.  The belt of truth cannot be purchased or even earned with earthly merit or achievement.  Therefore those who bear this particular belt have been divinely drafted into the kingdom whose victory has been determined from eternity past. 

Though the days we are in are perhaps the darkest this world has ever seen, soldiers of God mustn’t lose heart.  May we recognize the grace of God that has fashioned us with everything we need to keep fighting the good fight (1 Timothy 6:12).  Our strength is in the Lord and the belt that He has provided is the very support that we need for the entirety of our armor.  Dear Christian we are not called to be ill equipped, but to be strong in the Lord (Ephesians 6:10) and prepared to withstand the evil day (Ephesians 6:13).  Be bold and zealous for the truth, know it, search it, and use it with confidence.  A good soldier would not go into battle without it.                                                                 

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                                         




Battle Ready  


For true followers of Christ, the value of the Word of God is completely inexpressible.  The Bible is no ordinary book, instead it is the very source of everything that we need to live a life that is holy and pleasing to our Lord (Romans 12:1).  With that said, many of us have the tendency to take things for granted from time to time, yes, even the very Word of God.  Here is how this inadvertent flaw commonly looks.  There are certain Bible passages that have been taught over and over again in just about every setting imaginable.  Perhaps you have heard the story of Noah and the Ark literally hundreds of times, or Daniel in the lion’s den.  First, let me just remark, these are wonderful stories of the faithfulness of God working through the lives of chosen men.  The repetitive use of these particular passages has resulted in somewhat careless analysis of the details and the rich and robust teachings they may yield.  Hence the reason I want to focus our attention on another very familiar passage in Scripture, so that we can spend some much needed time marinating on its truths.

Ephesians 6:10-20 contains the section in God’s Word titled “The Whole Armor of God.”  It is in this magnificent passage that we are going to spend the next several weeks looking at in greater depth.  Paul explains that as soldiers for the cause of Christ, we must stand firm in our position.  War wages on against the forces of evil and this is no small task that we have been called to, thus we must understand what it means to put on the whole armor of God.  First, we must recognize that God is the source of this armor; He is the power and the means by which we can even engage in this battle.  The reason we are in this fight is because He has brought us out of the darkness and into the marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9).  Being prepared in battle is paramount, essential to ensure a successful outcome.  Paul goes on to explain the God given armor that must be put on in order to secure victory.  The components of the Whole Armor of God, the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, shoes as the gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit.  These six components are what outfit a valiant saint for battle against the forces of evil. 

As we delve deeper into each of these critical tools the Lord has provided for us, I would encourage you to approach this with much prayer.  May we consider how faithfully we are fighting the good fight.  Is there any area we could use improvement?  If the answer is yes, and it most certainly is, then my prayer is that God would do the necessary work in our lives so that we can be more useful and productive for His kingdom, resulting in further glory to His precious name.                         

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                   



In today’s society, if you want to be heard, shout, and if you’re still not heard, shout louder.  This is precisely what the LGBTQ (the letter list is constantly being added to) has been doing, with increasing militancy.  They have taken the month of June and labeled it “Pride Month”, but their efforts haven’t stopped there.  Not satisfied with being “proud” of who they are and the sin they flaunt, they want everyone else to not only accept their lifestyle, but support it.  The uptick in television ads, radio commercials, Facebook posts, etc. reveals that this is an agenda that is being pushed with vigor.  In fact, this is a movement that is not just content with being allowed to express their thoughts and feelings, they demand you get on board, or become canceled.  For some businesses it is a death sentence to not show support during “Pride Month”.  Professional athletes get raked over the coals, threatening their livelihood, all because they refuse to support what goes against the very design of God’s creation.

My wife and I took our youngest son to the history museum in Cincinnati.  There was a massive scale model display of what Cincinnati looked like in the early 1900’s.  The attention to detail in this exhibit was quite remarkable.  However, there was one “addition” to the display that caught our eye.  Small “Pride Rainbows” had been placed all throughout the exhibit.  Obviously the museum’s attempt to keep this display as authentic to the time period being represented fell by the wayside as they kowtowed to a minority group’s sexual preference.  Why did they do this?  Most often, the answer is fear of backlash from the group with the loudest voice.  

For any one group to laud over what God has called an abomination has many of us appalled.  However, I must admit, I am quite impressed with the LGBTQ community.  This may come as a surprise to many of you, so let me clarify.  The reason I am impressed is because of their diligence and tireless efforts to push forth their agenda.  Without getting into the specifics of the agenda, because it is rather extensive, let us focus specifically on their passion and zeal.  There is no doubt the LGTBQ community shouts very loud; they will not stop until they get what they want, and they are working overtime. 

My question to you dear Christian is this, how hard are you working?  Or have we become so distracted by the seemingly successful voyage of another group, that we have forgotten what our work even is?  Lest we forget, we have a responsibility to be ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20).  Many believers have become angry and embittered with the advancements made by the LGBTQ community.  Brothers and sisters I understand your frustration, but I urge you again, do not lose sight of what you are to do.  Titus 3:2 To speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people.  Don’t get me wrong, we are to boldly proclaim the truth, while at the same time calling out sin for what it is, not ignoring it because it has become increasingly popular.  But we are to do so with Christ-like love, gentleness and with our aim to shine the light of Christ upon their darkness.  After all, truth is not very compelling when it is shouted back at those we disagree with.  We must never compromise the truth to become more palatable to the masses; this is not what God has commanded of us.  Be steadfast, immovable (1 Corinthians 15:58) in your work for the Lord, showing your love for Christ through your faithful adherence to His commands (John 14:15).  We should not be surprised that this lost, dark world loves and promotes what is dishonoring to God, for the very Word of God revealed what the last days would be like (2 Timothy 3:1-4). 

I encourage you, if you really care about the souls of those in the LGBTQ community, then you should share the life saving gospel of Jesus Christ with them whenever you get the chance.  Like all those who have sinned and separated themselves from a Holy and righteous God, repentance from a contrite heart is the prescription for one to be forgiven, to be set free.  May our frustration never get so great that we withhold this glorious truth from anyone.  Let’s not get outworked.                  


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                                         



Invaluable Reminders  


On a recent trip to Georgia, my wife and I had the opportunity to spend a day at Tybee Island.  This is a rare occasion, as it had been about 10 years since the last time we went to the beach.  During our walk along the shore, something caught my attention.  Across the canvas of sand were marks of every kind.  Some marks were in the form of footprints, some the imprint of beach chair bases, others were crooked lines created by the dragging of coolers and bags.  Then there was the massive hole that an overly ambitious youngster had dug, not far from the creative display of another’s sandcastle.  No matter what direction my gaze went, the marks and disruption of the sand was evident. 

As I pondered this seemingly menial phenomenon, my mind moved to the comparison of what was before me in light of the forgiveness of our sins.  Our sins are like blemishes upon the seashore, every mark representing a transgression made.  As I considered my own life, before the Lord drew me to salvation, the marks had become overwhelming, too many to count.  Simply put, the canvas of my life was quite ugly. 

But, in the beauty of God’s perfect design in creation, something remarkable happens on the seashore every single night.  The tide rises, sending wave after wave across the marked and marred beach.  In this brilliant event, the once tattered and scarred sand becomes smooth, a spotless masterpiece of divine intention.  Therein lies the most beautiful part of this symbolic correlation.  You see, just like the marks on the beach, no matter how many sins you have accumulated in your life, through saving faith the forgiveness of God will wash every last one of them away.  When we are drawn to repentance out of a sincere heart, complete and final forgiveness is granted by our Lord.  The Bible tells us with certainty that we are cleansed of our unrighteousness (1 John 1:9) that by the blood of Jesus we are cleansed of all sin (1 John 1:7).  Though our sins were as scarlet, the atoning work of Christ has made us white as snow and wool (Isaiah 1:18).  What a wonderful promise that we have been given, that all that come to Jesus will be forgiven, none who come will be cast out (John 6:37). 

If you have submitted your life to Jesus Christ, thank the Lord for the grace and mercy that He has bestowed upon your life.  Your sin-stained past no longer defines who you are, for you are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17), a forever child of God (John 1:12).  If you have never repented of your sins, there are no two ways about it, God’s Word declares that the wrath of God still remains upon you (John 3:36).  Only by believing upon Jesus Christ can our sins be washed away, much like the marks on the seashore.  To God be the glory, who alone can restore both sand and soul (Psalm 23:3) 


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                                           



Eternal Endowment  

The crowd was thick that day, as inquiring souls pressed upon the teacher who was revealing things that no mere man had ever done.  Oh to be face to face with the teacher they call Jesus.  Many likely contemplated what they would ask the great Rabbi if given the opportunity.  In that moment, the eagerness of one man had reached its tipping point and his voice was heard distinctly.  “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me” he charged.  There was no question posed in the man’s outburst, rather this was an expectant demand.  After expressing His disinterest with meddling in family finances, Jesus warns the man to guard against covetousness.  Perceiving the condition of the man’s heart, our Lord furthered His explanation by continuing on with a parable. 

Basking in the results of a bumper crop, the man in the story began to ruminate on the decision that lay before him.  Coming to a seemingly logical conclusion, the proud man settled on tearing down the barns he had, only to build newer, bigger ones in their place.  After completing this task the man reasoned with his very soul that he had deserved to take a break, celebrating his yield by indulging in self satisfying behavior.  However, it was during that very same moment of self absorption that God Himself interrupted the man’s boasting, calling him a fool.  The directness of the Lord’s words are followed by the error of the rich man’s ways.  The number of the man’s days had reached their end, a number that God alone decides.  Earthly riches do not divert the attention of the Lord away from the condition of one’s heart, for He is not impressed by the accumulation of things.  Instead of perceiving servanthood to the Lord as a privilege, the rich man took it upon himself to spend his time taking care of his own needs and desires.

The Holy Word of God is so very fascinating isn’t it?  This parable was used to reveal truths, both about who God is and what He desires, as well as highlighting the all too common error that is seen in the pursuits of natural man.  We must consider all the different ears that this teaching would fall upon.  Certainly the man who chimed in regarding his inheritance was taught a valuable lesson through the teachings of Christ.  The crowd who was present during the exchange was also beneficiaries of this wonderful life lesson.  Saints throughout church history, present day and those who will follow after us, all have much to glean from the importance this teaching contains.  The pursuit of acquiring earthly things has no eternal significance.  In fact, the very nature of pursuing anything besides the things of God is a dangerous and futile journey.  The question you must ask yourself is this, if your soul was required of you this very day, what value would earthly things have at that point?  The universality of this answer is one that should sober you to the core.  Death invites no riches to accompany it.  The richest individual in the world will lose that title the very moment he breathes his last breath.  Both heaven and hell have no use for earthly possessions. 

Brothers and sisters don’t miss the point of this lesson from our Savior.  He is not only all that you need, but He should also be the very One that you are pursuing.  For I am certain of this, when your soul is required of you, there will be no greater treasure to be found than this, to know Christ and to be known by Christ.                                                                                                                               

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                                         



Marvelous Light   


On Sunday mornings we have been looking intently at the reality of spiritual blindness as it pertains to our understanding of the conditions of the different characters represented in Mark 8.  We discover that it is the work of God alone that brings someone out of spiritual darkness and into the marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9).  But, what is this marvelous light?  The great theologian Charles Haddon Spurgeon wrote a wonderful piece about this marvelous light back in 1879.  I have put together sections of this writing in a condensed version. 


EVERYTHING about a true Christian is marvelous. He is a marvel to himself, and a marvel to all who are round about him. Mere professors — men-made Christians — people who have made themselves Christians by their own free will apart from the Spirit of God, have nothing marvelous about them. You can make professors of that sort by the score, and you can see them dissolve by the score, for what man made, man can unmake, and what is merely natural has its season, like the leaves on the trees; and, by-and-by, it withers away because its time to fade has come. But a true Christian is a God-made man, a twice-born man; and he is a partaker of the divine nature. He is a mass of marvels, for he is dead, and yet he is alive; he is one who lives here, and yet his life has gone away up yonder; he is one who is a citizen of earth, and yet his citizenship is in heaven. He is a true man, but he is more than a man, for God has lifted him up above the level of other men, given him a life which other men do not possess, revealed to him secrets which others do not know, and prepared for him a place into which the ungodly can never enter. The longer he looks at himself, the more he wonders at God’s grace, and at what God’s grace has done, is doing, and will yet do for him.



Out of darkness, light comes not. Out of our dark nature no marvelous light ever shone. This light came from above; but how marvelous it was! Imagine, if you can, the condition of a man who has lived all his lifetime in a coal mine. Suppose him never to have had a brighter light than his flickering candle; and then, after a while, to be brought up the shaft, and to see the brightness of the sun at mid-day. I can scarcely picture his amazement; you may fancy what it would be like, but you can hardly realize it. Or suppose a worse case still, that of one born blind, who had heard of a thing called light, but who could never imagine what it was like till a skilful oculist took away the film that was blinding him, and his eye was opened so that he could perceive the light. It would be very difficult to describe all the emotions of one who had never enjoyed the light before; but, certainly, such a person would be full of wonder and amazement. It would be, indeed, marvelous light to him.

Secondly, we perceive that it is a marvelous light WHEN WE CONSIDER ITS ORIGIN.

            Our text tells us that it is God’s light: “who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” What is God’s light? Can you imagine how that light existed before he made the sun or the moon? Light shone on this world before the sun and the moon were created, for light comes not from them except as God has stored it up in them, or continually supplies it to them. But there is always light in God. He is the great Light-Creator; yet I never read that the light which God created in the world was called his marvelous light. God made the light, but it was not his light even then. There is another light which is natural to him, — a light of brightness and knowledge, clear and heavenly, — a light such as mortal man attains not unto except as the supreme gift of the grace of God shall visit him. It is this light which rests upon the people of God. There is a light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world, but God’s marvelous light comes only to his chosen, and gladdens only those whose eyes have learned to look to Jesus, and who find their souls’ confidence and salvation in him who is the very Light of God.

Thirdly, this is marvelous light, BECAUSE OF ITS EXCELLENCE OVER ALL OTHER LIGHT

The marvelous light, is the illumination caused by the Holy Ghost shining into the inmost recesses of the soul in full meridian splendor. It is the light of God, and there is no other light that is like that. He who has but a spark of that light may not know so much about some things as the worldly-wise man knows, but he is well acquainted with many things to which the other man is an utter stranger.

Fourthly, this is marvelous light BECAUSE OF WHAT IT REVEALS, for that man, who has the light of God shining in his soul sees that which is invisible.

            This illuminated man sees God, whom ordinary human eyes can never see. He looks back into the ages past and gone, and he sees God making all the worlds that ever existed; while those, who are reckoned as wise men, but who are without that light, spin ingenious but worthless theories about how those worlds grew. These men have such wonderful theories that it really seems surprising that they do not themselves make a few worlds, since they profess to have found out so many ways of making them. But the opened eye sees “that the worlds were framed by the word of God,” and it sees God’s hand in all the histories of all the centuries, — and it even sees God’s hand in the things recorded in the newspaper that most startle us.

Fifthly, this light is marvelous, BECAUSE OF WHAT IT PRODUCES.

            Thus it produces a great change in that man, for it makes him love the things he once hated, and hate the things he once loved. I heard someone say, “‘Take care of Number One,’ is a capital rule. Self-love is the first law of nature.” But, when this marvelous light breaks in upon a man, that law of nature ceases to operate, and he says, “No; the first law of my new nature is that I should honor my God, that I should do that which is right, that which is just, that which is true, that which is loving, that which will be like the life of Jesus Christ my Lord.”

Lastly, it is marvelous light, BECAUSE IT WILL NEVER GO OUT.

As it is the light of God, the devil cannot blow it out. If all the devils in hell were to try to blow out one single spark that is in a true believer’s heart, they might puff till they died of puffing, but they would never put that spark out. God has lit it, and they cannot quench it. Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me; and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” “Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” If you do not keep this everlasting life, it is quite clear that you never had it. If you really have eternal life, it must be eternal life, and it shall abide with you forever.


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                                         





No Minor Infraction  

It was a time of great celebration, complete with music and dancing, an event that even the King took part in.  What was the cause of this jubilant commotion?  King David, accompanied by 30,000 men of Israel, went to the house of Abinadab to seize the Ark of the Covenant so they could take it to Jerusalem.  Abinadab had two sons, Uzzah and Ahio.  This family had likely grown accustomed to having the Ark at their home, something that could be said of no other family.  Both sons joined the caravan that would be tasked with getting the Ark safely to Jerusalem.  While the journey continued on, instruments rang out in praise and excitement was expressed through dancing.  This was an enthusiastic convoy to say the least. 

Suddenly, amid the ruckus, the oxen stumbled, causing the Ark to shift.  Fearing that the Ark may be in danger, Uzzah reacted abruptly, bracing the Ark with his hand.  Both 2 Samuel 6 and 1 Chronicles 13 tell of this very instance, both revealing the anger that the Lord had against Uzzah at that moment.  In fact, as we read specifically in 2 Samuel 6:7 it was God who struck down Uzzah, taking his life from him.  Just like a movie we were tracking along with quite comfortably when suddenly there is an unexpected twist that rattles our senses.  But this is no movie, it is not a fable told for effect, rather this is an event in Biblical history that we must not only understand, but heed as well.  Why did God strike down Uzzah, a seemingly innocent, well meaning man? 

God had given Moses specific instructions (Deuteronomy 13:9) pertaining to the Ark, one of those instructions is that no one was to touch it (Numbers 4:15).  It was exclusively the Levites that were given the task of transporting the Ark, which was to be done only by hoisting poles upon their shoulders (1 Chronicles 15:14-15).  So, let’s go back to the story for a moment.  David and his entourage went to transport the Ark.  But, there is a very crucial detail that we must recognize in 2 Samuel 6:3.  Here we learn that David decided to use a new cart to transport the Ark, instead of using the poles that were instructed by the Lord.  David was acting in disobedience.  Also, these were not Levite men who carried the Ark, which was another blatant deviation from God’s commands.  Lastly, Uzzah’s decision to touch the Ark was one that ran head first against the very thing God forbid.  Three times within this short account we see disobedience towards God.  It is common to be confused by what appears to be a harsh response by our Lord.  However, that confusion lies within the humanness of our hearts, revealing our deficiency to trust in the Lord and lean not on our own understanding.  Like most of us would have done, Uzzah relied on self in that fateful moment, instead of obeying God.  Uzzah was not innocent, nor was God unjust, for His command was quite clear.

How does this story apply to you and me?  This account has two major teachable elements to it that I want to focus on.  First, may we recognize that there is no justification for our disobedience.  Though it was but a momentary reaction, it was a volitional one nonetheless.  No matter what spin we try to put on it, the fact is, Uzzah did not obey God in his decision.  Some have a hard time coming to grips with this particular account, perhaps also making exceptions and attempting to justify sin in their own lives as well.  I would urge you this very day, submit yourself to the reality that disobeying God is never justified.    

The second teachable element in this story is that obedience matters greatly to God.  How can we read an account such as this and not come away with this conclusion?  God is not indifferent about disobedience, He hates it, and at times He will deal with it in severe fashion.  Don’t think for one second that just because God didn’t strike you dead when you disobeyed, like He did to Uzzah, that He is not grieved by it. 

There are many examples throughout the Holy Scriptures, some serve as examples that we should follow, some serve as examples that we are to avoid.  May we rejoice not in Uzzah’s disobedience, but that God has given us a stern warning through the events that transpired on that day.  Let us commit ourselves to obeying the Lord in all that we do, not because we are afraid that God will strike us dead, but instead because of our great love for Him.                                                                                                     

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                                         




It’s Always A Good Time To Be Obedient  

Whether knowingly or inadvertently deceived, many fall into a snare of misunderstanding when it comes to obedience to the Lord.  It is the fallacy I like to call the shelf life of obedience.  Now, hopefully the oxymoron is noticeable, but if not, I trust you will recognize it shortly.   Let me give you just a couple examples that I have witnessed over the years. 

Paul gives his younger protégé Timothy valuable instruction on how the church is to function and operate according to what is holy and pleasing to the Lord.  He says this in 1 Timothy 2:12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.  Today we have more women filling the pulpits than ever before.  Why is this?  Well that is quite simple, these individuals have disobeyed the Word of God.  Now, I realize that statement alone may be as far as some read, but if you are still with me, let me prove my claim.  The rebuttal from those who support women preaching and having authority over men in the church is always feelings and emotion driven.  Shallow attempts are made to suggest that times were different when Paul wrote this, perhaps they were dealing with a particular issue, or we have evolved as a society, therefore this passage does not apply to modern day.  Paul was most certainly dealing with a particular issue.  Women within the church were apparently speaking out, assuming roles that were not designed for them within the confines of the church structure.  Paul, an instrument for God to speak His infallible Word, was correcting this issue.  Times were different, and societally there were certainly differences from our current culture.  However, the immutability of God is seen through all persons of the Godhead, as well as His Holy Word.  God’s Word has not changed, His desire for the function of the church has not changed.  Any argument made for women usurping that authority and filling the pulpit is an argument against the very Word of God.  This has nothing to do with the worth and value of women, rather it has everything to do with obedience.  I believe one of the greatest voids in the church today is strong, discerning, qualified male leadership.  This is a travesty, one that no doubt needs to be addressed with diligence and vigor.  However tragic this scarcity may be, it is by no means an excuse to abandon what the Bible has forbidden.  God’s Word does not have a shelf life, thus our obedience does not have a shelf life. 

Another area that many have chosen to believe we need to change our thinking on is homosexuality.  The argument is made that people should be able to love whoever they want to love and the Bible is archaic on this particular issue.  Or the most off base argument of all is “Jesus never condemned homosexuality.”  This statement alone reveals the complete lack of understanding to who God is.  Jesus was not absent in creation, when man and woman were made for one another (Genesis 1:27, 1 Corinthians 11:9).  Was Jesus not there throughout the Old Testament during the numerous times we read about the sinfulness of homosexuality (Lev. 18:22, 20:13)?  Was Jesus not unified with the Father and the Holy Spirit, working through the writers of the New Testament that speaks clearly on this issue (Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, 1 Timothy 1:9-10)?  To propose that Jesus said nothing about homosexuality, making the assumption that He was indifferent, or worse yet, even supportive, is a direct assault on the deity of Christ.  The Bible is not silent on the sinfulness of homosexuality, or any sexual immorality for that matter.  Times may have changed, as they always do, but the Bible remains the same.  God’s Word does not have a shelf life, thus our obedience does not have a shelf life. 

There are countless other examples that can be made, but the point is, our obedience to God should not be determined by the world’s perception of the truth.  If we allow society to dictate the validity of God’s Word, we are looking through the lens of a secular world view.  A Biblical worldview is one that recognizes the Bible is unchanging, sufficient and authoritative, not based on public perception, rather an outpouring of the character and nature of our Lord.  We should never grow out of obedience, instead we should be continually growing into obedience.  Our constant pursuit to obey God means we must have a high view of Holy Scripture.  God’s Word does not have a shelf life, thus our obedience does not have a shelf life.                                                                  

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam    

Don’t Dis Obedience  

One of the great marks of a true follower of Jesus Christ is the presence of obedience in their lives.  Hardly a chapter can be found in Scripture that omits this important truth.  The very nature of being obedient is the recognition that there is something, better yet someone, worthy of our agreeable conformity.  Something we must come to grips with is this, if we are not obedient, then on the contrary we are most assuredly disobedient.  I realize that this statement seems quite obvious, but necessary to mention nevertheless.  The reason it demands stating is due to the gray area of indifference that many have created for themselves.  Some have proposed that while they may not be living their life by the commands of Holy Scripture, they are in no way fighting against them either.  However, it is the Word they ignore that condemns that self created comfort.  Though the entirety of the Bible stresses the need for obedience, much can be summed up by two straight forward verses.  In Matthew 12:30 Jesus explains that whoever is not with Him is against Him.  It doesn’t get much more direct than that.  Couple Matthew 12:30 with John 14:15 (If you love Me you will keep My commandments) and you have a double shot of reality.  Obedience is made manifest through a heart that is for the Lord and loves the Lord.

Disobedience is indicative of our old self, one that is slave to sin (John 8:34), not slave to God (Romans 6:22).  The Apostle Paul reminds the believing church in Ephesus of who they once were.  In verse 1 of Ephesians 2 Paul points out that they were spiritually dead, following the leadership of satan.  Then in verse 2 Paul refers to such individuals as sons of disobedience, making certain they understood the rebelliousness of this type of posture.  The long and short of it is this; obedience to God characterizes God’s children, whereas disobedience to God characterizes satan’s children (1 John 3:10). 

Even those who have been saved by the grace of God still struggle with disobedience.  Though the continual fight with our own sin nature is real, we have the power of the living and active God working through us, allowing us to be obedient for His glory.  Knowing that God desires obedience, this should be the cry of our heart in prayer, that we would do the things that are pleasing to our Lord.  Just as we read in Matthew 24:46, may we as servants also be found doing the things that are a delight to our Master.


Willing obedience with God’s glory as the motivator is worship.

Begrudging obedience with self righteous motives is legalism.


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam   




Obedience Over Obstinance  


There are many themes throughout the canon of Scripture, truths and principles that naturally rise to the surface.  One common thread throughout the Old Testament and New Testament alike is the emphasis that is placed upon obedience.  There is a multitude of ways that we can demonstrate compliance, but God’s Word makes certain that He is the authority that we operate under.  Of course, the glaringly obvious problem is that mankind is naturally disobedient.  Pridefully we rebel against doing the things that we don’t want to do.  Only by the grace of God can we live out a life of obedience, albeit not perfect adherence, but a desire to be obedient nevertheless. 

It would serve us well to consider the ways in which God has called us to be obedient.  As a prelude to this series, I would encourage you to ask yourselves a few vital questions. 

1.      What is the importance of obedience to God?

2.     Am I maintaining a posture of obedience?

3.     In what areas do I struggle with obedience?

4.     How does my view of obedience correspond to my view of God?

Over the next several weeks I will be focusing solely on the area of obedience.  My intention is that as we look at the overwhelming evidence in Scripture, pertaining to this important attribute, all doubt will be removed about our need to be diligent in our pursuit of it.  My prayer is that you and I will be stretched, strengthened, and ultimately grow in our relationship with the Lord.  I would encourage you to commit this to prayer as well. 


1 John 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments.

And his commandments are not burdensome           


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam   



Scroll down for previous Pastor's Corners

Sweet Forgiveness 


Many wonderful conversations have come about regarding last week's Pastor's Corner that addressed the Christian responsibility towards abortion.  Many reached out with a hearty amen, expressing their agreement with our unified stance.  Unapologetic as I may be in voicing what I believe is inarguably a heinous act against God, there is one thing I mustn't ever forget to leave out.  You see, while abortion is a sin and we should never call it any less than that, it is not unforgivable.  It is far easier to point out the evil of transgressions than to diligently live out a posture of forgiveness.

I had the privilege of listening to Abby Johnson speak at a Sanctity of Life event.  Abby used to work for Planned Parenthood, where many abortions were performed under her watch.  Later, she recognized the sinfulness of her actions, repented before the Lord and quit her job.  Mrs. Johnson then used her voice to speak out, being an advocate for human life, upholding the value that God has placed on His created beings.  Something that Abby said during her speech hit me like a ton of bricks, something I will never forget.  Someone had come up to her after one of her events and asked a scathing rhetorical question about her sin stained past.  “You sure have a lot to repent of don’t you?” the self righteous individual inquired.  Clearly not looking past the log in their own eye, this individual was insinuating that forgiveness could not be had by the likes of Abby.  Had she done too much wrong?  Had she gone too far?  Was she past the point of no return?

I want to make this overtly clear to anyone and everyone who will read this, God’s grace and forgiveness is greater than your sin.  There is no sin in which God will not forgive when sought with a repentant heart.  Jesus assures us in John 6:37 that all who come to Him will be welcomed, none will be cast out.  This does not mean all those who have a pretty good track record, nor does it mean all those who have not committed certain sins.  No one has a good track record and all have committed the most grievous of sins in light of the holy, righteous standards of God.  To assume that forgiveness cannot be granted to individuals who have sinned in a particular way is to reduce the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ down to a “partially successful event.” There was nothing partially successful about the atonement of Christ, it was perfect and it was complete.  It is heartbreaking to witness those who have confessed their sin to the Lord, yet still feel such deep rooted shame in their lives.  Brothers and sisters please hear me, you don’t need to carry that weight any longer, Jesus paid it ALL on the cross.  The forgiveness of Christ is final, there is no more condemnation (Romans 8:1).  There is no sin too big for Christ, He washes them all away (1 John 1:7), leaving us white as snow (Isaiah 1:18).

We need to make sure we are exhibiting Christ-like forgiveness towards others.  May we never dangle sin over one’s head, or make one feel like ongoing shame is what is required of them.  Instead let us declare the confidence that we ought to have in our Savior, who holds forgiveness from no man who asks with a sincere heart.  As Jesus modeled the perfect example of forgiveness, may we too forgive in Christ-like fashion.  May we acknowledge that the presence of God’s grace removes all guilt and shame.  You have been set free.       


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                                          


Life Lessons  


Have you ever heard the socially minded advice that “it is not polite to talk about politics?”  Some have used this mantra to avoid any potentially uncomfortable conversations.  However, there is one topic that has been labeled tabu as well as forcibly placed in the category of politics; that is the topic of abortion.  I have never been one to mince words; the middle of the fence is a loathsome position if you ask me.  Furthermore, regarding this important issue, I have found that there is no middle of the fence anyhow.  To say that one is indifferent or the all too familiar, “it depends on the situation”, is no better than outright support of this appalling act.  Brothers and sisters, my intention is to inform you that this is not a political issue.  It is not an issue of Biblical interpretation or a matter of conviction.  This is whether you believe what the Word of God says or not.  This is whether you love God or not.  I make no apology if this makes you bristle, or if this causes a certain uneasiness.  This is something the Body of Christ must be unified on, for the stakes are great. 

In Psalm 139 we read a beautiful acknowledgement of God’s attributes from the Psalmist David.  While expressing his love for the Lord, David ties both God’s all knowing nature together with His sovereign will and plan.  God’s wonderful design for life is spelled out quite clearly in verse 13-14 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works.  Was David bragging of his own magnificence?  Quite the contrary, this humble exaltation was not selfishly motivated.  David displayed reverence for the Lord alone, being the sole provider of all life.  There is no indifference to be found in this passage.  Instead what we read is affirmation to the splendor of God that is manifest through each and every life He designs.  So much needless banter has centered on when life begins, oftentimes resulting in both sides missing the mark.  Every precious life is designed by God before the foundation of the world, even determining how many hairs will adorn our heads.  God loves life; it is a unique part of His perfect design.  Therefore, it would be incredulous for us to feel any different about human life, as we are to love what God loves.  When one reduces the sanctity of life down to a mere political topic, God’s purposes are called into question.  I urge you dear Christian, if you intend on bearing that saintly name, you must reason there is no opinion to be had about life; God has established your position for you.  If you are sitting under teaching that promotes human choice over God’s design, you are being gravely deceived and the devil delights in your participation. 

It is my sincere belief that far too many Christians have been sitting on the sidelines far too long.  When God’s children stand up and fight for the things that He has declared important, His name is highly exalted.  Let us not get ignorantly persuaded by carefully constructed wording such as “women’s health”, murder by a different name is still murder.  We are to love God and love God’s people, the born and the unborn.  Find out where the nearest pregnancy care center is and see how you can get involved.  Here in Ashland Ohio the Ashland Pregnancy Care Center is a wonderful Christian organization that unashamedly shares the gospel of Jesus Christ with every client that God entrusts them with.  Through ministries such as these, men and women are being properly educated and are making the decision to choose life.  Pray for them, donate money, volunteer, find out how you can join the fight.  May we be found faithfully fighting, not complacently comfortable.                                                                                                                                                    

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                                          

One Mind?  

Unity in the Body of Christ is not only a desire of God, rather it is a command to be constantly pursued.  However, I think it is common for those within the Body to reduce unity down to mere civility.  But, the Bible offers far greater detail as to the extent of the unity God requires.  The Lord used the Apostle Paul to speak truth to this matter in 1 Corinthians 1:10  I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment.  First off, as is often the case, Paul addresses his audience as brothers.  This is a special title that does not refer to biological kinship, but instead depicts those who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ.  Then Paul states that they (believing church) should all agree, which inevitably means that there would be no division among them.  In the continuation of this verse is where initial confusion is likely to arise.  Because Paul adds that saints are to be of one mind and one judgment.

What you are probably doing at this point is thinking of other believers that you differ with on certain things, perhaps even within your own local church.  Something we need to understand is that Paul is not suggesting an eradication of individuality.  It would be an interpretive error to assume that the transcending message here is that those among the Body should be listening to the same music, enjoying the same exact foods, decorate our homes the same way, driving the same kind of car, sharing the same favorite color, ice cream flavor (clearly mint chocolate chip is the best), so on and so on.  Unity is not conformity to each and every little facet of our being.  Rather, it is coming together on the most important thing to our existence, our relationship with Christ and our adherence to His Word. 

It pains me to see division in the Body of Christ and know this, God is not pleased by it either.  Divisions have risen from some of the pettiest things imaginable, like musical instruments in the service, color of the carpets in the sanctuary, whether jewelry is allowed for women or facial hair allowed for men.  Don’t get me wrong, I strongly believe we should all strive to live our lives by what the Word of God teaches, but clearly prioritizing our focus would alleviate some of this nonsense.  What does it mean to be a people who agree, who have one mind, one judgment?  It simply means a collective Body who has been saved by the same blood, given the same instruction, working together with the same singular purpose, operating under the same Spirit to bring glory to the One Great God of the universe.  The unity of judgment pertains to those who are truly His and will not face condemnation, rather they will enjoy eternal life worshiping the Lord. 

It is when we consider the grace of God which brought the family of believers together that we realize how small some divisive issues are.  May we not be a stumbling block that causes discord; instead, may we contribute our efforts toward the God honoring goal of unity.                                                                                                                                    

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                               


What Must We Do?  


As unrest and upheaval are present in much of our world, I think it is quite natural to ask ourselves what our response ought to be.  As believers in Jesus Christ our first response should always be to find refuge in the Holy Word of God.  His Word alone is sufficient, providing us the necessary information to live a life that is glorifying Him in any and all circumstances.  Personally I find great comfort in the Epistles of the Apostle Paul.  Being no stranger to a life of rebellion and rejection of God, the Lord used Paul in a mighty way, particularly defining what true transformation is. 

Toward the end of the second letter to the church in Thessalonica, in typical Pauline fashion, he gives them a reminder followed by a charge.  In 2 Thessalonians 2:13-15 Paul starts off by reminding them that they are to always give thanks to God.  And what they are to be thankful for is the salvation that God has granted to them.  Paul notes that God had chosen them to be saved.  This is not “A” way of salvation, rather it is “the” way to salvation.  God is sovereign over all things, salvation certainly not excluded.  Paul is reminding the believers in Thessalonica to praise God for the work that He has done in their lives.  Paul then moves on to explain the method by which the Lord drew His people unto salvation.  He effectually called them through the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ.  Through the divine work of the Holy Spirit, Paul’s audience responded favorably to the gospel and were sanctified, that is, set apart and declared holy to the Lord.  This should serve as sweet reassurance to any and all that have called upon the Lord with a pure heart.  Paul makes sure that first and foremost they recall the providential work of the Lord that has them positionally sanctified in Him.  Paul understood the need to make certain they knew the source of their hope, the source of their salvation, the source of their new life.  Why?  Because it is only with a true comprehension of this vital information that the following task can be successfully performed.

Paul’s instruction is to stand firm and hold to the promises of God, which were taught to them by trusted men such as Paul.  The church in Thessalonica had their own troubles, but Paul’s instruction was to respond by standing firm in the Lord.  Many years have elapsed since that day, but the value and relevance of the charge given has not changed.  Tumultuous times have impacted every nation and tribe on the face of this earth at one time or another.  The unchanging Word of God is the timely instruction we must heed to find comfort in His plan and boldness in the face of opposition.  Standing firm means not compromising in truth, even when the truth is not popular.  Standing firm means honoring God even when it might cost you your life.  Standing firm means holding the line even if no one else does.  Though times be uncertain, our God is sure. 

So to consider what our response should be to trying times, let us find our confidence in the Lord and stand firm.  Pray for one another, be willing to help in any way that you can, but whatever you do, stand firm and do not compromise the truth.  Our strength, our worth, our life lies in the never failing arms of the Lord.  To Him be the honor and the glory forever.                                                                                                                     

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                                          




A God of All Moments  


Oftentimes when there is a discussion about the things of God, the conversation inevitably circles back around to His sovereignty.  Why does this attribute seem to be the focal point of much of our theological wrestling?  I would propose that it’s because this quality of God is one of the hardest for us to grasp in our humanness, as it is incommunicable by nature.  Thus, we continue to confront this wonderfully marvelous trait of God with our limited, finite understanding. 

I have the wonderful privilege of serving as the Dean of Students for a private Christian Academy.  Part of my responsibilities is conducting the chapel service once a week, which I thoroughly enjoy.  The students and I were studying over the sovereignty of God, which sparked some very profitable conversation.  I explained that everything that God does, every part of His creation, every facet of His design is for the purpose of His glory.  As He sovereignly rules and reigns, this is something that remains the same from eternity past to eternity future.  For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen (Romans 11:36).  What an all encompassing truth this verse reveals.  Quite simply we can conclude that God is the producer, the means and the recipient of all glory and honor.  While we may see this clear, verifiable evidence within the very Word of God, humanly we still struggle greatly with the implications. 

One student in the class offered a seemingly potential error to the sovereignty of God.  His question related to the things that we read about in Holy Scripture that don’t seem to be in God’s best interest.  Moments in Biblical history such as the fall of Satan and the tower of Babel were offered as evidence for occasions that don’t appear to be the best choice in the interest of God’s glory.  This student’s question is where we find the crux of our conundrum.  I say OUR` conundrum because there is no trouble with God, the trouble lies within each of us.  We have a tendency to proclaim the sovereignty of God with one side of our mouths while vehemently denying it with the other.  Why is this so?  Quite simply put, because we cannot see the whole picture. 

Commonly we look back at an isolated event and suggest that there could have been a number of other outcomes that would have resulted in more glory for God.  Whether in quiet contemplation or vociferous proclamation we all at one time or another challenge the very work of God.  Our rationale is that we just want what is best for God, or that’s what we are comfortable with believing.  Take heart, God wants what is best for Him as well, and that is precisely what He accomplishes each and every time.  God has the master plan, which is His plan, one that is not subject to change or alteration.  It doesn’t need to change, because it is perfect in its design to bring Him the glory that He is due.  Are we always going to understand how everything will ultimately work for His glory?  Absolutely not.  We don’t have to know how, but we must be confident that God does.  When it comes to His perfect sovereign plan (this may hurt some feelings) He does not need your insight or suggestion to achieve His purpose.  He is God and we are not.

I so appreciated the question posed by the inquisitive student, it is a question we have all mulled over.  It seems like a cop out to answer these hard questions by simply stating that they are accomplished for the greater Glory of God, but that is precisely the correct observation.  What should bring us great joy is that God has allowed us to be a part of His plan.  That in His infinite wisdom, He saw fit to glorify Himself through us.  What a wonderful, sovereign, gracious God we serve.                                                     


By His Grace And For His Glory, 
Pastor Sam     


My Thoughts Are Not Your Thoughts  


It is when we contemplate the attributes of God that we take on the task of explaining the infinite, using the finite.  This rumination is one that is incomplete by nature, as we cannot even begin to fathom the depth and breadth of God’s perfection in His character and being.  An attribute that I believe is often taken for granted is the omniscience of God.  For one to say that God is all knowing is not enough.  Because all knowing may just suggest that God simply realizes everything that exists, having a comprehension of its makeup and function.  But, this is not a fair assessment of God’s omniscience.  The best way to describe this amazing attribute of God is using His very own Word.  Psalm 147:5 Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure.  In pointing to the greatness of God, we in fact see two attributes that correspond with this greatness, omnipotence (all powerful) and omniscience (all knowing).  The last part of this verse explains quite clearly that His understanding, the knowledge and wisdom that God possesses, is beyond our ability to calculate.  What a glorious God He is.

This does not mean that we should cease in our pursuit to comprehend God to the best of our ability.  Instead it means that even the sharpest mind on earth cannot figure out the extent of God’s knowledge, for as it is written, this attribute is beyond measure.  We may proclaim that God knows everything about mankind, and while that is certainly true, it is only a fraction of the truth.  The truth is God knows everything about everything, at all times, past, present and future, in the most complete way possible.  God knows every detail.  He knows the number of hairs on your head and a sparrow does not fall outside of His knowing.  But, think about this.  Even a rock, every single rock, whether on earth or another planet, He knows everything about it.  He knows what it is composed of, how many drops of rain have fallen on it, how many more drops will fall on it, whether a bird has found rest upon it and what kind of bird it was, whether it has moved from its original placement, there is nothing God does not know about each and every rock.  At this point you may have shifted your pondering from the omniscience of God to what my point is in going on about rocks.  I implore you to stay with me a touch longer and I intend to arrive at my point.

Whether we articulate it this way or not, ALL mankind thinks rather highly of themselves.  We inadvertently place limitations that fall within the parameters of our own personal logic, reasoning and comprehension.  With that said, not only is it not possible for us to understand the enormity of God, but even if it were we would never allow ourselves to go to that length.  God is not just all knowing from an intellectual understanding, rather He is all knowing as it is intimately attached to His perfect design of all things.  As Creator and Sustainer of all things, God not only has knowledge at a molecular level, He also knows their purpose as it pertains to the sum total of His glory.  Though the rocks, the birds, the planets, they all point to the power, majesty and authority of God, there is still one facet that we have not yet considered.  Knowing all things, our sinful, wicked hearts are certainly no surprise to the Lord.  He knows we don’t have anything to offer, no merit, and no worth if we are going to be completely transparent.  Of all His creation, we are the ones who rebel against God, we are the ones who disappoint and dishonor Him greatly.  Yet, God chose to bestow His grace and mercy upon this sinful, wretched race.  He has purposed His saints to be the object of His affection, desiring that they be the means of providing His praise and glory for all eternity.  Of all His creation, He has given us exclusive rights to be called sons and daughters of the King.  He does this not because He is confused by who we are and what we have done, but He does this in spite of those deficiencies. 

It is R.C. Sproul who stated “Theology must always end in doxology.”  What this means is that when we know something to be true of God it should have a direct correlation to how we praise Him.  With that said, the more we can wrap our heads around the truth that God is omniscient and the innumerable implications that accompany such an attribute, the greater our praise for Him should be.  God knows all things.  He doesn’t learn anything new, He has no counsel but Himself, He is never taken by surprise, His knowledge, perception, and understanding is complete and perfect from eternity past to eternity future.  There is none like our God.  I would encourage you to let this truth marinate your thoughts this week.  May we recognize the wonderful omniscience of our God.                             


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam

Mold Me And Make Me This Is What I Pray   


I have come to love and appreciate the many different descriptive terms that the Bible provides.  These phrases aid in our ability to understand not only Biblical characters more clearly, but also Biblical principles.  Words such as gate, door, shepherd, lamb, vine, bridegroom, lion, bread, light, root, are just some of the words used to describe Jesus Christ.  Descriptive phrases also portray intangible things as well, like the feeling of doubt being equated to waves of the sea (James 1:6).  In 1 Corinthians 3 work done for the Lord with a proper heart motive is equated to gold, silver and precious stones, while works done with an improper heart motive are seen as wood, hay and straw.  But, there is one particular descriptive phrase that has been on my mind lately, as the implications that can be drawn from it are vast.  The reason I say descriptive phrase is because it is not isolated to one specific passage, instead it reoccurs throughout the Bible.

 It is in Isaiah 29 that we first read of this wonderful depiction of the potter and the clay, an imagery that is then seen in Jeremiah, Job, and Romans as well.  The reason I am especially fascinated with this combination of descriptions is due to the significance of the lesson within.  Simply put, God is the potter and we are the clay.  Without the potter, there would be no clay.  The dismal beginning for the clay is found in the form of a lump, useless if left to its own devices.  Many don’t like this correlation, as it reveals the incompetent nature of all mankind.  What will become of the clay is dependent upon the potter (Romans 9:21).  In fact, Isaiah 45:9 explains the preposterous idea that the clay would attempt to dictate the decisions of the potter.  The clay is subject to the potter, not the other way around. 

But, the potter knows exactly what He is doing, His skill is unrivaled.  With ease He molds and shapes each piece of clay into His desired form.  The potter is able to do what the clay cannot do on its own, make something good and pleasing.  But, there is a humbling facet to this illustration that always hits me right between the eyes.  What we mustn’t forget is that being molded and shaped is a process.  Why do I state the obvious?  Because I am afraid even on this side of redemption, we often have a tendency to position ourselves in the category of a finished product instead of a work in progress.  News flash, if you are still breathing, you are still unfinished.  What I want to encourage you with is to recognize, embrace and praise God for the process.  This life is full of tests, trials, highs, lows, opportunities and many failures along the way.  All the while, the potter is in complete control, using each and every moment to shape you one step closer to the finished product. 

So, what is this finished product?  Well, for those who have placed their faith and trust in Jesus Christ, the finished product is not only inclusion in the kingdom of God but also being a useful part of the kingdom.  The finality for the clay is that the potter will include His perfected piece in His presence forever, glorifying not just the vessel, but the potter.  So, if the Lord is working in your life, even if it be a hard lesson, don’t lose heart, the potter is ensuring the usefulness of His work.  May we never find ourselves complaining that we are but a piece of clay, rather may the Lord find us rejoicing greatly that He did not leave us as the lump we were.                                    


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                                          





Time Well Spent  


            Have you ever considered what your time is worth?  With such a large level of subjectivity to the question, is there even a correct way to answer the question?  This week I received this very question from a dear sister in the Lord.  We had a good conversation, filled with some humorous musings at the different perspectives that could be taken to answer this question.  The variances in the equation come from all directions.  A common angle to take on this inquiry is from a monetary perspective.  We equate the worth of one’s time to an hourly wage or perhaps a salary.  In 2019 an online auction was conducted with the highest bidder earning a private lunch with philanthropist and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett.  The auction ended with 28 year old Justin Sun shelling out a staggering $4.6 million for the lunch meeting.

Some have attempted to calculate Elan Musk’s (President of SpaceX & Tesla) hourly value, placing it at a mind boggling $900,000 an hour.  Arguably the best pound for pound boxer Floyd Mayweather collected $467,250 per punch thrown in a recent fight.  In a monetary sense, it would seem that an individual's time is worth whatever another individual is willing to pay for it.  However, circumstances and situations can greatly alter one’s personal assessment of another’s value.  If your home was engulfed in flames, the value placed on the time of a firefighter would increase exponentially.  If you or a loved one needed a life saving surgery, the value placed on a surgeon’s time would unquestionably increase.  Again, this is the subjective nature of appraising the worth of an individual’s time. 

What about the perspective of those who are followers of Christ?  Since value is determined by the importance that is placed upon the outcome, believers ought to have a different viewpoint right?  Saints have a unified purpose to bring honor and glory to the Lord.  God is glorified when His children share the gospel, diligently study His Word, pray, forgive others, love in a way that reflects His love, serve others, humbly submit themselves, turn from sin, etc.  Time spent living a life that is holy and pleasing to the Lord is never in vain.  In fact, time spent exalting the name of the Lord is invaluable.  This is precisely what we see in 1 Corinthians 3:10-15.  When the work we do for the Lord is done with the right heart motive, it is dearly valued by Him.  On the contrary, if that work is not done with the proper intentions, fire will reveal the futility (hay, wood, straw) of their efforts.  The point is, there is no greater thing we can do with our time than praising our Heavenly Father.  Not even a $4.6 million dollar lunch can compare to the value of giving our time fully to the glory of God. 

I pray this understanding gives you great confidence in pursuing the ministry God has entrusted you with.  We have been given the most important responsibility that has ever been given to an individual.  My prayer is that you use your time wisely, knowing that squandering time is a costly proposition.                                                                                                            

By His Grace And For His Glory,

Pastor Sam                                          



January 23, 2022



Praise The God Of Transformation   

            All throughout the history of the church, there is a word that has attached to it a sweet tone of God’s grace and mercy.  It is a word that denotes change, particularly a change of heart.  The word is ‘conversion’.  When God does the transforming heart work of regeneration, He radically changes a person at the very core of their being.  God would not save a person and leave them unchanged.  Conversion is a work of the Lord and necessary one at that.  2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.  This verse explains quite explicitly that if ANYONE is in Christ, they are only that way because God has changed them, converted them from who they once were into a new creation.  Conversion is a necessary means to a redeemed life in Christ.  One of the responsibilities of the church is to teach and preach the full counsel of God’s will as revealed through the Holy Scriptures (Acts 20:27).  God is greatly praised when conversion happens, when He draws one of His children unto salvation (John 6:44).

            Currently in the United States there is an agenda driven push to ban what is known as ‘conversion therapy’.  Simply put, conversion therapy is any attempt to change a person’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.  In Canada the C-4 bill has been passed, putting the ban of conversion therapy into law.  What this means is that if a pastor preaches anything that would suggest that there is a right and wrong in terms of gender and human sexuality, swaying a person’s view on this topic, that pastor can be held legally liable.  Here is another scenario.  If parents of a young person who is struggling with the sin of homosexuality reach out to their pastor for counseling, the result of that counseling is now being called into question from a legal standpoint.  Praise the Lord if that young one comes to understand their sin and repents and puts their faith and hope in Jesus Christ.  What is a great cause of rejoicing now comes with the threat of fines and possible imprisonment.  A pastor preaching through Genesis might find himself in hot water when he comes across Chapter 1 Verse 27, because this verse declares that God’s choosing of male and female is not subjective, rather it is objectively determined by God Himself.

So, what does this mean for churches across the United States and Canada?  Undoubtedly many church leaders will meet to discuss how to address this growing threat.  And rest assured, far too many will bend their stance to comply with the winds of change, in an attempt to maintain numbers and appeal to the masses.  This is the most appalling form of compromise, the kind that ignores the Word of God for the purpose of social compliance.  Pastors that choose to compromise in this way should be removed from their position, for God’s servants should be found faithful, not floundering (1 Corinthians 4:2).

May conversions continue and may we celebrate real God granted life change?  We pray for conversion from spiritual death to spiritual life.  Slavery to sin is what all men and women need freedom from, not just one type of sin but all sin.  May we boldly and zealously preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, a gospel of repentance, a gospel that changes lives.  Don’t hesitate or hold back because the left shouts that we must, rather, press on and keep heralding the truth because that is what the Lord has purposed you to do.  Preach conversion, teach conversion, pray for conversion.      


By His Grace And For His Glory, 
Pastor Sam                                  




January 16, 2022





            It is astonishing the amount of information that we have at our fingertips today.  Whether you need to know how to convert a unit of measurement, find out what the diet of the ancient Aztecs was, how to set up your own hydroponic garden, or what the horsepower is in a 1969 Yenko Camaro, your inquiry can be answered within a blink of an eye.  I admit this comes in quite handy when I am trying to remember who played in that 1980’s martial arts movie, you know the one, it’s…..uh….nevermind, I will just look it up.  The amount of data available is mind boggling.  But, as is often the case, with this convenient luxury comes a set of problems as well.

How can we be sure the information we are provided is good information?  For instance, if you decide to go on a diet to address those extra holiday pounds you acquired, chances are you may do some research ahead of time.  If you search the web, you will find a litany of different diets, suggestions, studies, statistics, forums, blogs, touting the best diet for you.  It doesn’t take long to realize that information overload can be confusing.  One diet may demand that intermittent fasting is the best while another diet suggests eating 7 times a day.  Who is right?  That’s the big question, one that in many cases has a great deal of subjectivity to it.

Many have become suspect of the information that has long been deemed unbiased.  Even recently some of the big players in social media have banned individuals for vocalizing their opinions, in an attempt to dictate what is accessible to the general public.  Is this an overreach?  Do you have an opinion?     

But, what about more important issues?  Where do we go for advice on life, how to approach relationships, how to parent correctly, how to cope with the loss of a loved one, how to deal with conflict in your marriage, what is the meaning of life, where will I go when I die?  Search these answers on the internet and you will get thousands of search findings and trust me, this is the route that many take.  You may be remarking under your breath that this is only true of those who are not Christians.  Sadly, many professing believers would rather click on a site than to dig into the Word of God.  However, in this confusing maze of information, there is only one source that is completely and wholly true.  The Bible is the very Word of God (John 17:17, 2 Timothy 2:15, 3:16-17), coming from His Triune existence, revealing Himself as the very core and essence of truth.  In John 14:6 we read that Jesus is the truth.  In John 16:13 we read that the Holy Spirit is the truth.  There is no subjectivity to the truth of God, rather the infallibility of His person and Word are unique to Him alone.

I am not suggesting that we abandon the internet, stop reading extra-biblical material or seeking advice from a trusted source.  But know this, Apple does not care if your marriage brings glory to the Lord.  Google is indifferent to the trial you may be going through.  Twitter isn’t going to be there to help you raise your kids in a way that honors God.  Brothers and sisters the Bible is the source of all truth, providing invaluable information on how to live a life that is holy and pleasing to the Lord.  This is where we need to be turning to, this is where we should seek counsel from; the Bible is the answer.  If you are looking in other places for life’s questions, you will be left misinformed.                                                                                            


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam  




January 2, 2022


Year End Review   


            It’s that time of year.  You know what I’m talking about.  The time of year when everyone decides what bad habit they will attempt to remedy or the goal they will vigorously pursue for the better part of a week.  Fitness centers make 80% of their annual revenue by overzealous clientele signing up for yearlong memberships; after all, their intentions are for the long haul.  Cigarette sales take an initial plunge, only to bounce back stronger than ever by the end of January.  All joking aside, why do so many New Year’s resolutions fail?  Are sights being set too high?  Are expectations unrealistic?  Frankly, the very concept is flawed by design.  The very nature of a resolution suggests that for the last 12 months things have not been going the way we know they ought to.  It is no surprise that so many resolutions fail, since change is not an easy endeavor. 

Though I do not subscribe to the concept of New Year’s resolutions, their inclusion into our society makes even the naysayers give thought to an annual assessment of their lives.  There is nothing wrong with looking back over the last year of our lives, considering the areas we need to work on; hopefully giving less thought to the areas we feel we excelled at.  As followers of Christ we should always be examining the way that we are living for the Lord, ensuring that we are pursuing lives that are holy and pleasing to Him (Romans 12:1).  Striving to grow in knowledge of God as well as seeking further sanctifying behavior and practice is a goal worth chasing after. 

So what areas of your life do you need to concentrate on to grow further in the likeness of Christ (Ephesians 4:15)?  Perhaps it is a need to be more keenly aware of sin in your life, to have a heightened sensitivity towards the things that dishonor God.  It is always of great benefit to quickly recognize when we have sinned against God, so we can repent of our sin before Him. 

Maybe prayer is the area that could use some much needed attention in your life.  I don’t believe there is a single saint that breathes that could comfortably say they pray a sufficient amount.  We could always pray more, with more passion, more zeal, more urgency and more reverence.  Will you set aside time devoted to prayer, to see that this area is not overlooked or left until the day’s end?  I am confident that both your actions and your attitude towards this process will reveal where your heart is at regarding the importance of prayer.

Maybe you recognize the need to love others in a way that reflects the love that Christ has for you.  Loving others is not an option, the Bible explicitly details the importance of this command (John 13:34).  Being diligent about loving others is a way to express our love for the Lord as well.  Loving others with a pure heart is never in vain.  The world certainly needs more examples of Christ-like love.

Perhaps you will recognize that an area that needs addressed is your lack of submission to God.  Is God the first One you turn to when there is a problem, when you are troubled or when you need guidance and wisdom?  Do you have the tendency to exhaust all resources before giving it over to God?  Does the phrase “thy will be done” make you nervous or give you great assurance? 

How about your heart toward the lost?  Does it concern you that others are lost and dying in their own sinful rebellion?  Or do you not really give that much thought?  Do you conclude that you are pleased with your relationship with the Lord but not overly bothered by others' indifference on the matter?  When is the last time that you have pleaded with a lost soul to repent and put their faith in the One True God?

Again, waiting until one particular time of year to consider these things is a silly notion.  However, undoubtedly your mind will wander to the thought of what you might do differently in the year ahead.  May I pose a suggestion?  Go before the Lord.  Ask Him to reveal the areas of your life that need to be worked on.  Thank the Lord that He is the Potter and you are merely the clay.  May God mold you and shape you in the coming year, being formed day by day more to the likeness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To God be the glory.                                                                                                                                       


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam     

December 19, 2021


 God’s Glory In The Details   


In reading the accounts of Jesus’ birth I can’t help but to be enamored with the sovereignty of God that saturates every detail of the story.  Misguided emphasis has been placed on details within the story, oftentimes at the expense of recognizing the divine redemptive plan of God.  Perhaps the most obvious perversion pertaining to the birth of Christ is the wrongful idolization of Mary.  Without a doubt Mary was a faithful woman, possessing boldness and confidence in the Lord.  However, despite popular belief, the Savior’s earthly entrance was not left up to the decision of a Nazarene woman.  God’s predetermined plan for Jesus to take on flesh and dwell among men (John 1:14) had been set into motion long before Mary’s time.  In eternity past, God had already chosen Mary to be a vital part of His plan.  Why Mary?  Well, that’s God’s business.  However, we do learn from the Holy Scriptures some important details about Mary that provide valuable insight to the glory that is revealed through the birth of Christ.

First we read that Mary is from the town of Nazareth, which is a fulfillment of prophecy (Matthew 2:23).  Though we do not see the actual name Nazareth listed in the Old Testament, we do find evidence of such a place.  Nazareth was a place of ill repute, a lowly town that had produced nothing to speak of.  This was no place for a mother of a King to reside, let alone the King Himself.  Mary was a humble young woman, likely content to live out her days as the rest of the women of the town before her had.  The perfect humility of Jesus was not compromised by His mother lacking regalness nor the menial pedigree of His hometown (Philippians 2:7). 

Another significant detail about Mary is that she was from the prophesied line of David (Isaiah 11:1).  This is a detail that was completely out of Mary’s control, but executed with precision through the sovereign plan of God.  We also know that the young Nazarene woman was a virgin, which is yet another fulfillment of prophecy (Isaiah 7:14).  This certainly made things abnormal for a betrothed woman, nevertheless God brought both the birth of Christ as well as Mary and Joseph’s marriage forward.  No other woman in history has had the same experience that Mary had.  She was visited by an angel, bringing her news that would have caused any woman to question her own sanity.  But the overwhelming peace and comfort of the Lord allowed Mary to respond favorably to the task.  Mary displayed great trust in the Lord, as well as patience, steadfastness, dedication, and zeal. 

One other detail about Mary’s life that rarely gets recognized is that she was the only one present for both Jesus' birth as well as His death.  We cannot fully comprehend what Mary must have gone through in those 33 years.  But, we do know this, the Lord used Mary in a mighty way to bring about the One who would seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10).  The One who would shed His blood for man’s sin (1 Peter 2:24). 

It would be wrong for us to idolize Mary in any way.  It would also be wrong to dismiss the wonderful attributes of God that are seen through the humble life of this faithful servant.  As we contemplate the record of Jesus’ birth, may we not overlook the details that are revealed.  Because the sovereign handiwork of God in every detail displays His glory and majesty.  In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him (1 John 4:9).                                                                                                                                  

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam  



December 5, 2021

 The Theme Of Your Life   

Whether you are listening to a lecture, watching a film or reading a book, assessing the main theme is an inevitable process we all partake in.  There are certain big ideas or principles that naturally rise to the top, catching our attention.  No difference is seen when attempting to encapsulate the definition of what it means to be a Christian.  Without hesitation or question our response should be unanimous, Love.  Throughout the halls of the canon of Scripture, love is undoubtedly the major theme.  God’s love is displayed through His sovereign will and plan, bringing redemption to His children.  The means by which God brings this redemption about is through the perfect display of love in the person of Jesus Christ.  In the ultimate expression of love, Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, suffered and died on a cross for our sins.  No greater love has there ever been or can ever be shown.  Every facet of the character and nature of our triune God contains the very essence and personification of love. 

When we consider all the many ways in which love is expressed and displayed by God, there is no greater example to be found.  In fact, every theological endeavour must be approached under the fundamental principle that everything that comes from God is love, because God is love (1 John 4:16).  Justification, substitutionary atonement, reconciliation, salvation, sanctification, perseverance, glorification, no matter what area you want to delve into, they are all saturated with the love of God.  Love is the main theme; the overtones of love are divinely extensive.

As we venture to grasp the overwhelming love of God, let us never forget the responsibility that is placed upon His children.  Those who have been reconciled to God through the gift of salvation, made possible by the blood atonement of Christ, have a responsibility to express the love of God through their lives.  In John 14:15 Jesus explains that keeping the commandments that He has given is proof of one’s love for the Lord.  This means that if one does not keep the commandments of Christ, they are proving through their actions that they really do not love Him.  There are two commandments in particular that Jesus gives that really encompass the entirety of what it means to love and follow Christ, which He explains in Matthew 22:36-40.  First, God’s children must love the Lord with all of their hearts, soul and mind.  This is a love that is made possible only by God Himself first loving us (1 John 4:19).  Loving God is the greatest commandment, Jesus makes this perfectly clear.  The second commandment, found in Matthew 22:39, is that God’s children are to love their neighbor as themselves.  What this means is that loving other people is of great importance to God, thus He places that expectation on His children.  These are two commandments that go together, not to be isolated or chosen between.  In fact, 1 John 4:20 says that no one can say they love God yet hate his brother, for they would prove themselves a liar.  Not to mention the aforementioned verse in John 14:15, which places genuine love for Christ on one’s obedience to His commandments.

The point I intend to make is that which God’s Word has already made far superior in fashion.  If we profess our love for God, claim that He has done a mighty work in our heart, then our lives should reflect His love in everything that we do.  God’s love should be the very thing that motivates our hearts, causing us to love Him as well as love His people.  Paul challenges the church in Corinth to check their motivation, because if it is not out of love, it is useless and damaging to their witness for Christ (1 Corinthians 13:1-3).  I think Paul was on to something.  I firmly believe that it would do us all good, myself included, if we give a fair assessment of the motivation of our heart.  How are you doing at loving God?  Are you loving others in a way that glorifies God?  Are you giving conscious, intentional thought to the ways in which you express the love of God through your life?  Can you confidently say that you are keeping the commandments of Christ, not begrudgingly, but gladly?  I trust if you are being honest with yourself, this gives you something to prayerfully consider and most likely something to work on as well.  May we not grow complacent with love, rather may our pursuit of loving God and loving others be the thing that brings Him great pleasure.                               

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam



November 28, 2021




Church history is a fascinating study that yields both encouragement as well as a much needed dose of reality.  Different time periods provided various challenges and difficulties for those who faithfully kept their allegiance to Christ.  Though manifested in countless ways, persecution is an inevitable mainstay throughout the ages (2 Timothy 3:12).  The blessed hope of the redeemed is the promise of our Lord, that He will bring us into His presence for all eternity.  In fact, this divine act is as good as done, for God’s promises are given with finality, His gifts are irrevocable (Romans 11:29).  These are the truths that fuel saints to endure times of hardship and suffering.  There is a particular phrase that has served as an anthem for the downtrodden, a motto for eternal focus, that is MARANATHA!

In his farewell statement to the struggling church in Corinth, the Apostle Paul uses the term Maranatha in 1 Corinthians 16:22.  Maranatha is an Aramaic word that means “come, O Lord” or “the Lord is coming.”  Why did Paul choose to leave them with this expression?  Paul, no stranger to persecution (2 Corinthians 11:25-28), fully comprehended the importance of maintaining an eternal gaze (2 Corinthians 4:18).  Paul even struggled with the strong desire to go home with the Lord versus remaining in the world to fulfill the purposes God had set before him (Philippians 1:23).  Knowing the Lord will not return one second before the time that He has established from before the foundation of the world, Paul found great comfort in uttering “Maranatha.”  Paul knew the Lord's return was certain and he longed for that glorious day. 

Without question the second coming of Christ is closer today than it was back on the days of Paul.  Was Paul mistaken about the nearness of Christ’s return?  In the very words of our Lord through the Apostle Paul, me gonoito (Greek phrase for May It Never Be, or God Forbid).  No man knows the hour or the day of the second coming of Christ (Matthew 24:36), but Scripture is clear that we are to be prepared.  As followers of Christ we are to live in expectation of His return, being ready at any and all times.  May we heed the lessons found in the parables of the 10 virgins as well as the parable of the talents.  Being ready for the return of Christ is a position that is wrought forth out of a heart that loves the Lord.  While we wait for that splendid day, let us encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ with this wonderful truth, Maranatha.  Times may get tough, this world will let you down more times than you can count, but don’t lose heart, Maranatha.  This is the promise that we cling to, Maranatha!                                                                                 


By His Grace And For His Glory, 
Pastor Sam                                          




November 21, 2021


 The Real Holiday Centerpiece   

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, many scramble to find the perfect turkey or the perfect ham, an age old battle of proteins.  For most of us, Thanksgiving is rather redundant, occupying but one spot on the calendar and coming to pass with little variance from year to year.  Even as Christians there is the cliché of proudly retorting against the norm, demanding that we are to be thankful every day.  Though there is brilliant truth in maintaining a spirit of Thanksgiving, I charge you dear Christian to not miss out on this cyclical opportunity that lies before you. 

Even if it be in the most obligatory of ways, sharing what one is thankful for is an occasion that is heartfelt by design.  Many will post their sentiment on social media, construct a list through a touching card (yes mailing cards does still exist), or conduct a well rehearsed pre-dinner speech.  So, using the platform that God has granted me, I will take a moment to divulge something that makes my heart overjoyed with thanksgiving.  I am thankful for the wonderful truth found in 1 Peter 1:3-4 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you.  What a beautiful passage that tells of the wonderful working of God in our lives, accomplishing what we could not accomplish on our own.  This passage explains that it is God who initiates rebirth, maintains our position in Christ, and declares the certainty of our eternal dwelling in His presence.  Though it seems natural to focus on the blessing received, the real source of thanksgiving is in the Giver.  Let us not bask only in our position as beneficiaries, rather allow us to place our attention on the source.  God alone is worthy of all of our praise, for His attributes, character and nature are gloriously perfect and pure.  God is a God worth celebrating. 

To say that God is the One I am thankful for seems like an easy Sunday School answer, but I challenge you to find a more suitable candidate.  We should live a life that reflects the thankfulness we have for our great God, Thanksgiving Day included.  Let us use this day to tell others about the blessed hope that we have through our Lord.  Let us seize every moment we have to proclaim His excellencies and explain the reason for our assurance.  Thanking God for our inheritance, one that is kept secure through His mighty power and authority, is worth sharing.  I urge you, don’t look at Thanksgiving as just another Hallmark holiday, the one day a year where cranberries and yams have relevance.  Instead, use this as another day to exalt the name of the Lord, singing His praises to those whom He has put in your path.  To God be the glory.                                                                  


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                                          




November 14, 2021



No Time To Cower  

It is interesting to me how different ones will attempt to define what Christian persecution is.  No doubt persecution comes in many different forms, however, it is troubling to hear the watered down versions that exist in much of the dialect today.  The Bible is blatantly transparent about not only the reality of persecution, but the certainty of it as well.  Paul explains to his young pupil Timothy that ill treatment for the cause of Christ should be expected, more yet it is required of a follower of the Savior (2 Timothy 3:12).  Paul, being a mouthpiece for God at this point in time, minces no words; you cannot live a godly life in Christ without suffering persecution. 

I must admit that the blessing of living in such a wonderful country as the United States, also comes with some troubles.  Living in such an affluent country, one that for so long has allowed freedom to worship as one sees fit, makes it difficult to properly ascertain a verse such as 2 Timothy 3:12.  It would be absurd to suggest that Americans should not appreciate these freedoms and instead desire a more persecuted way of living.  However, this also does not give license to be complacent and naive either.  Many Americans have attempted to sympathize with this verse by inserting their own life experiences as examples.  Let’s get something straight.  Someone cutting you off and stealing your parking spot in the Walmart parking lot is not Christian persecution.  The waiter/waitress being rude to you is not Christian persecution.  Chick-fil-A being closed on Sundays is not Christian persecution.  We need to stop calling inconveniences and annoyances, Christian persecution.

Religious persecution is the singling out and mistreating of a particular group based solely on their religious beliefs, or in some cases their lack of religious beliefs.  The Apostle Paul was a wonderful example of what it meant to endure hardships for the cause of Christ.  While writing to the church in Corinth, Paul states that he had been beaten with rods three times, stoned, shipwrecked, lost out at sea, in danger from every form of harm, sleepless nights, jailed, and the list goes on (2 Corinthians 11:23-28).  Many faithful men and women throughout redemptive history have given their lives for their unwavering allegiance to Christ.  Martyrs like Jan Huss, Hans Bret, Stephen, Bartholomew, John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, Catherine of Alexandria and countless others serve as examples of steadfast faith, even in the face of the most severe forms of persecution.  I am certainly not suggesting that all persecution comes in the most drastic forms, but let us not assume that they never will either. 

Over the last couple of years I have noticed an alarming trend.  With the onset of the COVID scare, bitter in-fighting with topics like critical race theory, gender identity, social justice, there has been a large-scale withdrawal from churches across the country.  Why are people leaving churches, with many renouncing faith?  Because for some, this is perhaps the closest they have come to persecution.  The very thought that things might be getting rough is the very thing that has them running for the hills.  As believers should we be worried about this mass exodus?  Well, on one hand we never want to see a person make the assessment that they don’t need the church, even more concerning, that they don’t need Christ.  But, know this, if that is the assessment they have made, they were never part of the Church in the first place.  John speaks directly to this type of behavior in 1 John 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us.  Unfortunately many have chosen to follow what they perceive to be Christianity, when really what the Bible calls for is those who will pick up their cross daily and follow Jesus Christ (Luke 9:23). 

As uncertain times lie ahead, there are also a number of things the true Church can count on as certainties.  Will persecution increase?  I believe that is a safe bet.  Will nominal Christianity and easy believism weed out those who were just along for the perceived benefits?  Though it has happened, I believe we haven’t seen the last of it.  Will we be confronted to make a defense for the faith we have?  The Bible says we should be prepared for this (1 Peter 3:15). 

I charge you to ask yourself this question.  With this information provided, does this excite you or frighten you?  You may insist that it is a combination of the two.  However, may I point you toward the source of encouragement and strength, God’s Holy Scriptures.  1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.  God will sustain and strengthen you as you pursue a life that is holy and pleasing to Him.  Finish the race well!                                                         

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                            

November 7, 2021



Who’s In Your Corner?  

The sport of boxing has been a significant part of my life for a good number of years.  What is known as the “sweet science”, boxing has been around for a quite some time, in fact it became an Olympic sport all the way back in the 7th century.  Typically boxing is viewed as an individual sport, pitting one combatant against another.  When the bell rings, the fighters take center stage, dueling it out ‘mano a mano’.  But, it is what happens between rounds where I find a wonderful life lesson. 

Every boxer has a corner team, consisting of three cornermen.  These men often go unseen, but their role is a vital one to the success of the fighter.  What is the purpose of a cornerman?  The cornermen have three primary responsibilities; these are to provide instruction, give encouragement, and address damage sustained during the round. 

There is no question that as believers in Christ, we are in a fight.  Though this fight is one of a Spiritual nature, it is a fight nonetheless (Ephesians 6:12).  Like a good fighter, it is of great benefit to be trained and prepared for the battle.  However, one very important part of the equation, that we needn’t overlook, is the value of having good people in your corner.  During the round a fighter can get pretty beat up, bruised and bloodied.  A corner team only has 60 seconds of influence and impact on the fighter.

One cornerman has the specific role of working on the damage that the fighter sustained during the round.  The “cutman” ices down areas of swelling and stops areas of bleeding.  Like boxing, ministering in a dark and dying world can be tough, offering up its share of bumps and bruises.  Through the body of Christ, God puts people in our lives who can sooth our pains, patch up our wounds and get us ready for another round. 

Another cornerman has the role of encouraging the fighter.  Sometimes a weary fighter needs to be reminded that they are capable of taking down any obstacle that stands before them.  When we have a rough round in life, a timely word of encouragement is oftentimes the very thing we need to press on.  Paul reminds the church in Thessalonica that encouraging one another should be a priority in their lives, 1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. 

The third cornerman has the responsibility of coaching the fighter, giving necessary instruction to increase the fighter’s success.  This provides the fighter with pointers on faults they may have made as well as things they could be doing to be more effective.  If we are being honest with ourselves, we all could benefit from a faithful friend sharing Biblical instruction with us from time to time.  Whatever the case may be, good Biblical instruction can be critical to our mission for Christ.

While the Apostle Paul is coaching his young protégé Timothy, he encourages him by speaking of his own battle, 2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  The question we must ponder, as we continue to fight the good fight, is who do we have in our corner?  Those who have submitted their lives to Christ have already been declared victorious, through the victory that is found in Christ Jesus (1 Corinthians 15:57, Romans 8:37).  But, in this day to day grind of life, who has God put in your life to be your cornermen?  Surrounding yourself with brothers and sisters in Christ who will be there to get you through the tough times is important.  And, know this, they will need you in their corner as well.  For me, my wife has always been in my corner.  I could not imagine fighting this fight without her and with each passing day I am thankful for His provisions through my wife.  If I could challenge you this week, it would be to let your cornermen know how much you appreciate them.  Also, don’t forget to praise God for putting the right people in your life to keep you fighting the good fight with confidence.  Until the final bell, keep swinging.                                          

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                                          



October 31, 2021

 Can I Trouble You For Some Change?   

As my eyes are drawn to the canopies of changing hues around me, these rustic reminders give forecast of what’s to come.  I’ve come to realize the most consistent thing about Ohio weather is….change.  But, there are a great many people who don’t like change, they resist it at all cost.  Some traverse southward to enjoy a climate that offers little to no change from month to month.  For the more stubborn, they rely on denial as a coping mechanism (you will notice these individuals quite easily, those who wear flip flops in mid-January).  Why is there such a resistance to change?  Is it out of comfort that many bristle at change, perhaps fear of the unknown or the unfamiliar?  Whatever be the case, this is a cause to question our own tendencies on this issue. 

For those who have been saved by the grace of God, there is an undeniable change that marks our very position in Christ.  If it had not been for change, we would still be bound by our sin, instead of enjoying the security that is found in the finished work of Christ (Romans 6:6).  Furthermore, dying to old self is the only way in which we are able to comprehend the new life that we have in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).  For God so loved us that He sought us out, doing the regenerative work within our hearts, ensuring that we would no longer be who we once were.  God does not draw individuals to repentance, only to have them remain unchanged.  Though we require change, the Lord Himself is not subject to change, for He is immutable in all His ways (James 1:17), His perfection needing no alteration.

The magnificent change that God wrought in our lives is not the end of advancement and the beginning of complacency.  Quite the contrary, we are called to be in constant change.  Our lives as children of God should find us continuously being molded and shaped into the image and likeness of Christ, through the progressive process of sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23, Philippians 1:6).  If we remain afraid of change, we just may be missing out on growing and maturing Spiritually.  So, take off your flip flops, put some boots on, enjoy the falling leaves and thank the Lord that He brings about change.                        


By His Grace And For His Glory,

Pastor Sam



October 24, 2021



Thirst Quenching Words  

One of the wonderful blessings attributed with Spiritual maturity is the increased appreciation believers have for the Word of God.  The God given gift of illumination allows His children to comprehend the deep truths of Scripture.  In my studies, through cross referencing, I came to a familiar passage, Romans 11:29  For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.  Now to some this may just look like a short sentence, only 10 words long.  However, the depth of this verse is really quite remarkable.  Through the careful study of this one verse, many wonderful implications arise, not to mention a myriad of applications.  Please allow me to just scratch the surface. 

  First off, the Apostle Paul is writing to the church in Rome, encouraging them as they stand firm in their faith.  In this verse, two things are mentioned as being of God, both gifts and the calling.  So, with that, we know that God is the source of the gifts and the calling that are mentioned in the text.  This is an encouragement, as well as a reminder of who God is, the great Provider.  Paul does not attempt to flatter the church, nor provide them with self motivation.  Instead what we see is Paul using the promises of God as the one and only source of encouragement.  Contextually speaking, Paul is using the steadfastness of God towards Israel to serve as a transcending principle that applies to all His children. 

First are the gifts of God.  Well, simply put, the gifts of God are vast.  Keeping with the context, in reference to God’s gifts that are seen to His people Israel, we recognize grace, mercy, forgiveness, faithfulness, provision, protection, love, guidance, assurance, peace as just some of the gifts God alone provides.  This truth transcends to all those who call upon the name of the Lord for salvation, meaning all believers are partakers of these wonderful gifts of God, and frankly many more.   

Next we read the phrase “the calling” of God.  What is the calling?  This calling is known as the effectual call of God, whereby He brings sinners to repentance.  The Greek word for calling in Romans 11:29 is ‘klēsis’ which means a divine invitation.  This word is not to be confused with an instruction of God, or a verbal utterance, for that Greek word is ‘phōneō’, as seen in Luke 23:46.  What Paul is describing is the sovereign calling of God, a calling whereby God draws His children to Himself for salvation (John 6:44).  From a grammatical standpoint, we know that this is a very particular calling, since Paul uses the singular form and not the plural.  If Paul had been referring to many verbal utterances, He would have used the phrase “the callings of God.”  Not to mention the phrase “the calling” is accompanied by the gifts of God, narrowing down the exclusiveness of who could receive such things.

Finally we read that both the gifts of God as well as the calling of God are irrevocable.  The word irrevocable means this decision by God is one that is not able to be changed or reversed.  The beauty of this word is it solidifies the fact that when God draws a sinner to repentance, does the work of regeneration, lavishes His grace upon them with Godly gifts, He will never ever go back on that.  It is not in God’s character to change, in fact the opposite is true, He is immutable.  From these 10 words we find assurance of eternal security, power and authority in the actions of the Lord, and wonderful promises that should leave us in awe at His majesty.  These are words that should give us great confidence in who we are in Christ, not based on personal merit, but in the faithfulness of God.  Again, this is simply scratching the surface of this wonderful verse. 

I pray that as you approach the Holy Scriptures that you are encouraged to dig deep, recognizing the power of God that is provided within.  May your passion and desire for God’s Word increase with each new day (Psalm 119:15).      


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam          




October 17, 2021


Truth Be Told  


A man is as good as his word!  All throughout history a great deal of value has been placed on upholding one’s word and exhibiting honesty.  Likely you have taken part in your share of pinky swears, spit handshakes, or perhaps even uttered the ever binding idiom “cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye.”  Though childish and outlandishly absurd, how did a phrase like this even find inception?  Why is there such a need to ensure one’s truthfulness?  Phrases like “To be completely honest” or “If I am being honest” are all too common.  The reason that so many persuasive words have been attached to personal honesty is because by nature mankind is simply not honest.  We have no reason to be trusted, therefore we go to great lengths to convince others of our sincerity.  To be more specific, the unregenerate heart is by definition “deceitful” (Jeremiah 17:9).  Human propensity is toward deceit and deception.   

However, God is not only trustworthy, He is the very essence of truth.  John 17:17 tells us that God’s Word is truth, while John 14:6 explains that Jesus Christ is the truth.  Unequivocally God is the source of all truth and in Him there is no deceit found.  For those of us who have called upon the name of the Lord for salvation, we have a responsibility to not only know the truth (John 8:32), but also to be of the truth (1 John 3:19), as well as uphold the truth (1 Timothy 3:15).  Apart from Christ, there is no truth.   

We need to encourage one another to remain steadfast in the truth and not get so caught up in the “world of information”.  When we have questions, the tendency is to Google our inquiry.  This digital information age can be very helpful, but it can also create dependency on the wrong thing, as well as the inadvertent lowering of our discerning guard.  In 1985 John Fogerty wrote the song “Because I Saw It On T.V.”, mocking the blind belief that so many had placed on the information that television was providing.  We have come a long way since 1985, though in many senses it seems like we have drifted backwards from that time.  Nevertheless, disseminating information has only increased, making our responsibility to uphold the truth that much more critical.

We have the living and active Word of God (Hebrews 4:12) that serves as a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path (Psalm 119:105).  Absolute truth is not found in a website, news channel, politician or social club.  Truth is found and truth is sourced in the One True God.  Brothers and sisters I pray that you are encouraged to stand firm on the unwavering, unchanging Word of God.  It is relevant, it is sufficient, it is the very instruction that we need to live out a life that is holy and pleasing to the Lord.  In a world of darkness and deceit, may we cling ever so tightly to the God of all truth, shining like a bright beacon of light.                                             

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                                


October 10, 2021


 For What It’s WORTH  

Perhaps one of the most disheartening things to witness a child of God go through is feelings of low worth.  On the other hand this condition is one that brings great delight to the ears of the evil one.  Now, there are plenty of preachers and orators out there who will tickle ears, using motivational persuasion to convince their hearers that they are wonderful and special individuals, in fact 2 Timothy 4:3 warns against this very thing.  Unfortunately this type of emotionally charged cheerleading completely misses the mark in terms of where our worth lies.  Make no mistake, a universal truth among the body of Christ is that our worth and value are found in Him and Him alone.  This should never be a cause for offense, rather it should be the source of great rejoicing. 

Too many times I have heard brothers and sisters profess they feel as though they have nothing to offer.  Therein lies the problem, feelings getting in the way of truth.  Because the truth is that God’s children have a tremendous amount to offer.  This value is not in merit or personal achievement, rather it’s in the living and active God working in and through our lives.  The Bible says that we are God’s workmanship, created to do good works for Him (Ephesians 2:10).  2 Corinthians 5:20 says that we are ambassadors for Christ, making us representatives of the Messiah and King.  The very fact that He calls us His children (John 1:12) means that we are heirs to the heavenly throne (Romans 8:17), receiving an eternal inheritance (1 Peter 1:3-4) from our Father.  We (the church) are called the bride of Christ, the object of His affection.  Though we are undeserving of such titles, the Lord magnificently empowers us to do far more than we could ever comprehend.  We are strong because we find our strength in the Lord (Psalm 46:1).  We are wise because the Lord has enlightened our minds and our hearts (Ephesians 1:8).  We are made anew through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).  The dark world we live in is illuminated by the light that we shine for Christ (Matthew 5:14-16).  So, it pains me when I hear a brother or sister say that they have nothing to offer.  We are worthy ONLY because God has made us worthy. 

Not only do we simply possess worth and value through our Heavenly Father, but we have also been given a monumental responsibility.  As children of God we are given the privilege and responsibility to share the most important news imaginable.  In God’s perfect design He chose us to be the instruments by which the good news, the gospel of Jesus Christ would be proclaimed and advanced to the lost and dying world.  Sharing the gospel is not just for a cast of religious elite, or those with seminary degrees.  Spreading the good news is a responsibility that is given to ALL of God’s children (Acts 1:8).  We are worthy because the One we serve is worthy.  Not only our value, but our very identity is found in the Lord. 

My prayer is that you cling to the wonderful truths of God, even when feelings and emotions would suggest otherwise.  If given the chance, this world will beat you up, toss you around and spit you right back out.  Do not give the devil that foothold.  You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 134:19) in the precious image of God (Genesis 1:27) to do great works for the glory of His mighty name.  Our worth is a reflection of His goodness and grace.  May we not squander our time in self doubt, rather let us rejoice with confidence in our Lord.                                                                     

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                                



October 3, 2021


 Capable to be Incapable  


Undoubtedly followers of Christ are to continue to grow in knowledge and understanding of who Christ is (2 Peter 3:18).  The ongoing diligent study of His character, nature and attributes is of great value, but more importantly, He is glorified through our efforts.  Commonly through the depth and breadth of these studies, differing conclusions arise among individuals.  One topic pertaining to the character of Jesus that has been a cause of debate is the peccability of Christ.  The word peccable comes from the Latin verb ‘peccare’ which means to make a mistake or a moral infraction.  Impeccable comes from the Latin verb ‘impeccabilis’ which means blameless or immaculate.  The debate does not surround whether Jesus Christ committed any sin or not, for this is an issue quickly solved through Scripture (1 Peter 2:22, Hebrews 4:15, 2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 John 3:5).  Jesus never sinned, there was no fault found in Him, He was the spotless lamb without blemish (1 Peter 1:19). 

The real question that fuels the dividing line between peccability and impeccability is whether Jesus is capable of sinning.  Those who believe that Christ is peccable, capable of sinning, rely heavily on the account of Jesus being tempted in the wilderness by satan.  However, the presence of a tempter and the act of being tempted, does not conclusively determine the peccability of Jesus.  If you were approached by someone who tried to entice you to eat cold fish sticks, you would likely not even give it consideration.  Though there was a tempter present, as well as a potential source of temptation, your complete lack of interest in the temptation did not make you give in or falter.  In the same way Jesus was tempted by satan, but He never gave in to the temptation, He remained in complete control.  So, to use this account as a means to prove that Jesus is capable of sinning is inconclusive as well as unreasonable.  Another dangerous implication with making the claim that Jesus is capable of sinning is this would mean that God the Father and the Holy Spirit are also capable of sinning.  Since there is cohesiveness between the three persons of the Godhead, there is also perfect equality in terms of each One's character and nature as well.  The Bible is saturated with phrases like holy (1 Samuel 2:2), righteous (Psalm 145:17), sovereign (1 Chronicles 29:11), and perfect (Matthew 5:48), describing the character and nature of God.  Since God the Father is described in these ways, so must the Son and the Holy Spirit.  The assessment that Jesus is peccable (capable of sinning) is not supported by Scripture. 

Many have misinterpreted that Jesus Christ was half man and half God, a mistake that greatly diminishes the deity of Christ.  Jesus was fully man (100%) while also remaining fully God (100%) (John 1:14, Colossians 2:9).  Jesus never possessed a sinful nature, therefore He also did not possess the capability of sinning.  To make the proclamation that at one time Jesus had the capability of sinning is to completely call into question His deity.  This would more than insinuate that the character and nature of Christ is one that is developing and growing, an assault to the immutability of our Lord.  Hebrews 13:8 tells us that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, He does not change.  So if Christ is not able to sin now, which He is not, then He wouldn’t have been able to sin at any point in time.

Though God’s children certainly are not impeccable, we do have the perfect example in Jesus Christ, who not only knew no sin, but the capability of sin is not found in Him.  Without question the Bible teaches the impeccability of Christ.  Jesus Christ is perfect in every way. He is holy, righteous, sovereign, gracious, as well as impeccable.  Let this be another wonderful reason to praise the Lord for who He is, perfect in all His ways.                                                                       


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                                 


September 26, 2021

Soli Deo Gloria  


As we reminisce of the importance of the Protestant Reformation on church history, we must consider the cause behind the charge.  What was the point in addressing the faults of the Roman Catholic Church?  Why go to such great lengths to prove a proper interpretation of God’s Word?  Countless numbers of men and women were barbarically murdered for their bold stance against the tyranny of the Roman Catholic Church.  Did they give their lives in vain?  The undeniable drive and purpose behind this movement was Soli Deo Gloria (To The Glory Of God Alone).

Over the course of the last four weeks we have looked at some of the major fundamental truths that God’s Word reveals.  The Latin phrases that describe these truths were popular during the Reformation and are still of great value today as well.  Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone), Sola Fide (Faith Alone), Sola Gratia (Grace Alone), and Solo Christo (Christ Alone) all support this final truth, Soli Deo Gloria (To The Glory Of God Alone).  Why were many martyred for their faith?  Because they knew that standing firm in their faith was worth giving their life for.  They knew that God’s glory was far more important than their carnal, temporal lives.  After all, the glory of God is what the Christian life is all about. 

As born again saints of the Lord Most High, we have a unified purpose to glorify God in all that we do.  Bringing honor to God can only be accomplished through a changed heart, a heart that has been transformed to desire the things of God.  If the motive and intention of the heart is not fixed on pleasing and serving the Lord, then no matter what we do, that work would be in vain.  God’s glory should be the singular agenda behind everything His children do.  Sola Scriptura is where we honor God through a high view of His Word (Matthew 4:4).  As we study Scripture we know and understand who God is and what He desires in our lives.  This knowledge is not to achieve intellectual prowess, rather it is for the purpose of exalting His name and living a life that is holy and pleasing to our Lord.  Sola Fide is recognizing that we are saved by faith, a faith that finds it’s authorship in Jesus Christ and not in the fortitude of man (Hebrews 12:2).  This acknowledgement is one that properly gives God the glory for providing for us what He alone can provide.  Sola Gratia is the awareness that without the grace of God, we would never be able to bring Him glory.  God’s grace is the means by which all praise and glory is given unto Him.  Without the grace of God it would be impossible to love, honor, serve and worship His Holy name (2 Corinthians 12:9).  Solo Christo professes the truth that Jesus Christ alone justifies sinners.  The atoning blood of Christ is the only means by which man can be reconciled to God (2 Corinthians 5:18-19).  Acts 4:12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.

Being made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), we were fashioned for the purpose of bringing honor and glory to God.  Soli Deo Gloria is the culmination of the other four solas, the reason for all things.  We have the responsibility to glorify God in all things.  Why are we to love others, placing their needs above our own (1 John 4:7-10)?  To glorify God.  Why are we to be diligent in prayer, making our requests known to God (Philippians 4:6)?  To glorify Him.  Why are we to be zealous about pleasing Him (1 Thessalonians 2:4)?  Because it glorifies the Lord.  1 Corinthians 10:31  So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.  Whether you are grocery shopping, working, playing golf, spending time with your family, mowing the lawn, paying bills, whatever you do, ALL things should be done for the glory of God.  May we live our lives in a way that reflects the glory of God, a life that has been bought by the precious blood of Christ.  Like so many of the great Reformers may we be increasingly passionate about exalting Your Holy name.  SOLI DEO GLORIA![                                                                                                                                                         

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                                



September 19, 2021


Solo Christo  

The Protestant Reformation was a monumental time for the true Church to stand firm against the false teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.  At a quick glance it could appear that there really wasn’t a great deal of difference between the two camps in terms of doctrine and theology.  However, there are crucial details that we must be aware of, details that make significant implications to the whole.  The most prominent issue in the Reformation was by what means an individual is justified.  The Roman Catholic Church held that Jesus was the divine Son of God, that He was born of the virgin, Mary, lived a perfect life, suffered and died an atoning death on the cross for sin, and was subsequently resurrected.  So what exactly was the issue?

Solo Christo is the Latin phrase meaning “Christ Alone”, and this is the precise root of contention that arose during the Reformation.  Roman Catholicism held to the belief that justification was not solely a work of Jesus Christ.  The ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church that met during this period of time (1545-1563) was called the Council of Trent.  The response that came out of the Council of Trent during the Reformation was that man’s justification was a combination of Jesus and the sacraments.  Though there are seven sacraments that the Catholic Church holds, two are specifically focused on the justification of the sinner.  The council held that water baptism was necessary to receive God’s justifying grace.  Then if a “mortal sin” was committed, withdrawing God’s grace, there was a second sacrament that must be made to right the wrong that was committed.  Penance was the secondary sacrament they believed would reconcile man back to God through confessing the unrighteous deeds before the priest.  It is this grievous perversion of the fullness of Christ’s atoning work that fueled the Reformation. 

The Bible teaches that God justifies a person through the finished work of Christ on the cross (Romans 5:1-2).  We are not justified by works or by merit, rather we are justified through the righteousness that is found in Christ alone (1 Corinthians 6:11).  It is only through the means of Christ that God can look at a forgiven sinner as holy, righteous, spotless and blameless (Colossians 1:22).  Imputed righteousness is the term used to describe this process.  Imputed literally means to ascribe something to someone else, in this case it is the righteousness and perfection of Christ being ascribed to all of God’s children.  Paul explains in Romans 3:20-22 that man cannot be justified by his own means, but God, in His goodness and mercy chooses to view us as righteous on the account of Christ’s righteousness.  Again in 2 Corinthians 5:21 Paul states that it is the perfection of Christ that makes possible the believers righteous status.  The imputed righteousness of Christ is final, it is not temporary.  The Catholic Church held the position that man needed a mediator between God and man; unfortunately their folly was selecting another equally fallible man.  But, the Bible teaches that Christ Alone is our Mediator, the only One sufficient to reconcile us to God (1 Timothy 2:5). 

There is no Christianity without Christ.  May we find great comfort in the finished work of Christ, doing for us what we could not and would not do ourselves.  Like the great Reformers may we stand firm on the foundation of Christ Alone (1 Corinthians 3:11), for all other ground is sinking sand (Matthew 7:26).  SOLO CHRISTO!                                                                                                                                                        

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                                

September 12, 2021


Sola Gratia  

Perhaps the clearest passage in Scripture that defines the source of our salvation is Ephesians 2:8-9   For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.  Though echoed throughout the halls of Scripture, it is in these two verses we read that without the grace of God, salvation would not be possible.  During the Protestant Reformation, Sola Gratia (Grace Alone) was the Biblical rebuttal to the grievous error of the semi-Pelagianism that the Roman Catholic Church had adopted, which supposed that man had an important co-working role with God in the accomplishment of salvation.  However, the Bible teaches with certainty that God saves man not because of man’s willingness to assist God in the process; rather God saves man in spite of man’s rebellion and resistance.  John 6:44 No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day.  The Greek word for draws is ‘helkō’, which literally means to drag.  The imagery of God having to drag sinful man to confession and repentance is supported by Romans 3:10-12  as it is written “None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God.  All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one.”  Throughout history, and still alive and well today, man has undermined the grace of God with prideful tendencies to share in the works that are exclusively God’s.  But, as Ephesians 2 states, it is not a work of man; instead it is a gift of God.

The very definition of grace is getting what one does not deserve, it is unmerited favor.  It is incumbent upon us to recognize the countless ways that God bestows His grace on sinful man.  Anything that can be characterized as good is a result of the grace of God.  Grace is the only thing that keeps mankind from being immediately cast into the eternal fire of hell as a result of his sinful nature.  It is by grace alone that God made man in His image (Genesis 1:27), as the object of His affection (1 John 4:9), for the purpose of His glory (Isaiah 43:7).  Grace alone is the source of God sending His only Son to be the proprietary sacrifice for sin (John 3:16, 1 John 4:10).  By grace, God draws us to Himself (John 6:44), initiating within us what we could not do without Him.  By grace we are made known of the personal sin which separates us from the Holy, Righteous God of the heavens and the earth (Isaiah 59:2, 1 John 1:9).  By grace we have the ability to be reconciled to God (2 Corinthians 5:18).  By grace we are saved (Ephesians 2:8-9), whereby we receive the Holy Spirit to guide and aid us in a life lived out for the glory of God (Acts 2:38).  By grace we bear God-honoring fruit, evidence of the genuineness of our salvation (John 15:16).  Grace alone is what keeps us secured in Christ for eternity (John 6:37).  And by grace, those who have been saved will partake in the worship of the Lord for all eternity (Revelation 5:11-12).

From cover to cover, the Bible reveals the undeniable grace of God in all things.  On earth we will never fully know or comprehend the magnitude and fullness of the grace of God.  We should be thankful for the valiant men of the Reformation who refused to compromise or go along with the gross deviations that characterized the Roman Catholic Church.  May we find ourselves praising the Lord with ever increasing fervor, as we recognize the grace He has lavished upon us, for our very existence as God’s children is a result of His amazing grace.  SOLA GRATIA!                  

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam 

September 5, 2021

 Sola Fide   

During the Protestant Reformation true biblical Christianity was being rediscovered by faithful men who fought tooth and nail to break through the heretical rubble that had built up as a result of a Roman Catholic stronghold.  God emboldened different individuals who would stand firm on the Word of God as the source of all truth and wisdom, thus Sola Scriptura was a key, non-negotiable principle to Christianity.  It is within the confines of the God-breathed Scriptures that the source and function of faith is revealed.  However, it would be this lucid truth that would be the source of great contention.  Specifically in terms of justification, the means by which man is reconciled to God, differing views existed, and frankly still exist today.  Thankfully, God’s Word is not vague regarding justification.  The Apostle Paul leaves no room for confusion in Romans 3:21-26, explaining that justification is a gift by the grace of God, and that the propitiatory sacrifice of Christ is received by faith.  Therefore, faith is a requirement to salvation.  We see further evidence of this in Ephesians 2:8-9 which explicitly cites faith as the means God uses to redeem His children.

Although this passage in Ephesians emphasizes the critical nature of faith in salvation, the reader is also confronted with the reality that salvation is completely a work of the Lord.  So, what does this mean about the nature of saving faith?  This is where another distinction must be made and that is the difference between faith and saving faith.  Everyone has faith, whether it be in evolution, the government, faith in self, faith in a sports team, you name it.  This type of “general” faith is a combination of inkling and wishful thinking.  On the contrary, saving faith is not only sure, but it is not subjective either.  General faith is dependent on the individual, whereas saving faith is dependent on the Lord.  Hebrews 12:2 tells us that Jesus is the founder (author) and perfecter of our faith.  In order for saving faith to be final, sure and complete, it needed to be a work of God.  It only makes sense that the very faith that is necessary to reconcile sinful mankind to Holy God, is given by the Creator as a gift to those whom He calls His children (John 1:12).  The Bible says it is impossible to please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6).  God receives honor and praise when His image bearing worshippers live by the faith He has granted to them (Romans 8:29).

Sola Fide means by faith alone.  This is really what separates Christianity from all other religions, but it is what separates the true gospel of Jesus Christ from all other false gospels.  Particularly concerning the Reformation, Roman Catholicism was entrenched in man made traditions and rituals.  When traditions carry the same weight as the Word of God, or in some cases more weight, theology becomes greatly perverted.  Catholicism has long operated under the belief that man is justified by faith as well as works.  Inevitably when one of those elements is viewed as tangible (works) and one intangible (faith), the former becomes the area of overwhelming focus.   

Any gospel that is taught whereby faith is not the sole means which man is justified by, is a false gospel.  Galatians 1:9 As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.  Sinful man is justified by God-given, God-sustained faith in the propitiatory sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sin.  This is not simply the gospel of the Reformation; it is the one true gospel of Jesus Christ, echoed throughout the entirety of Scripture.  May we recognize the importance of these truths and praise God for accomplishing in us what He alone can.  SOLA FIDE!                                                                                                                   

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam




August 29, 2021 


Sola Scriptura 


Though instrumental in the Protestant Reformation, the importance of the five solas is certainly not limited to that time.  These are five biblical truths that are vital to a proper theology.  Sola Scriptura is the Latin phrase that means “Scripture Alone.”  Although tantamount in importance, this particular sola has significant impacts on each of the other four.  Scripture is quite literally the Word of God, His divine message to His creation, given by the precise means of His choosing (2 Timothy 3:16).  The Bible carries with it descriptions that can be said of no other writing, no other author, and no other message.  God’s Word is inerrant, infallible, authoritative, completely sufficient, and the essential sustenance we need for life (2 Peter 1:20-21, John 17:17 Matthew 4:4). 

During the Reformation the very Word of God was taking a back seat to Roman Catholic tradition, choosing the laws and rituals of man over the clear commands of God.  The Lord used bold men to call attention to this atrocity, demanding that men and women devote themselves to the unchanging, unfailing Word of God, repenting of their former ignorance.  This was a pivotal time in church history, as many renewed their commitment to Scripture or aligned themselves for the very first time. 

500 years have passed since the Reformation, yet the same issues persist today.  To many, the Bible means nothing more than a book full of fables and myths.  For the most part, even the reverence and respect for the Bible among the general public is but a memory.  Those who live their lives by it, who take it as absolute truth, are considered narrow-minded and fanatical.  The Bible has been taken out of the schools, in some cases administrations have demanded it not be brought in by any students.  My family and I were recently at a hotel, surprised to see that the nightstands did not contain a copy of the Bible, as they had in the past.  Even in the evangelical world, many professing Christians and churches pick and choose what parts of Scripture they want to use and disregard the rest, making for themselves a smorgasbord of self-defined truth.  Believing in part of the Bible is akin to denying it entirely.  It is either the Word of God or it is not.

For true, biblical Christianity, the precious Word of God is non-negotiable, as it is the gift that God has given to His people.  Through the holy words of Scripture we are able to know who God is and what He desires in our lives.  What we know about Jesus, His teachings, His death, atonement, resurrection, ascension, the need we have as fallen man to repent and submit our lives to Christ, God providing the Holy Spirit as a seal and helper to guide our lives in a way that honors Him, and the glorious promise of eternal life for those who have placed their faith and trust in the Lord alone, all this is found in the blessed Scriptures.  One cannot love God, love Jesus, yet be indifferent about the Bible.  The importance of Scripture cannot be overstated, it is the sweet honey that every child of God should crave above all else (Psalm 119:103). 

Sola Scriptura focuses on the unique qualities that are exclusive to the Word of God alone.  By His power and authority God has preserved His very own Word, so that we can be confident that it is all that we need in order to live a godly life in Christ Jesus.  Extra-biblical texts can be of great value, but Scripture alone has the power to impact the very heart of man (Hebrews 4:12).  In the face of Roman Catholic fallacy, the great Reformers stood firm on the principle of Sola Scriptura, Scripture Alone.  May we search within ourselves to determine what our view of Scripture is.  If our view be anything less than amazement at Its supreme authority and sufficiency coupled with a ravenous desire to adhere our very lives to It, then may we fall to our knees in repentance, imploring God to forgive us for our unbelief.  Like the valiant Reformers, may we have an increasingly reverent attitude toward the unchanging, unfailing Word of God.  Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.               


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam   




August 22, 2021

 Unchanging Truths  


When we ponder the significant events throughout church history, there is no question that the Protestant reformation sticks out as a monumental one.  It was in the early 1500’s that Roman Catholicism had reached its heretical peak, dominating Europe and regions far beyond.  In 1517 the former Catholic monk Martin Luther, having searched the Scriptures to discover the real truth of God’s Word, decided to take action.  To address the blatant disregard the Roman Catholic regime had for the Word of God, Luther constructed the 95 Theses, detailing these deviations.  On October 31, Luther nailed his theses to the doors of the Castle Church in Wittenberg Germany, a prestigious Catholic Church in the area. 

Many events would transpire during the reformation, but what was forced to be reckoned with was, what was the basis of one’s theology.  A bright light was shown on the man-made traditions of Roman Catholicism, traditions that ignored the explicit teachings of the Bible.  Therefore, proper theology had to be established, a theology that was based on Scripture and not the other way around.  A series of distinctions were made that separated the belief system of the Reformers and that of Roman Catholicism.  These 5 core beliefs of the Reformers are beliefs that we should be well aware of today, as they are fundamental to true biblical Christianity.  These core beliefs are called the 5 solas.  These 5 Latin phrases stand as a beacon of truth, extracted straight from God’s Holy Word.  The word sola in Latin means “only”, being seen interchangeably in these phrases as the word “alone”.  They are as follows:

1.     Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone)

2.     Sola Fide (Faith Alone)

3.     Sola Gratia (Grace Alone)

4.     Sola Christo (Christ Alone)

5.     Soli Deo Gloria (To The Glory Of God Alone) 

I believe it is of great importance that we know and understand what each of these phrases mean, as they are vital to a proper theology.  Over the next 5 weeks we will be looking at each of the solas, breaking down the meaning, implications and proving the necessity of their inclusion into an accurate theological position.  Through this series my prayer is that we will not only remember the importance of knowing a little bit about church history, but more importantly that God would be glorified through our examination of the 5 solas, as His glory is clearly seen through each one.                                                                                             

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam



August 15, 2021


 Prone to What?  


Everyone has their own preference when it comes to style of music, even if it is within the same genre of music.  I have always favored hymns and older Christian songs, as they generally have lyrics that are pulled right from the very Word of God.  This is not an attempt to attack or criticize modern music, although I certainly have legitimate concern with what passes as “music” today.  Anyways, I digress.  One song in particular that I thoroughly enjoy is, “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.”  This wonderful song was written in 1758 by the 22-year-old Robert Robinson who lived in Swaffham UK.  Though this song has become quite popular, there are those who bristle at a very particular couple of lines.

The song speaks of the great need for Christ and the comfort that is found within His sovereign grace and mercy.  But it is toward the end of this lovely song that some take issue with.  The words are as follows “Prone to wander Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love.”  In a song that highlights the wonderful provisional care of the Lord, even in seeking out lost individuals, why then would it conclude in such a way?  Are we to assume the writer was not mature in His faith?  Did he question his salvation?  I would argue it is really quite the contrary.  It is because of the maturity of faith the writer can articulate the struggle that all believers face.  What we are really dealing with in this line of the song is the natural tendency of all mankind.  By nature we are wanderers. 

In fact the song even alludes to the fact that mankind does not naturally follow after God with this line, “Jesus sought me when a stranger, wandering from the fold of God.”  Scripture is transparent as to the natural heart of mankind (Jeremiah 17:9, Ezekiel 36:26, Mark 7:21-23), one that is incapable of seeking God (Psalm 14:2-3), let alone holding fast to the Lord forever.  Our allegiance to Christ is only accomplished through the mighty power of Christ.  Robinson understood that it was only through the loving grace of God that He was able to be sealed, pardoned, redeemed, and kept in the care of the Lord for eternity.  What Robinson also knew, something that we should be keenly aware of as well, is that if left to our own abilities, we would wander from the God we love.  The reason many have issues with singing that particular line in the song is because the truth frightens us at times.  May we not think so highly of ourselves that we look down our long hypocritical nose and say, “Well I would never do that”, that’s just pride talking. 

It is because of this important self awareness that Robinson writes this line “Let thy goodness like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to Thee.”  Knowing the very propensity of his heart, he acknowledges God as the source of all goodness and security.  A fetter is a chain or shackle that is used to bind a prisoner’s ankles.  It is only in Christ that we have the desire to be shackled or bound to His loving care. 

So next time this song plays, whether it is in your car or at church on Sunday morning, don’t hesitate to sing with great confidence and assurance that the Lord is the only One who keeps our heart from wandering off.  The song is not meant to be a downer or to cause us to wallow in self-pity; rather it is to magnify the Lord for doing what He alone can do.  I would challenge you this week to ponder this, does the music you listen to elevate the Lord or elevate self?  This challenge also applies to listening to what is called “Christian” music.  I think you may be surprised how many songs place mankind in such a positive light, while far less give the glory and honor to God alone.  May we be found diligently and faithfully striving to think less of ourselves and more of our Great God.                                                                               

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                                



August 8, 2021


Death Of Old Self

The mighty work that God does in an individual’s life, through salvation, really is a remarkable thing.  Much of Scripture speaks to the truths that surround the new life that a believer has in Christ.  This new life is one that is positionally sanctified, has experienced regeneration, been redeemed, forgiven, and more.  So often a great deal of emphasis is placed on the things that are guaranteed to be “produced” by this new life, and rightfully so.  The Bible is abundantly clear that a follower of Christ will bear fruit in their lives (John 15:1-27), put on the things of God (Ephesians 4:23-24), as they are quite literally a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).

These are all wonderful promises that God ensures His children through this salvific change.  But, what is not preached, taught, or even understood as often as it should be, is the things in which believers are to put to death.  In Colossians 3 we read a wonderful chapter that is not only explanatory about the reality and certainty of the new life that one has in Christ, but also the old life that cannot cohabitate with the new life.  In fact, in Colossians 3:5-10 we read a very direct charge to put old, sinful ways to death.  What this means in the most practical sense is God does not wish us to put on things that are pleasing to Him while at the same time indulging in the things of the flesh.  Following Christ is not merely an addition to our lives, it is a radical change in all areas of our lives. 

The danger this can cause is the tendency to look only for the positive changes we see in one's life, while completely ignoring the sin that needs to be addressed.  The new life we have in Christ demands we put the old ways to death.  This is not to suggest that we will never struggle with unhealthy passions and desires, but the habitual lifestyle of being slave to sin has to be put to death.  Only by the grace of God are we able to put away our old self and put on the things that honor and glorify the Lord.  Praise God for doing what we could never do on our own.  If you need some encouragement, I would suggest you read Colossians 3 this week.                                                           

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam    


August 1, 2021


Food For Thought  

There are times when we read a passage in Scripture and misinterpret the meaning.  This should not come as a great surprise, for at times, even the intended audience in the Bible was guilty of misinterpretation.  A classic example of this is found in 1 Corinthians 5:9-13.   Not only did the church in Corinth get confused with Paul’s instructions, but many today still get tripped up on this passage. 

The most common mistake is making the assessment that this passage advocates that believers should have nothing to do with those who sin in the ways the passage describes (sexual immorality, greed, swindling, idolatry).  It is upon careful examination that we see Paul is attempting to set the record straight, for the church in Corinth had already misconstrued the previous teaching of Paul.  We know this because in verse 9 Paul uses the past tense (wrote) when he reveals that a letter had already been sent to the Corinthians prior to this current letter they are reading.  In that letter, which many scholars call the Lost Epistle, Paul was perhaps too vague for the spiritually immature Corinthians (1 Corinthians 3:2-3).  Apparently the church in Corinth was looking past the sin in their own lives, while they condemned non-believers for engaging in the same dishonorable practices.  It is quite clear that they missed Paul's point.  So, it is here in this passage in 1 Corinthians 5 that we see Paul be much more specific, as to ensure his audience understands this valuable teaching.

It is ludicrous to place an unrealistic expectation on the unbelieving world to not practice sin, for that is exclusively what they operate under.  This is precisely why Paul says that if the Corinthian church was to avoid people who practiced these sins, they would have to go outside of the world to accomplish that task.  Paul did not have unbelievers in mind when he wrote his original address to the church.  This time, Paul makes himself blatantly clear and we see that in verse 11.  The distinction Paul makes here is that believers are not to associate with those who bear the name of Christ, while at the same time partaking in habitual, unrepentant sin.  With this much needed clarity, no mistake can be made as to what Paul is commanding.  Those who bear the name of Christ are ones who profess that they are believers, but their calloused hearts toward the sin in their lives reveals their spiritual deadness.  In this passage Paul makes it clear that the expectation of accountability falls between true believers in Christ, specifically the body of Christ. 

Unfortunately, many make the realization that Paul is not instructing that believers set unrealistic expectations on the unregenerate and stop there.  The question we must ask, in order to properly understand what Paul is conveying, is what does this mean for us?  How then are we to treat those who bear the name of Christ yet live like the rest of the world?  It appears we are given the directive to not eat with such persons, but what exactly does that mean?  Many will point to the gospel account of Jesus eating with the sinners and the tax collectors; does this mean Paul was teaching what was contradictory to Christ? 

In the day and culture that Paul was writing this letter to the Corinthians (app. A.D. 95), eating dinner with someone was a symbol of acceptance and fellowship.  What Paul is telling the Corinthian church, and what we too must heed, is not to support or condone the actions of professing believers who remain in their unrepentant sin.  This is tough to come to grips with and even more difficult to practice.  Paul is not making a suggestion or even asking the Corinthians to consider this notion, rather he is commanding that they follow this God honoring protocol.  When we casually mingle with those who bear the name of Christ, while they hate Him and forsake Him with their lives, our association is one of an enabling nature.  To continue hanging out with these individuals, acting like everything is ok, makes us complicit in a way.  Instead of eating (showing acceptance) with these individuals, what we really should be doing is sharing the gospel with them.  It is the power of the gospel, through the sovereign working of the Lord that can change not just their actions but their heart. 

The question we have to ask ourselves is, are there those who profess Christ, but are really lost, that we are remaining silent around?  Are we playing golf with them, having lunch with them, carrying on like there is nothing wrong?  If so, we must stack up our actions against what we find here in this passage.  Are we honoring God with our complicity?  Or, should we be sharing the gospel with them?  Bearing the name of Christ is a very serious thing, one that should not be taken lightly.  Jesus was not eating with sinners and tax collectors because He just needed someone to hang out with.  Jesus was eating with these men because they were spiritually lost and He heralded the message of salvation.  He called men to repent and put their faith and trust in Him alone.  May we express reverence and respect with the way we hold true to the commands that we find in God’s Holy Word.  


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                               

July 25, 2021


Muddy Waters  

I recall at different times throughout my adolescent years, changing my mind about what I wanted to be when I grew up.  At times I wanted to be a zookeeper (so I could feed the lions, obviously), sometimes a firefighter, other times a professional athlete.  Even if those professions seemed like a possibility to me at the time, that didn’t mean I adorned any of those titles.  My desire alone to be something did not make me that thing.  My how far we have come from that time. 

Today one of the big agenda items being pushed is the proper (or politically correct) use of pronouns.  No, I am not talking about English 101, what I am referring to is the self identification surge that is being propagated.  If it wasn’t outlandish enough to have boys wanting to be girls and girls wanting to be boys, now this movement is demanding that everyone else address them by the pronoun they want to be identified as, at any point and time.  Think this is a joke?  Here are some of the facts, and keep in mind, this is just the tip of the iceberg. 

Elementary schools and all the way up to the college level, boys and girls (which apparently we are not allowed to say), are being taught that there are many different gender identities.  In fact, depending on the source, there is said to be over 64 different gender identities.  In some schools, thankfully not all yet, students are taught to use the properly assigned pronoun in relation to the litany of gender identities.  Taxpayer’s dollars hard at work?  You be the judge. 

A popular musician has classified herself as non-binary.  Now stay with me on this one.  The way the gender identity community has identified non-binary is “people who feel their gender cannot be defined within the margins of gender binary. Instead, they understand their gender in a way that goes beyond simply identifying as either a man or woman.”  A gender that goes beyond identification?  What does this even mean?  If anyone would know what this actually means, you would think it would be the people that are propagating this, right?  However, that is not the case.  Here is a quote from this same musician “I accidentally misgender myself sometimes! It’s a huge transition to change the pronouns I’ve used for myself my entire life. And it’s difficult to remember sometimes!”  It is difficult for her to remember her identity, because it is complete nonsense.  If she doesn’t know who she is, how then does she expect others to address her appropriately?  This last quote really hits the nail on the head though “As long as you keep trying to respect my truth, And as long as I remember my truth, The Shift will come naturally.”  This artist has certainly confused her own delusion with actual truth.  She forgets who she is and has to be reminded what her truth is?  Yet, this is the distortion that societally we are going to great lengths to comply with.

Some states have begun to bring forward legislation that will hold one legally liable for not calling each individual by the specific pronoun that they associate with at any given time.  A teacher in Virginia was fired because he refused to address a transgender student by the title and pronoun that they demanded.  One can imagine where this is headed.  There are over 64 gender identifications, more than a hundred pronouns, and we are moving toward a time in which we will be held legally responsible for addressing each and every person by their specific preference. 

I am sure this is not the first you have heard about this, and likely you have given this some thought.  Allow me to be of some assistance.  WAKE UP CHRISTIAN!  We are to be pillars and supports of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15), not encouraging and advocating false.  The Bible is very clear, God created man (Genesis 1:27) and woman (Genesis 2:22-24), nowhere in Scripture do we find the other supposed 62+ genders listed.  Gender is not subjective, it is the wonderful identity that God has given us, not to be altered or manipulated.

The question has to be asked, where does this end?  What is next on the horizon that will start as “pushing the envelope” then become “commonplace?”  If one feels like associating as a CEO, will that be grounds for being granted that position?  If one wants to identify as a millionaire, will the bank be forced to comply and give them what they want?  As absurd as this sounds, we are not exactly dealing with logic and common sense.  As a society we have drifted quite far from rationality.  

Brothers and sisters we need to make sure we stand boldly for the truth, while at the same time having a loving and tender heart towards everyone.  We must realize the despair that exists with this gender identification movement, as many are searching to find some source of fulfillment.  Sadly, there is no pronoun that will satisfy this void in their lives.  Only by submitting their lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ will they find true, unending joy and peace.  The only identity that matters at all, is who we are in the eyes of the One who created us.  We don’t have to sacrifice truth in order to show the love of Christ to others, for His truth is the most loving thing we can share (John 14:6)       

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                                 



July 18, 2021 

The Spirit of Joy  

Far too often we use the word happiness and joy almost interchangeably.  However, happiness and joy are not the same things, and as followers of Christ, this is a distinction we must understand.  Happiness is an emotional feeling, something that can be experienced through a multitude of different stimuli, making happiness subjective to the individual.  This good feeling can come and go depending on the environment and circumstances that are present at any given time in a person’s life. 

Joy is different from happiness in that joy comes from the Holy Spirit, i.e. it is produced by God.  Joy is the God-given ability to experience the riches of His grace and mercy, both in the current world as well as the certain hope of eternity in His presence.  The Bible does not say that God wants us to always be happy, again, because happiness is a fleeting emotion, while joy is a position of the heart.  In Galatians 5 Paul lists the different fruit that believers possess by no other means than the Holy Spirit working in and through their lives.  You will notice in that list that happiness is nowhere to be found.  However, one can plainly see that joy is one of the fruit that the Spirit provides. 

The purpose of making this distinction is the tendency for so many, shamefully at times myself included, to lump happiness and joy together.  The danger in doing this is not recognizing the grace of God in our lives as we should.  Going to the mechanic to get your car fixed is not generally a scenario that produces happiness.  Cleaning up after your dog, disciplining your children, sitting in traffic, doing laundry, getting a call from a telemarketer, these are not typically things that generate happiness.  But, we live in a society that promotes personal happiness as something that is to be constantly pursued.  What about those who are born again believers in Jesus Christ?  Well, you will be pleased to know (notice I did not use the word happy?) that the pursuit of happiness is not found in Scripture.  What is found in Scripture is the God-given gift of joy, with the assurance of joy being seen through the presence of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life.  What this means is that when we express joy, others can see the evidence of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  What this also means is that if we say we love and serve the Lord, yet we are not expressing joy, we are squelching the Spirit.  1 Thessalonians 5:19 says “Do not quench the Spirit.”  The word quench literally means do not extinguish the Spirit.  One of the ways that we can quench the Spirit is by living in a non-joyful way, which does not benefit anyone (ourselves, other believers, non believers, or God). 

Brothers and sisters we have so much to be joyful about.  It is when we ruminate on these things that we cannot help but to exhibit the joy that we have.  God, in His great love and mercy, has brought us out of the darkness (spiritual death) and into the light (spiritual life) (1 Peter 2:9, 2 Corinthians 5:17).  Our sins have been forgiven through the blood payment, the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ (1 John 1:9, Ephesians 1:7).  We have literally been plucked from the fire and promised eternal life in the presence of our Savior (Romans 6:23, 1 John 5:13).  In the meantime, God has given us His guarantee by indwelling us with the Holy Spirit, sealing us as His forever (1 Corinthians 2:12, Ephesians 1:13-14).  Really the question is, how can we have anything but joy if we are in Christ?  Our human tendency is to get caught up in the temporal, whether we are happy or not, when we should be focused on the greater importance, the eternal. 

The world that we live in does not always yield happiness, but the God we serve gives us ample reason to be joyful.  My encouragement is that you don’t get bogged down with the circumstances of life.  The world can stifle your happiness but it cannot steal your joy, so cling to the latter.  The challenge is, find joy in the Lord no matter what life throws at you, be a people of joy in the Lord.  Let your joy be the thing that others take notice of.  Perhaps those who see the joy in your life will inquire of your reason for it.  What an amazing opportunity at that point to give an account for the reason we have joy.                                                  

By His Grace And For His Glory, 
Pastor Sam     

July 11, 2021

Wisdom Of The Heart 

When you think of wisdom, what is the first thing that comes to mind?  I presume that some would contemplate some of the great thinkers like Albert Einstein, or Aristotle, or perhaps from a leadership perspective some would think of George Washington or maybe Eisenhower.  No doubt there are elite experts in every field imaginable, from science, to literature, to doctors and lawyers, to trades such as plumbing and welding.  The common thread among these diamonds in the rough is the wisdom they possess to perform at the top of their field.  When one thinks of wisdom and where wisdom lies, we undoubtedly affirm that wisdom is in the mind.

Proverbs 2 is a wonderful chapter, revealing the value of wisdom.  But, it is in this wonderful chapter that we also run into a truth that may leave us scratching our head.  In verse 9-10 we read that when one understands righteousness and justice, wisdom will come into the heart.  It is upon reading this entire chapter that we gain the proper context to more appropriately understand the meaning.  In the beginning of Proverbs 2 we read that one gains wisdom through receiving God’s Words and responding in obedience.  But, we would do well to always consider the heart motive that must exist to receive God’s Word and likewise to respond in obedience.  Only a heart that loves the Lord and desires to be faithful in pursuing the things of God would receive and respond favorably. 

You see, Godly wisdom is achieved only with the mind and the heart, not one acting independent of the other.  To have wisdom of the mind and not of the heart would simply be academic wisdom, better defined as intelligence.  To have wisdom of the heart but not of the mind would be limited by a lack of information.  This individual may have good intentions but no knowledge on how to properly apply those intentions to positive action.  It is in this wonderful Proverb we find that the wisdom that God provides through our earnest seeking of Him, affects every part of our lives, as we use this gifted wisdom to honor Him.  The yearning for wisdom that is conveyed in this Proverb is a desire that is wrought forth from a heart purposed in serving the Lord.  So, while this wisdom may or may not win a Pulitzer Prize, or invent the next best technological advancement, it is a wisdom that pleases our Lord.  Praise God for not only giving us the capacity to attain true godly wisdom, but also granting us that wisdom which affects our entire being, mind and heart, manifested through God honoring action.  I would encourage you to read Proverbs 2 this week and be reminded of the goodness of our Lord.  God graciously answers our petition for wisdom, when we ask with a sincere heart.  James 1:5 But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                              


July 4, 2021


Consider Kindness 

Just the other day my wife and I were discussing a disturbing trend that we have not only noticed ourselves, but friends have echoed this same observation.  In our assessment it seems that there is an increase of unkindness going on at just about every level.  Oftentimes unkindness rears its ugly head in the mundane, the simple day to day circumstances.  Perhaps the waiter or waitress got your order wrong, or you had to wait longer than expected at the BMV.  Maybe the student driver accidentally pulled out in front of you, or the internet connection keeps going in and out.  Whatever the irritant may be, COVID, the government, unkindness seems to be the all too common response. 

As followers of Christ, we need to be very aware of how we are acting as well as how we are reacting to situations that face us on a daily basis.  After all, kindness is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), we should be showing kindness to others as much as we possibly can.  There are two things we need to keep in mind in terms of kindness.  One, we needn’t expect kindness out of the unbelieving world.  Listen, this world is not always going to be nice to us, people will be cruel and they will be rude.  But, let’s be completely honest, what should we expect?  We all like to think there is a common decency that exists in the world but that is more wishful thinking than it is reality.  But, when others are unkind to us, we have a wonderful opportunity in that moment.  Fighting fire with fire sure isn’t going to shine the light of Christ; it is not going to positively affect them in any way.  Instead, we should be responding in kindness, even when we don’t feel like it, or don’t think kindness is warranted.  After all, where would we be, had kindness and grace not been extended to us?

Second, showing kindness should be a trait that we consciously and diligently seek to practice.  The Bible is filled with instructions for children of God to be kind to not only one another, but to everyone (Luke 6:31, Ephesians 4:32, Colossians 3:12-14).  When we are kind to others it reflects the love of Christ, displaying qualities and character that come from the Lord.  On the flip side, if we do not show kindness to others, what does this show them?  Well, it shows them that Christians are not any different from the rest of the world.  In fact, it makes us out to be hypocrites.  It ruins our testimony.  Imagine this for me if you would.  Let’s say you go into a coffee shop and stand in line to order your drink.  The line is moving slow and you know it is because the new guy behind the counter is not keeping up with the morning rush.  You finally get up to the counter, make your drink order and wait yet again for the drink to finally arrive.  Instead of the iced drink you ordered, the less than confident waiter hands you a hot drink.  Frustrated you react in a less than desirable way, causing the waiter to apologize for his actions.  After giving him the cold shoulder you proceed about your day.  Fast forward, Sunday morning comes along and you are standing at the front doors greeting, a role you have come to enjoy.  A new couple pulls up and gets out of their car, proceeding to advance toward the front doors, when you notice the familiar face.  It is the waiter from the coffee shop.  I trust you know where this is going.  What kind of testimony do we have at that point? 

I am not suggesting that followers of Christ don’t have bad days or never act in unkind ways.  But, this should not be the norm; it should not be how others would define us.  As the fallen world that we live in becomes more and more unkind, may we be different.  May we show the love of God to others through our kindness (Luke 6:35).  


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam


June 27, 2021 


Just What I Needed To Hear 

They say a little bit of encouragement goes a long way.  Then it should be assumed that a lot of encouragement goes even further right?  It is no surprise that we live in a world filled with ups and downs, hills and valleys if that suits you better.  Hopefully there are more hills than valleys, but nevertheless, there are times when circumstances have us down.  Finding encouragement in times like these is like a cold, refreshing drink of water on a hot summer day, it hits the spot. 

As followers of Christ there is often a certain stigma that is attached to feeling down or discouraged, after all, we are children of God, heirs to the throne.  But, we are human too.  While keeping things in perspective can certainly be of great benefit, life can still be tough sometimes.  That is why encouragement can be so instrumental, especially in these times.  One can find encouragement from family, friends, even complete strangers.  Thank goodness God knew we would need encouragement as well, and there is no greater encourager than our Heavenly Father. 

God used the Apostle Paul to bring great encouragement to the church in Colossae.  In the opening of Colossians 1, Paul tells the believers in Colossae that he has not stopped praying for them, which is an encouragement in itself.  However, it is in this prayer of Paul’s that we not only find great biblical truth but also some of the most encouraging words one could hear.  Colossians 1:9-14  And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy; giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

Though some may find this to be more of a charge or an instruction, I believe this is more specifically a well timed, well needed encouragement.  Paul states some of the wonderful promises of God, results of walking in a manner that is pleasing to Him.  But, the real zinger, the pinnacle of encouragement is found here in verse 12, where Paul states that God has qualified them (all believers) to share in the inheritance of the saints.  Brothers and sisters this is glorious truth.  When the throws of this world have you feeling down, this is the promise that should come flooding into your mind; that no matter how unworthy we feel, you are qualified through the power of God.  We are not unworthy, because we are not living for ourselves or by ourselves, we are not alone, we have been saved by the grace of God, we are sons and daughters of the king.  Verse 13 and 14 are the icing on the cake really, reminding us that we have been delivered from the world of darkness to the marvelous light through the blood atonement of Jesus Christ. 

Friends, I would encourage you to jot this passage down, highlight it, underline it, whatever you need to do.  Feelings and emotions will come and go, but God’s promises will never fail us.  I pray you find encouragement from the sweet words of our Lord.


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam

June 20, 2021


Who Said Change Is Good? 

As a follower of Christ I must say one of the attributes of God that I am utterly thankful for is His immutability, that is His unchanging character, nature, and will.  The fact that God does not change, His will does not change, His desire and purpose does not change is remarkable.  A.W. Pink says this of God’s immutability “He cannot change for the better, for He is already perfect; and being perfect, He cannot change for the worse.”  Truth be told, it is upon realizing this truth that many frivolous arguments should gain no further ground.  So, why is the immutability of God so important?  What arguments should be dropped at the doorstep of this unquestionable truth?

Scripture is filled with teachings of God’s unchanging nature.  Psalm 102:26-27 tells of the things that pass away, but God remains, James 1:17 explains that the Father does not vary or change, Numbers 23:19 reveals that the Lord does not change His mind, Hebrews 13:8 says that Jesus Christ is the same past, present and future.  This divine character of God is one that certainly separates Him from mankind.  We have all experienced moodiness, and if we are too prideful to admit our own, we at least recognize that other people can be moody, meaning their attitude changes from day to day.  The result of moodiness is a variance of reactions and outcomes generated from the same source.  Obviously you can see the negative quality of moodiness, making it difficult or impossible for one to navigate and predict efforts given.  Thank goodness this is not true of God, there is no such thing as catching God on a bad day.  If this were true, we would really be in a world of trouble.  Could you imagine if one day God desired one thing and the next He condemned it?  Of course you can’t think of that, because this is not how God operates.  His immutable nature is one that offers consistency and clarity. 

So, what implications does this have on how we function and behave?  It is far too common for churches, as well as individuals, to view change in a way that suggests God’s Word is ever-needing to be adapted to the current social and cultural milieu.  Without explicitly stating it like this, their actions, as well as their arguments against Scripture, speak loud and clear.  To give an example, one of the common deviations today is the view of LGBTQ.  Many churches and professing believers vehemently proclaim that the homosexual lifestyle is one that should be embraced as the new “norm” and that it fits in Christianity.  This is why it is imperative that we know and understand the importance of God’s immutable character.  This is not a matter of interpretation, nor is it a matter of an isolated or obscure text.  The Bible is distinctly clear on ALL sexual immorality being sinful and dishonoring to God (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9, 1 Timothy 1:10, 1 Corinthians 6:18, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5, Ephesians 5:3, Galatians 5:19, Colossians 5:3, 1 Corinthians 7:2).  The immutability of God extends to all three persons of the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) as well as the Word of God.  God’s word has not changed, His character has not changed, His standard has not changed, and what He has deemed to be sin has not changed.  It is not our responsibility, nor is it our possibility, to change what is and is not right in God’s sight.  Cultural and societal influences do not dictate truth. 

This is just one of many examples of the “change” that has been demanded in the face of an unchanging God.  Another big one is the false belief that one can lose their salvation.  This would mean that God has adopted us into His family (Ephesians 1:5, Galatians 4:5-7, John 1:12), made us heirs to the kingdom (James 2:5, Romans 8:17)……..but then changed His mind and cast us back out.  This is not a biblical construct at all, it is simply bad theology and a low view of God. 

Thankfully we have a very clear obligation to obey God (John 14:15, James 1:22, John 14:23) and not to conform to the world (Romans 12:2).  I would encourage you to praise God for His consistency, for His immutable nature.  Because if you have been saved by the grace of God, He has promised to keep you and give you eternal life, (John 3:16, Romans 6:23, John 5:24, Matthew 25:46), escaping wrath and experiencing the endless love of God.                                                                                                                                      

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam 

June 13, 2021


Doing Whatever It Takes 

The book of 1 Corinthians is a wonderful book, filled with practical ways in which to live a purposeful life for the Lord.  In Paul’s letter to the church in Corinth, he addresses many issues that they are facing, most of which are self-inflicted, due to their lack of spiritual growth.  One need not be overly astute in order to pick up on the stern, but loving corrections that Paul frequently applies to this letter.  In chapter 9 Paul gives a defense for anyone who would question his motives and purpose for ministry.  Paul was not milking the system for an easy vocation filled with cushy benefits.  Quite the contrary, ministry came at a cost, one Paul was starkly aware of.  But, this was not a deterrent of the faithful Apostle; rather it was part and parcel for living a life of service, spreading the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. 

But, then we get to verse 19-23 of chapter 9, a commonly misinterpreted and misunderstood passage.  A quick read through, without contextual support, would appear that Paul is saying he will do whatever it takes to reach someone with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  What exactly does that mean?  If Paul would go to any length to reach the lost, would he even go so far as to sin?  The passage does say that he became all things to all people; this seems a bit extreme doesn’t it? 

A closer examination of the passage at hand will shed some much needed light on the common confusion.  Paul is in no way suggesting that he would do anything that would go against what God forbade.  For instance, in verse 20 when Paul states that to the Jews he became a Jew, He was not insinuating that he literally conformed to Judaism.  The point the Apostle was making was the importance of knowing his audience.  Was Paul deviating from the truth?  Absolutely not.  Within the confines of the Word of God, Paul was being the most effective evangelist he could be.  Nowhere are we given any indication that Paul compromised in word or deed.  Being able to relate to his target audience gave him a precise angle of sharing the gospel.  The gospel didn’t change, the message was the same, but the tact and approach was more directed to the situation. 

I could go on and on and dissect each scenario that Paul lays out in this passage, and don’t get me wrong, there is great value in that kind of extensive study.  But, for the purpose of this musing, may we focus our attention on how this applies to our lives?  How do we become all things to all people, while maintaining a right standing with God?  Though there is no exact formula or step by step instruction in terms of relating to each person that needs to hear the gospel, we can learn a lot from the wise Apostle.  Sharing the gospel often means we have to go outside of our comfort zone and talk to others we wouldn’t normally talk to, in places we wouldn’t normally go, who have interests that are not the same as ours.  My point is, Paul was not simply sharing the gospel with family and friends, and by no means is that to suggest we shouldn’t be sharing the gospel with family and friends.  But, he was trying to reach everyone that he could, even if that meant being relatable with a crowd he wouldn’t normally associate with.  Paul knew the message he heralded was worth the effort.  The question is, do we? 

In a day and age when easy believism is doled out in mass quantities like an evangelical Pez dispenser and friendship evangelism has become the “new norm”, appreciating the work and effort Paul put forth can go unnoticed if we aren’t paying careful enough attention.  May we find encouragement in the approach that Paul had for reaching the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  May it cause us to look for new opportunities we hadn’t thought about before or give us the motivation we need to witness to those we have been putting off for far too long.  I would challenge you this week to look at this passage here in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 and do a little further studying.  My hope and prayer is that you would be moved to heed the example that is found in the Apostle Paul.  Lord, may we all be found as faithful stewards of what You have entrusted us with.                                                                                                                                                                                           

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam   



June 6, 2021 

Defining Qualities 


One of the ways that we can exalt the name of the Lord is to acknowledge His traits and characteristics.  It is always a beneficial practice to consider the many wonderful attributes of God.  Categorizing these qualities of God is another helpful exercise that will likely yield a better understanding of God’s grace.  One way, but certainly not the only way, to make distinctions between attributes is to break them down between two groups, communicable and incommunicable.  The word communicable can mean the ability to communicate to others or to transmit something to someone else.  The latter is what best pertains to the subject at hand.  In the medical field, communicable is what denotes a disease that can be transmitted from one thing to another, thus communicable is transferable. 

So, what are some of the incommunicable, or non transferable, attributes of God?  One that certainly comes to mind is the sovereignty of God.  God’s sovereignty is something that separates Him from everything else, for God alone is sovereign (Job 42:2, 1 Chronicles 29:11-12).  There is only One Creator God, making this another incommunicable attribute of our Lord (Colossians 1:16, John 1:1-3).  Commonly we think of the omnis of God, He is omniscient (all knowing 1 John 3:20), omnipotent (all powerful Psalm 147:5) and omnipresent (in all places at all times Isaiah 44:6).  A few more attributes on this list would be that God is the Lawgiver and Judge (Ecclesiastes 12:14, Isaiah 33:22), He is perfectly Holy, Righteous and Pure (Psalm 11:7, 1 Samuel 2:2, Psalm 12:6), He is immutable (Malachi 3:6), He is self existing (John 5:26) and so on.  Again, these are attributes that God alone possesses, mankind cannot achieve these qualities nor does God transmit them to His children.  These are attributes that make God who He is, worthy of all of our praise.  Acknowledgment of these characteristics of God is a wonderful way to be reminded of His greatness and majesty.  God is God and we are not. 

There are attributes that we receive through salvation, as beneficiaries of the extension of His grace.  These are qualities and characteristics that God desires us to have, thus He has transferred them to His children.  Communicable attributes include the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).  These are attributes that are perfect in the Lord but transferred in part to the saints as verification of life change and further sanctification (being made into the image of His Son).  Praising God for these attributes is really twofold.  On one hand we thank God for importing into our lives, qualities that we would never and could never attain on our own.  On the other hand we again are reminded that God alone is the perfection of all of these traits. 

Why would we go through the work to distinguish between these qualities, what is the purpose?  I believe it is always important to be reminded that we serve a God who is worthy to be glorified, whose character and nature is praiseworthy.  Knowing that there are things which are unique to God is important to knowing Him at a greater level.  I would encourage you this week to identify the different attributes of God, then determine whether you think they are communicable or incommunicable and why.  Don’t shoot the messenger, I am not demanding homework or a well constructed diagram.  But, I can assure you, taking the time to be mindful of the attributes of God will never be done in vain.  May He be glorified in your pursuit to know Him more and more with each day He gives you.                                                                                                      

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam



May 30, 2021

 Embracing Propositional Truths

Throughout church history there have been various attacks from both outside the church as well as within.  The attacks from outside are expected, but the ones from inside tend to be the most surprising as well as damaging.  With the ever increasing pressure to ‘normalize’ the church in terms of cultural relevance, there has been a widespread abandonment of recognizing the propositional truths that are made in God’s Holy Word.  How could this even be possible?  How could professing believers purposely suppress absolutes that are so clearly revealed within the Holy Words of Scripture?

Under the influence of a postmodernist hangover, new movements are proclaiming something, but it is not the truths of the Bible.  Rather, this new wave (primarily, but not limited to, the emergent church) insists on gleaning personal interpretation from Scripture, essentially developing one’s own definition of truth.  Many of this ilk will take an account in the Bible and refuse to make any propositional statements, extracting only what they want to as a personal theory of sorts.  Perhaps the greatest atrocity in their deviation is that which surrounds the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.  If we believe the Bible is inerrant and infallible, we know that there are a lot of propositional truths to be made within the atonement account.  Some, but certainly not all, common propositions that are made are.

1.      Jesus Christ literally was beaten, tortured and hung on the cross in Calvary.  (Matthew 27:26-30, Mark 14:65, John 19:18)

2.     His death paid the penalty for the sins of man (1 Peter 1:18-19, 1 Peter 2:24, 2 Corinthians 5:21)

3.     It was God’s will and plan of redemption to crucify Christ (Isaiah 53:10)

These are propositions, not based on one’s feeling or emotions, but derived directly from the Word of God.  No matter how much theological gymnastics one does, these truths still remain. 

However, there are increasing numbers of those who will refuse to accept any propositions, fearing that it is narrow-minded and intolerant of other viewpoints.  Some have taken the crucifixion account of Christ and allegorized it, stating that His death was merely symbolic for taking people's pain and afflictions away from them.  This is not simply a case of wrong interpretation, it is heresy.  To deny the actual, literal death, resurrection and ascension of Christ is to not know Christ at all (Matthew 10:33).  The question has to be asked, where does this madness stop?  If there are no propositions to be made at all, what actual, definitive truth can we extract from Scripture?  And that is precisely the point.  In an effort to appeal to everyone, to not step on anyone’s toes, all opinions and interpretations are valid, as they are true to the person who holds them.  This is the kind of blasphemous garbage that is captivating many of the “progressive” church movements.

The apostle Paul reminds his young protégé Timothy that the church is to be a pillar and buttress (support) of the truth.  Brothers and sisters I implore you to do the same, for there has never been a more critical time in church history for us to be pillars and buttresses of truth.  The Word of God is sufficient and it is certainly worth upholding.  Movements and fads come and go but the Word of God remains eternal (1 Peter 1:25, Matthew 24:35).                                                                                                                                                     

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam

May 23, 2021



For Christians, the Bible is undeniably significant in knowing who God is as well as what He has purposed for His children.  All true followers of Christ must affirm the importance of the Holy Scriptures, as it is imperative to life and faith.  However, we live in such a time that has seen an increase of scrutiny toward the Bible, making it vital that we know not only where we stand on our view of Scripture, but why we hold that position.  Bibliology is the theological discipline and study of the Bible, combining elements of origin, history, authorship, etc.  But, like any theological matter, there are differing views. 

One area that has been widely debated is the theories of inspiration of the Bible.  There are four main lanes of thought that most Christians fall into.  The nature of these different views demands that we choose a lane, because the reality is only one can be right.  I am confident that further detail will reveal striking clarity as to which ones are theories and which one is reality. 

First there is the idea that the Bible is a remarkable human book without divine inspiration.  This would suggest that talented men penned the words that they felt were pertinent to the Christian faith; which also means that God did not have any supernatural oversight to the contents at all.  The problem with this theory should be glaringly obvious.  This would deny the sovereign nature of God, placing Him in a position of hoping these writers would write something good about Him, since it is in a sense out of His hands.  This view elevates the ability of man while greatly reducing the power of God, stripping Him of having any control of what the Bible contains.  Not only do the Scriptures not support this, they actually reveal quite the opposite (John 1:1, 2 Timothy 3:16-17). 

Another theory is that the Word of God is partially inspired.  This theory suggests that there are times in the Bible where God influences the writers (via His speaking to them directly or the guidance of the Holy Spirit) and there are times when the writers pen their own thoughts and words.  The confusion this would cause is quite obvious, not being able to determine what is of God and what is of man.  Man does not coauthor the Bible, again 2 Timothy 3:16-17 is clear on the source of Scripture.  It is ironic that one would use the term Word of God while at the same time insisting that fallible man had an equal part in “creating” the Bible.  This view also puts a high view on man while attempting to limit the power of God. 

Yet another theory is that of God’s divine control devoid of any human adjunction.  This theory states the Bible is a book which is independently divine, having been dictated mechanically to men.  What that means is there are no outside factors present in the writers.  While this theory does recognize the sovereignty of God, it fails to recognize the method in which God Himself compiled Scripture.  The Bible was assembled over the course of nearly 1,600 years, by 45 different writers.  There is substantial evidence that the individual books contain the nuances and traits of the writers.  We see differences both grammatically as well as stylistically.  One example is the way that Paul and James both address the event of Abraham nearly sacrificing Isaac on the altar on Mount Moriah.  Though the writers did not contradict one another, they certainly gave to different angles of the same scene.  Without question God inspired these men to write the words He wanted, but their personalities are also embedded in the text.

That leads us to the last mode of thought in regards to the inspiration of Scripture; which is verbal plenary inspiration.  What this means is the Bible is entirely of God, every single word being completely His words, while at the same time incorporating the individual personalities of the individual writers.  This view does not diminish God’s sovereignty in any way, rather it recognizes the inerrant word being transmitted through human writers.  What is so wonderfully unique about God using these means is that His infallible and authoritative word is brought to us through fallible men, further displaying His glory.  Inspiration was given to the writers in multiple ways, one on one encounter with God (Moses), direct revelation from God (Prophets), the Holy Spirit, etc.  We see the evidences of this all throughout Scripture as the writers use their uniquenesses (the detail of Luke the physician, the fast pace of Mark, the boldness of Paul), while at the same time having a unified message that reveals God and His redemptive plan.     

While I understand there are different viewpoints taken on this theological issue, I firmly believe there is only one logical and biblically supported view.  Verbal plenary inspiration is God inspiring the writers to both utilize their uniquenesses while at the same time unequivocally revealing the complete expression of God through every single word (Matthew 4:4, John 17:17).  I leave you with the words of God that were given through the Apostle Peter, 2 Peter 1:21 For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.                                                                                                                                    

By His Grace And For His Glory, 
Pastor Sam   

May 16, 2021


Theology Matters


Those of you who know me, know that I am a stickler for the importance of theology.  As I have discussed before, there is a progressive movement that operates under the guise of Christianity, which states there is no need for theology.  This absurd logic unravels quickly as there would be no definitive statements made about who God is, what He desires and consequently what our purpose in this world is. 

There is another deviation that I want to address, one that really took shape with the postmodern movement, and that is our ethics determine our theology.  It is the thought process that assumes what our belief is on ethical issues will formulate our theology.  The problem with this would be glaringly apparent.  One might say, I live with my boyfriend/girlfriend, therefore I choose to look at Scripture in a way that does not condemn that type of living.  This sounds outlandish but rest assured, this happens all the time.  One could argue that the Bible is not current in terms of cultural views on couples living together.  One could even argue the definition of fornication, a definition that is somehow constructed to condone the situation that benefits them. 

Another example would be the common issue of lying.  One could say that white lies are harmless, in fact in some cases they might just spare others feelings from getting hurt.  Ethically lying is something that can be discerned whether it is beneficial or not.  There are certainly instances in Scripture where lying wasn’t completely and utterly condemned by God.  Take for instance the deception of King David, as he faked his insanity before Achish, the King of Gath.  David was afraid of what Achish might do, so he pretended to be insane.  God did not harshly rebuke David in this instance, so there must be validity to the occasion for lying….right?

Building theology based on our ethical views is a backwards way of operating as a follower of Christ.  There are factors that contribute to our ethics, like individual (feelings, emotions, personal history & experience) and social (cultural, definition of “normal”).  On the contrary, theology is determined by Scripture, the unchanging, timeless Word of God.  God’s word is not subject to changing cultures and time periods.  When a statement is made based on our understanding of Scripture, theology is being formed.  For instance, since the Bible says that God does as He pleases (Psalm 115:3), rules over all with great power and strength (1 Chronicles 29:11-12), and does everything according to His purpose (Isaiah 46:9-10), then we can conclude that God is sovereign.  He is not sovereign because we feel that way, or because that makes sense to our logic, He is sovereign because the Bible clearly defines God as such.

Theology should always determine our ethical behavior.  If we go back to the issue of lying that was previously mentioned, the Bible says that a lying tongue is an abomination to God (Proverbs 6:16-17, Proverbs 12:22), that we should not lie to one another (Colossians 3:9-10, Exodus 20:16), and that lying is attributed to the likeness of satan (John 8:44), therefore we can confidently make the theological statement that lying is wrong.  David may have not been struck dead on the spot when he was deceitful before King Achish, but that did not justify his actions either.

Theology, very simply put, is the study of the nature of God, a nature that we see explained throughout the canon of Scripture, His very own Word.  The more we study God’s Word, the more we know who He is.  Our theology should determine how we live our lives, meaning, it should dictate our ethical behavior.  2 Timothy 3:16-17  All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.                                                                                                    

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam 



May 9, 2021

Adopting Compromise

I recently read an article that a dear brother in the Lord gave to me.  The contents of the letter were appalling but, I must say, I wasn’t overly surprised by it.  Bethany Christian Services (BCS) is the largest Christian adoption service in the country.  For over 75 years the organization has stuck to its deep biblical roots and values, helping place children with qualified, Christian married couples.  Unfortunately, in the face of societal pressure for inclusion and acceptance, BCS has made the announcement that they will welcome LGBTQ couples as adoption candidates.  In a time of rapid degeneration in our country, BCS’s decision to kowtow to the group shouting the loudest is at the expense of denying the principles that the organization was founded upon, biblical principles.   

The biblical family structure has been attacked for many years now, meaning, this did not just happen overnight.  Scripture is very clear that marriage is between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24), an understanding BCS seemed to have a firm grasp on.  So, what happened?  What causes an organization that operates under the banner of Christianity to bend and comply with the ebb and flow of society?  It’s called compromise.  I am not talking about the kind of compromise that settles for Italian food when you really wanted Mexican.  I am not talking about the kind of compromise that took the good deal on the silver car when you really wanted red.  What I am talking about is the worst kind of compromise of all, the compromise that goes against the very Word of God.  The Bible is not vague when it comes to the sinful condition of a homosexual lifestyle (Leviticus 18:22, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Romans 1:26-27, 1 Timothy 1:10).  For years BCS did precisely what this country needs, provide a service that dedicates its efforts to maintaining a biblical family model.  With this latest decision they have purposely deviated from the family structure that God has designed; a decision that comes with monumental repercussions. 

The confusion this places on little boys and girls that will be raised in this perverse kind of family dynamic is heartbreaking.  Like I said, this has been a slow fade, but when will we say enough is enough?  Paul gave the instruction in Romans 12:2 not to conform to this world, even written nearly 2,000 years ago these are valuable words to us today.  The nature of living in a lost and dark world is that the world does not seek to honor God nor attempt to operate under biblical principles.  To stand firm on the Word of God takes courage, boldness, and commitment in remaining steadfast to the Lord, no matter what the world is shouting in opposition.  BCS’s capitulation is a victory for the world, one that comes at the expense of dishonoring God.  As time goes on, inevitably as societies move forward (notice I didn’t say progress) cultural norms change.  But, as followers of Christ we acknowledge that the Word of God is unchanging and our adherence to it is something we mustn’t deviate from.  It is sufficient for all things pertaining to living a godly life (2 Peter 1:3-4), a truth that stands apart from what our culture has defined as “normal”.  BCS’s abandonment of the truth of Scripture is an indictment to their organization and the beliefs they have long claimed to stand upon.       

My encouragement brothers and sisters is that we understand our need to remain faithful to God (Hebrews 10:23), even when we are pressured to do otherwise.  I would also encourage you to pray for BCS, that they would repent and turn back to their commitment to honor God.  Stay the course my dear brothers and sisters, fight the good fight.                                                                            

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                                 

May 2, 2021


Loving God Means Loving God’s People


I hope you have enjoyed journeying through the different ways to assess spiritual maturity.  Though this is not an exhaustively complete list, these areas are in fact found rooted within the canon of Scripture.  This week we are going to look at the area of God’s people, more precisely, our attitude toward the ‘Church’.  First, I must clarify that when discussing the ‘Church’ we are specifically looking at the Body of Christ.  Scripture uses several terms when describing God’s collective saints; biblical phrases like The Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27, Ephesians 4:12, Romans 12:5), The Bride of Christ (Revelation 19:7) and of course The Church (Matthew 16:18, Ephesians 5:25-27). 

As followers of Christ we are part of The Body of Christ universally, which is the collection of all men, women and children who have been saved by the grace of God.  God has divinely brought this family together, all for the purpose of bringing honor and glory to His precious name.  Within the Body of Christ there are many functions, giftings and roles that God has given to the individual members (1 Corinthians 12:12-31).  This is the design of God, that though we all have individual responsibilities, we are also meant to operate and function as one cohesive Body, again, for His glory.  However, while this truth is very clearly defined in the Word of God, many have taken it upon themselves to make this as a matter of opinion, viewing it as one suggested possibility. 

I have encountered numerous individuals throughout my life who have vehemently proclaimed that they haven’t a need for the Church, for other believers to be in their lives.  Typically it is a case of one who has been scorned by a bad Church experience or an unfavorable childhood memory of Church that they refuse to let go of.  Whatever the case may be, none of these excuses negate the design and purpose for The Body of Christ.  In fact, I firmly believe that at the very core of why individual professing believers would be indifferent about the need for fellowship with other believers boils down to one word…..accountability.  Accountability is one of the wonderful functions of the Body of Christ, as brothers and sisters rely on one another for support as they strive to live a life that honors God.  But, if one makes the ill advised choice to isolate themselves from the gathering of believers, they are not allowing themselves to be part of what God has established.  This may not always be the case, but again, I believe this is because they don’t want accountability nor do they want to be under any form of authority. 

For those who enjoy the many wonderful benefits of the Body of believers, there are still questions that we need to ask ourselves.  Here are several questions regarding our attitude toward the Body of Christ. 

1.     Is the Body of Christ a good thing but not necessary?

2.     Do I focus more on what I get out of the Body or how I can be a benefit to the Body?

3.     Do I genuinely love and care for EVERYONE in the Body of Christ?

4.     Do I pray for my fellow brothers and sisters?

5.     Do I recognize that the Body of Christ is a family, one that I am not in charge of picking or choosing?

6.     Do I praise God for providing the Body as a source of encouragement, support, accountability, strength, and love?


When we are impartial about the Body of Christ, there are some serious implications that we must recognize.  What we are really saying is, that which God has designed and fashioned is really not our cup of tea; a rather damning statement to say the least.  If we love God we must love God’s people as well (1 John 4:7-8).  I would encourage you this week to pray that God would give you a heart of thanksgiving for the Body that He has orchestrated, recognizing His perfect, sovereign will.  God has constructed the Church and it is our responsibility to be a functioning, active part of that Body.  The Church is for the glory of God, may we find great delight in that.                     


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                       

April 25, 2021


Delusion of Deservedness


Measuring spiritual maturity is not an exact science, but it is a beneficial assessment of the growth that God has produced in our lives.  One of those areas of growth can better be described as a replacement process.  That replacement is the removal of entitlement and deservedness for the recognition of the grace of God.  God is glorified when we shift our focus from ourselves to Him, for He is rightly and justifiably a jealous God (Exodus 20:5, 34:14, Deuteronomy 4:24).  But this crucial shift in focus doesn’t just happen instinctively; it takes a conscious effort against our natural tendencies.

It should come as no surprise that we live in what can confidently be described as the most entitlement driven society in existence.  Billions of advertising dollars are spent targeting one of mankind’s most primal desires, self satisfaction.  Convincing the general consumer that they are deserving of a product and should treat themselves is not a difficult sell.  This same general premise spills over into every aspect of life and as believers we need to be very careful of this pitfall. 

I am disheartened by the influence this monumental push for self entitlement has placed on the church.  Many couples going through difficult times in their marriage hear that still small voice of the world telling them they deserve better, they deserve to be ‘happy’.  Or perhaps the potential for an uncomfortable situation is the very thing that keeps you from ever sharing the gospel with someone else.  Or maybe it is the self indulgence of frivolous spending backed by the justification that you work hard and deserve it.  It might even be the pride of knowledge, even biblical knowledge.  This is a pride that demands respect from others, because after all, they should know who they are talking to, right? 

I realize these may be extremes, but entitlement and deservedness come in many different forms and severities.  This is to be expected of the secular, non-believing world, but it is not what God desires out of His children.  God delights when we recognize Him for all the many ways He extends His grace in our lives.  It is rather easy to look back over the course of our lives and see the big moments where God has lavished grace upon us.  The moment of salvation, the birth of a child, the provisions and protection through a health crisis, these are all obvious events we can pinpoint.  But, what about the day-to-day?  Are we in a constant state of acknowledgment regarding the grace of God in our lives?  This is an indicator of spiritual maturity. 

I had the pleasure of going fishing with a great friend and brother in Christ a short time ago.  He and I share a love for the outdoors and it was a blessing to spend that time together.  Unbeknownst to him, he would provide me with a much needed reminder that morning.  He got a bite, set the hook and reeled in a nice striped bass.  As soon as the fish got into the boat, my friend said in the most genuine, appreciative voice “thank you Lord for that”.  Was I surprised He gave praise to God, of course not, but nevertheless, it was a great reminder to recognize the grace of God in everything.  Am I suggesting that God is heavily concerned about our success out on the lake?  I am not, but I can assure you, He does care about our heart.  When we have a heart that is fixed on Him, and operate our lives with a consciousness of giving God glory for the ways He grants grace in our lives, He delights in that.  Life can be fast paced and if we are not careful it can get out ahead of us.  Recognizing the ways in which God provides our lives with grace is something that requires diligence.  Here are some questions we need to ask ourselves.

1.      Do I use phrases like “I deserve this” or “I don’t deserve this”?

2.     Am I constantly looking for injustice or mistreatment?

3.     Do I consider myself undeserving of God’s grace?

4.     On a typical day, do I spend more time looking after my own interest or recognizing God for who He is and what He is doing in my life?

5.     Do I only recognize the grace of God in hindsight?


The fact is, if you have been saved by the grace of God, you have undeservingly been given the greatest gift of all.  When you had nothing to offer, nothing to give, God saw fit to intervene in your life and change your heart, changing who you are at the very core.  What you were entitled to and deserving of was death because of your sin.  But, God did the work in your life that you could not do because He is full of love, mercy and GRACE.  Ephesians 2:8-9 explain the wonderful working of God’s grace in salvation For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”  I would encourage you this week to give this some serious thought.  I am certain that you will not be disappointed that you took the time to acknowledge the grace of God in your life.                             


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                                 


April 18, 2021



The Most Powerful Thing We Can Do


As we consider the different ways that we can measure spiritual maturity, we must recognize these are not subjective points, rather they are deeply rooted in the confines of Holy Scripture.  The reverence we place on the Word of God, the way we view the sin in our lives, as well as how we care for those in need, these are all practical ways of assessing spiritual maturity.  Another very important element of spiritual maturity is our heart toward prayer.  God’s Word is exhaustively clear on the critical nature of prayer, therefore we must give proper attention and focus to this understanding.  The late Jonathan Edwards said “Prayer is as natural an expression of faith as breathing is to life.” 

Prayer is the unique and divinely created means by which God’s children can speak to the great Creator of the world.  The very concept of prayer is one that should leave us in awe, that God would provide a way that sinful mankind could approach the holy and righteous throne of God.  We see Jesus serve as the perfect example of how one ought to pray in Matthew 6:9-13.  We can break down prayer into two main categories, prayers of supplication and prayers of praise. 

Prayers of supplication are also known as prayers of petition.  This is where we make our requests known before God, recognizing Him as the provider of all things for our lives (Philippians 4:6).  Many have wrongly depicted God as some sort of genie in a bottle, waiting to grant our every wish and demand.  This is certainly not the case, nor would Scripture support that illogical notion.  Assuming that prayers of supplication are simply for temporal “stuff” is not only a far too narrow view, but a shallow one at that.  A spiritually mature individual will pray for things like guidance, direction, wisdom, perseverance, endurance, boldness, opportunities to minister and share the gospel, patience, things that would lead to a more God honoring life.  These are important things to pray for because we know, by God’s Word, that these are things that God desires out of us.  When we have a firm understanding of this, we can better interpret verses like Mark 11:24 and John 15:7.  When we know what the will of God is, then our prayers will reflect that, praying for things that honor Him and not indulge self. 

Another form of prayer is prayers of praise, a form that unfortunately is seen far less than prayers of supplication.  Genuine prayers of praise are certainly a good indicator of spiritual maturity.  These types of prayers are seen all throughout Scripture.  The book of Psalms is filled with wonderful examples of God honoring praise, singing of His glorious name and exalting His excellencies.  The very nature of a prayer of praise is placing focus on God and not on oneself.  The more we are acutely aware of His constant extension of grace in our lives, the more we should be found praising His glorious name.  We live in a society that is driven by entitlement, expecting certain things based on our perceived deservedness.  Praising God should not be done only when we feel we have received our fair share, rather we should recognize the need to praise God all the time, humbly acknowledging that we are undeserving of His love and mercy.  1 Thessalonians 5:17 says that we should pray without ceasing, that means that we are to be in a constant state of prayer, having a heart that is purposed on communicating with God. 

Here are some questions to consider this week as we take a closer look at the area of prayer in our lives.

1.     Does the thought of praying without ceasing make sense to us, or do I find this an unreasonable task?

2.     What form of prayer do I focus on most often, supplication or praise? 

3.     Do I only praise God when I feel like He has answered my prayers in the way I wanted Him to?

4.     Is prayer my “go to” or my last resort? 

5.     When is the last time I have praised God for who He is?

6.     When is the last time I have asked God to reveal the things in my life that need to be corrected and changed, so that I can live a life that is more pleasing to Him?


My hope is that you would be encouraged this week to take a deeper, more intentional look at this area of your life.  As always, I pray that God would use this time to draw you closer to Himself, for His glory.                     

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                                 



April 11, 2021

Need For The Needy


Over the last several weeks we have been assessing the different ways in which we can measure spiritual maturity.  This is not to assume there is some magic formula that exists, but undoubtedly Scripture provides clear foundational truths that mustn’t be ignored.  These are characteristics and attributes that serve as evidence of genuine, growing faith.  So far we have looked at the importance of our view of God’s word as well as how we view the sin in our lives.  Today we are going to look at an area that is often overlooked, but certainly not because Scripture is silent or vague about the issue. 

As followers of Christ we should have a strong passion and desire to care for those who are in need.  1 John 3:17-18 tells us that if we have resources at our disposal and we see that someone else is in need, yet we turn a blind eye to their need, the love of God is not in us.  Did you hear that?  Verse 18 follows up by explaining that we are not to just to love with our words, but with our actions.  Because if our actions don’t back up our words, we are just a noisy gong (1 Corinthians 13:3).  Words don’t fill bellies and keep people warm from the cold.  James teaches this very same thing in chapter 2, stating that if we are all talk and no action, that we have dead faith.

When we think about those who are in need, this can really encompass a lot of different things.  Some individuals are in need of food, some money, or clothes, a helping hand, a listening ear, encouragement, etc.  For those who are lost spiritually, they have a need for the gospel, to hear the good news of Jesus Christ and the redemption that is found through Him alone. 

I have been extremely blessed in my own life to see the desire to meet needs modeled by a man I respect dearly.  I have known Ron Morris for over 20 years (he happens to be my wife’s grandfather).  Ron has volunteered at a local Christian rescue mission in Central Illinois for over 30 years.  The mission is designed for men who are struggling to meet their basic needs.  The shelter provides meals for the men, a warm place to stay, complete with showers, change of clothes and more.  The mission even has programs that teach skills to the men so that they can get involved in the workforce and provide a stable income.  But, more importantly than all of those things, the mission provides men with the gospel message.  Two times a day, volunteers come in to preach a message, maybe even sing a few songs with the men.  The men who come to the mission come from all walks of life.  Some are drug addicts, alcoholics, criminals; some are just plain down on their luck, products of tough circumstances.  The rescue mission has been serving that community since 1955, but many drive by it daily and don’t even know it exists. 

You see, it is hard to get volunteers to serve down at the mission.  It takes time, it takes effort, it takes desire.  Faithful men like Ron Morris have served, making the ongoing work of this ministry possible, because they love God and love God’s people.  I cannot even fathom how many messages Ron has preached down there, how many times he has gotten last minute cancelations and quietly stepped up, doing what needed to be done for those men to hear the message of Jesus Christ.  He has missed some family dinners and holiday gatherings, sacrificing to meet other’s needs.  Through his actions, he demonstrates a heart for the needy.  His example has been instrumental to me.  In fact, it was many years ago that Ron first asked me if I would preach down at the mission.  Now, since he was family, he certainly had some pull.  I agreed and have preached down there many times after that.  I firmly believe it is always more of a blessing to me than it is to those men. 

God cares for those who are in need and so should we.  Proverbs 14:31 Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors him.  We honor God through our actions in serving those who are in need.  So, here are some questions we must wrestle with. 

1.        Do I have a genuine heart for those in need?

2.        When is the last time I have taken action to meet the needs of others?

3.        When is the last time that I have prayed for God to make me aware of others needs?


As we contemplate these things, my prayer is that God will work in this area of our lives.  May God be glorified as He continues to grow us into the image and likeness of Christ.            

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                                



April 4, 2021

 Deep Contrition

I hope you have been both encouraged and challenged as we have considered the different ways in which one can measure spiritual maturity.  Last week we looked at the importance of how we view scripture, a critical element of spiritual maturity.  Another area of importance is our attitude toward our own sin, in other words, our level of contrition.  Simply put, contrition is our degree of remorse over disappointing God.  Contrition is a noun and contrite is the adjective form.  We see several times in scripture that a proper feeling about our sinful condition is to have a contrite heart (Psalm 51:17, Isaiah 57:15, 66:2) 

We know that God is grieved by our sin, for every sin is quite literally against Him (Psalm 51:4, Ephesians 4:30, Psalm 78:40).  God hates our sin (Proverbs 6:16-19, Psalm 5:5, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10), thus we too should hate and forsake our sin.  What that means is living a habitual life of unrepentant sin speaks volumes about our attitude toward sin and quite frankly, our attitude toward God.  To love God is to want to please Him (1 Thessalonians 2:4, Hebrews 13:16), to bring honor to His name through our life and conduct (1 Corinthians 10:31).  That means that if an individual is indifferent to sin, is not affected by their sin, then their desire to please self is greater than their desire to please God.

Consider the earnest expression of David’s heart in Psalm 51, one that is anything but complacent about his sin.  It is safe to describe David’s anguish as deep contrition.  Plus, to prove his sentiment was more than just lip service, David implored the Lord to search his heart in Psalm 139:23-24.  I would encourage you to contemplate these questions.

1.     When was the last time I was broken over my sin?

2.     Do I allow the reality of God’s view of my sin to trump my feelings and emotions?

3.      Is there habitual unrepentant sin in my life?

4.     Do you care enough about your sin to ask God to search your heart, knowing He will actively work to eradicate that sin from your life?

5.     What kind of verbiage do you use concerning your sin?  Do you downplay it, attempting to justify sin on the grounds of inclusiveness, with remarks like “no one is perfect” or “the Bible does say we are all sinners”? 


I would challenge you to give considerable thought to these questions this week.  May God be glorified through your diligence to look deeply into the area of sin in your life, and consequently be honored by your response to hate and forsake it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                   

March 28, 2021


Sharper Than A Two Edged Sword

Last week I explained that over the next several weeks we would be looking at the different ways that spiritual maturity can be measured.  Spiritual stagnicity is what Paul rebuked the Corinthians for, while just a short time later encouraging the young Timothy to grow so that he could see progress, both in his life as well as the lives of his hearers (1 Timothy 4:15).  When God does the work of regeneration in our lives, we are changed at the very core of our being, a change that affects every part of our lives, that is the power of God at work. 

As followers of Christ we want to ensure that we are following Him well, which is why spiritual growth is a vital component that we need to be cognizant of.  One area of spiritual growth, one with monumental impacts, is our view of the Bible.  This may sound like a simple area, but I believe it is the most overlooked as well.  Going back to what Paul explained in 1 Corinthians 3:1-3, the believers in Corinth were not growing in their understanding because they had let worldly pleasures get in the way of their desire for the Word of God and living by Its truths.  If we proclaim to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30), then we cannot be indifferent about His Word.  We cannot love the Lord and not love His Word (John 14:23), they are intrinsically intertwined.

In 1 Peter 2 the Apostle Peter gives the example of a baby longing for milk, tying this to the yearning we ought to have for the things of God.  If you have ever experienced a baby who is well past their scheduled feeding time, you will understand exactly what Peter is talking about here.  Not only do babies desire milk, crave milk, but they also need milk for survival.  If one thinks this to be too strong of a comparison, it is a clear sign they are guilty of the very error this teaching exposes.  We should long for the Word of God, as it is essential for spiritual life and growth.  Matthew 4:4 says that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.  This verse is not talking about an obligatory process, rather it is describing the necessity of being fed by the Word of God, nourishment that cannot be achieved by any other means. 

Many will boldly state the characteristics of God’s word, that it’s inerrant, infallible, authoritative, sufficient, all these things being true.  But, they speak little of their attitude toward the Holy Scriptures.  I am often reminded of the stories that are told of soldiers that have gone all over the world to fight for our freedoms.  One of the highlights of a soldier’s day is when the mail gets distributed among the platoon.  Letters from home are coveted property and the reaction from the troops makes this abundantly clear.  All anxiously await their name to be called and when it is called they rip the envelope open with excitement.  They read the letter with intensity, hanging on every single word.  The letter gets read not once, but time after time, revealing the value that its contents provide.  As believers we too should have a similar attitude toward the Word of God.  The desire we have for His Word should be second to none.  You see, we can say many great things about the Bible, but actions reveal the desire of our heart.

Along with this, we must recognize the Bible as the final Word in all matters.  What this means is the Word of God is superior to our feelings, emotions, and traditions.  Our lives should be constantly molding and forming to the truths of His Word.  The Bible is living and active, discerning the thoughts and intentions of our hearts (Hebrews 4:12).  Anytime something in our lives doesn't line up with what Scripture says, our actions and attitude in those moments tell a great deal about our view of the Bible.  A good mark of spiritual maturity is recognizing that Holy Scripture is never changing but should always be changing us. 

With our view of Scripture being a barometer of sorts, regarding spiritual maturity, what kinds of questions should we be asking ourselves?  Here are just a few starter questions to ruminate on this week. 

  1.  How would I describe my level of passion for the Word of God?
  2. When there is a problem in my life, what is the main source I turn to for guidance and wisdom (family, friends, google, Bible, feeling/emotions)?
  3. Do I really believe that the Bible is relatable to everything in my life?
  4. Do I allow the Bible to be the final word in all matters of my life?


I pray that through this intentional look into this area of your life that God would do the necessary work for you to have a proper view of His Word.  May we glorify God with a heart that is zealous for His Holy Word.           


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                  


March 21, 2021 

Pass The Meat Please

A question that gets asked with regularity is how does one measure success in a church?  I take issue with the question itself, since success is a word that requires explanation, as success is a rather subjective idea.  The appropriate question to ask, not to mention the more biblical one, is what level of spiritual maturity exists within your local congregation?  While success can be subjective, spiritual maturity is easier to define, since scripture has given us great insight on the issue. 

In 1 Corinthians 3 the Apostle Paul addresses the church in Corinth with a rather pointed rebuke.  Those within the church had been succumbing to the worldliness that was so pervasive in that city.  Paul had brought them the gospel message in his earlier journey, many received the gospel, placing their faith and hope in the Lord.  But, as time went on they were not living a life that was glorifying to the Lord.  Needless to say, Paul had expectations for the church in Corinth and we see that as he corrects them in chapter 3:1-3 But I, brothers, could not address you as spiritual people, but as people of the flesh, as infants in Christ. I fed you with milk, not solid food, for you were not ready for it. And even now you are not yet ready, for you are still of the flesh. For while there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not of the flesh and behaving only in a human way?  Here we see that Paul had assumed that over the course of this elapsed time, the church would be growing in terms of spiritual maturity.  But, to his dismay, that was not the case.  Paul uses the familiar analogy of spiritual infancy and milk.  Just like babies need life sustaining milk to survive, individuals need the truth of the gospel to bring about spiritual birth.  However, and to Paul’s point, babies do not continue to drink milk alone for the entirety of their lives, they eventually grow up, not only tolerating solid food but also desiring it.  Solid food is the deeper truths of scripture, understandings that come through the increase of wisdom and knowledge in the Word of God.

The frustration that Paul expressed in this passage demands that we take a good hard look at the spiritual maturity that is present in our own lives.  The question is, how do we do this?  How does one measure spiritual maturity?  There are certainly some indicators in this particular passage that we can glean, but this is most assuredly not an exhaustive teaching on the marks of spiritual maturity.  Why is this important you may ask?  I believe the Bible is quite transparent on the issue of spiritual growth.  God desires us to grow, to become more sanctified and useful for His will and purposes.  Colossians 1:9-10 And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. 

Over the course of the next several weeks we are going to look at and break down the different areas of Christian life that serve as a barometer of sorts for measuring spiritual maturity.  I pray this will serve as an encouragement as well as a challenge.  Please join me in prayer as we look to our Heavenly Father and desire to be found faithful in all our ways.  I am confident that there will be some areas revealed that will cause needed action, but I trust the attention will be rewarded greatly and the Lord will be glorified.                                                                                                                                                               

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                 

March 14, 2021


Don’t Confuse Me With The Facts


In light of some of the recent events, it occurs to me that as a society we have somehow lost our ability to distinguish the difference between historical fact and personal opinion.  This is not a trend that is isolated to governmental protocol or the way our country was founded, but it is actually infiltrating the church quite rapidly.  The serious danger in all of this rests on the perceived solution that if you don’t like the truth, just cancel it, pretending it never happened.  Now, I know many of you reading this are probably shaking your head, thinking this to be an infantile reaction at best.  But, let’s take a look at what has happened as of late in the ever growing confusion of fact and opinion, plus the consequent reaction to the issue. 

It is a fact that George Washington was one of the founding fathers of our country.  He was the first president of the United States of America.  These are irrefutable facts.  It is one’s personal opinion whether George Washington was a good person or whether his practices were ethical or not.  However, an individual's assessment of his merit and character does not change the facts about his presidency or his intricate role in this country's inception.  One’s opinion cannot erase the facts from existence, facts are still facts. 

When a child is born, they are either born as a little boy or a little girl, these are biological and anatomical facts.  Now, for a boy to say they feel like a girl or a girl to say they feel like a boy, this is a matter of opinion, but their opinion does not change the facts of who they are, better yet, who God made them to be.  Opinions do not dictate facts. 

So, how does this relate to the church and those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ?  Unfortunately this kind of mode of operation, one that runs off of factless opinions is all too common.  There are those who feel like hell is too drastic of a measure, in their opinion it is unloving and cruel.  Instead of focusing on the facts that scripture reveals about hell (Revelation 21:8 Matthew 10:28, Matthew 25:36), they choose to believe it doesn’t exist (annihilationism).

In God’s grace and mercy, He sent His very own Son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross, providing the only way for man to be reconciled to God.  This is a fact.  Unbelief is an opinion, one that does not change the facts.  There is even a dangerous church movement right now that states that God would never have truly sent His very own Son to die, since this would be called “cosmic child abuse”.  Instead they claim the gospel accounts are not to be taken literally.  Again, this is their opinion, but it does not change the facts.

There are far more examples of this dangerous trend but they all have the same underlying problem, letting personal opinion overrule facts.  This kind of practice places a low view on scripture and a high view on self.  If we are not careful, I think we might start seeing a push for removing parts of scripture to best suit one’s feelings.  Now, this is just my opinion, it is not a proven fact. 

God’s Word is truth (John 17:17), by nature it is inerrant and infallible.  No amount of opinion can change the truth of God’s word.  I hope you find great encouragement in that.  It is quite understandable to have an opinion on certain matters, but let us not be unnecessarily confused with what is fact and what is opinion.  Praise God and rest on the assurance we have through His Holy Word.                                                                                       


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam


March 7, 2021

Where Strength Is Found


Without question, the Bible has many amazing characters that serve as examples, some good, some bad.  Perhaps one of the most fascinating characters is the Nazarite, Samson.  It is a story most of us are familiar with, but one that has an often forgotten lesson. 

From the beginning God gave detailed instruction of how the boy was to be raised, born of a barren woman to be set apart for God’s purposes.  One of those details was an untouched mane, which the young man attributed to his great strength.  Samson was a man who knew what he wanted, arguably passionate to a fault.  He was also a very strong and virile man, a warrior to be reckoned with.  First his heart was set on pursuing a Philistine woman, despite this act being taboo to say the least, since they were known as enemies to everyone, especially Israel.  At their wedding feast, Samson challenged the young men in attendance with a riddle.  Out of frustration the young men threatened the bride to be, demanding she coerce the brute into revealing his answer.  Samson gave in to the woman’s pleas and indulged her wishes.  After learning that he had been tricked, the Narcissistic Nazarite had a personal vendetta that would see him stop at nothing to get revenge.  In his mind the mission was clear, kill all the Philistines that he came in contact with. 

The warpath included burning the Philistine’s fields by way of live foxtail torches and killing 1,000 men with nothing more than a jawbone of a donkey and fierce determination.  Samson was a seemingly unstoppable force, that is until the harlot Delilah entered the scene.  For Samson this was lust at first sight, forgoing any logic or reason to pursue his new desire.  Low on morale and manpower, the Philistines decided to try another route in stopping the great Samson, they bribed Delilah.  After repeated attempts, finally Samson gave in to the woman’s inquiry, divulging the source of his strength, his long hair.  Upon cutting his hair, guards came in and seized the Nazarite, gouging out his eyes in the process. 

Up until now Samson’s life had been a rollercoaster of highs and lows.  He was used by God, yet he didn’t even realize his desperate need for the Lord.  What could Samson possibly have left to offer in this life?  Well, the answer is nothing.  Samson had nothing to offer.  Thank goodness God did have something to offer. 

The Philistines brought Samson into a large assembly where they were making great sacrifices to pagan gods.  Samson, blind and powerless was brought in by guards.  He asked the guards to allow him to rest between two columns in the building.  With over 3,000 people in attendance, Samson did what he had failed to do in his entire life thus far, submit to the Lord.  In a genuine petition to God, the seemingly weak man prayed “O Lord God, please remember me and please strengthen me only this once, O God, that I may be avenged on the Philistines for my two eyes (Judges 16:28).  The Lord responded to Samson’s prayer and provided him with more strength than he had ever had before.  Placing one hand on each pillar, Samson pushed with divine power, collapsing the building, killing himself along with the 3,000 Philistines. 

You see, even for a man of great physical power, nothing compares to the power of submitting to God.  In that moment of submission we see the single greatest thing Samson did in his life.  If you have been born again into a new life in Christ, submitting to the Lord is the single greatest thing you have ever done, which is done only by the grace of God and all for the glory of God.  True strength is found when we submit ourselves to the Lord.                                                             

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                 



February 28, 2021

New Package - Same Heresy

This past Sunday I had the privilege of preaching on James 5:15, as part of a systematic journey through the book of James.  While digging deep to accurately exegete this verse, we looked at the error that exists among many false teachers.  One of those groups leading many astray is called the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR).  It gives me no delight to call attention to this false teaching movement, however it is careful attention indeed that is required to remain watchful against these wolves (1 Peter 5:8).  So what is the NAR?  Why is this movement so dangerous?

The charismatic movement gained a great deal of steam in the 1960’s, from there spawning new groups along its path to present day.  One of those groups was pioneered by C. Peter Wagner, who after organizing a massive meeting with other like-minded leaders in 1996, called themselves the New Apostolic Reformation. 

The ‘New’ in the NAR describes the revelation that these self proclaimed modern “apostles” receive from God.  They believe this is a God-given role that exceeds the role of a pastor/elder, since their self proclaimed title equips them with the same miraculous functions as the apostles of the Bible.  Of course, this lofty title is one they capitalize on, boasting of their ability to receive new revelation from God, as well as perform miracles and healing.  Anytime one claims to receive new revelation from God, they directly undermine the sufficiency and authority of Scripture (Deuteronomy 4:2, Proverbs 30:6 Revelation 22:18-19).  When God is not enough, leave it to fallen man to step in and assert himself as the missing link.  The emphasis placed on the leaders of these churches is appalling, not to mention in complete contradiction to God’s Word (1 Corinthians 3:4-9).

Another major error in this false teaching movement is the belief that the church is establishing a new order of control on earth.  Insisting that God has appointed modern prophets and apostles to set things in order on earth is not a biblical premise.  But, they believe it is their responsibility to govern and dominate every facet of life, from politics, to the arts, to economy, and so on, bringing about a utopia of sorts.   This not only contradicts the reign that satan has been allowed to have on earth (2 Corinthians 4:4, 1 John 5:19) but also ignores the second coming of Christ (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, Hebrews 9:28).

This dangerous movement preys specifically on the younger generation, swooning them with what has been known as their ‘hook’, contemporary music.  Organizations like Bethel and Hillsong pump out chart topping song after song (these are musically talented people), while flying under the banner of this horrendous NAR movement.  To say that music is used as the gateway would be a severe understatement.  Creating an experience is their top priority, while God’s Word takes a back seat. 

Not preaching the true gospel of Jesus Christ, elevating man while devaluing God, seeking signs and wonders to validate personal prestige, ignoring the sufficiency and infallibility of Scripture are just a few of the many reasons why this movement is one to avoid completely.  This abominable movement is leading many astray and we need to be on guard, being able to spot the wolves for the sake of protecting the sheep.  This is nothing new, false teachers have been cleverly concocting innovative deceptions since biblical times (2 Timothy 3:1-9) and I am sure we have not seen the last attempt.  It is important that we remain steadfast and immovable when it comes to standing firm on the Word of God and upholding His precious name with all reverence and honor (1 Corinthians 15:58).  Press on, proclaim the truth and refute the false.                                                       

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                 


February 21, 2021 

Shutting The Door To God’s Ear


It is undeniable that the Bible exhaustively clarifies the importance of God’s children being defined as people of prayer.  Prayer is a vital component of our relationship with God, a privilege that cannot be overstated.  As it should, prayer is prescribed for every circumstance, recognizing God as the source of all healing, growth, forgiveness, mercy, restoration, as well as being worthy of all praise.  But, very rarely do we give adequate attention to the things we do that cause a fracture in our communication with God. 

First, it must be stated that prayer is reserved for those who are in Christ, who have confessed their sin and believed upon the Lord for salvation.  James 4:3 reveals that those who do not receive what they are praying for is due to the fact that they are asking wrongly.  There are a number of ways to pray wrongly, or come before the Lord in an improper way, one of those being with a heart that has not been regenerated by God.  The unrepentant heart does not love God nor does it desire to serve God.  Unregenerate sinners are driven by their passions and lusts, which we see in Psalm 66:18 results in God not listening to their prayers, while Psalm 28:9 calls these prayers an abomination.  By the grace and mercy of God, there is one prayer that unbelievers can pray that is heard and answered by God every time, which is the prayer of confession, crying out for the forgiveness that is found through the atoning blood of our Savior Jesus Christ ( 1 John 1:9, Psalm 32:5, Acts 3:19). 

But, what about believers?  What about those who have experienced forgiveness through the saving grace of God in salvation?  How can the prayers of saints be unheard or unanswered?  To answer these questions we need to understand the nature of our fellowship with God.  Prayer is a wonderful privilege that we undeservingly get to partake in, but it is also a great responsibility.  1 Corinthians 4:2 tell us that as good stewards of what God had entrusted us with, we should be found faithful.  Therefore not being a good steward would reveal that we are consequently not being faithful.  As believers, we too can have unrepentant sin present in our lives, making the words of Psalm 66:18, as well as Isaiah 59:2, sear with conviction.  Unconfessed sin damages our fellowship with God and even affects the area of prayer. 

Another passage to be familiar with is 1 Peter 3:7.  In this verse we see that the way a husband treats His wife is of utmost importance, in fact, so much so that not adhering to biblical instruction in this area can hinder one’s prayers.  This passage not only highlights the significance that God places on marriage, but also the reverence that one needs to maintain when approaching God in prayer. 

In perhaps one of the most overlooked commands (not suggestions), scripture explains the care that we have for the poor holds us accountable to God.  Proverbs 21:13 minces no words as it explains the hypocrisy that exists with those who would turn a deaf ear to need, yet continue to petition God for their own.  In keeping consistency as a Just God, He holds us accountable for our actions, and disciplines us in ways that He sees fit.  The wonderful words of Proverbs 3:11-12 show us that God disciplines those He loves. 

Although as believers we cannot be rejected by God, we can experience the strain in fellowship at the hands of our own disobedience.  Prayer is vitally important and something we need to take very seriously.  May we have a desire to heed the remarkably sincere prayer of David in Psalm 139:23-24 Search me, O God, and know my heart!  Try me and know my thoughts!  And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!  When sin is revealed in our lives, dealt with by confessing it unto the Lord, He is glorified through our obedience and as well as our desire to seek Him above all.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam 

February 14, 2021



Literarily Confused

Oftentimes when students get through (pass) literature and grammar classes, they sigh in relief, hoping to never have to use that information from there on out.  But, before you go and wipe any and all data from the existence of your mind, might I caution you to consider rethinking your actions?  You see, we use literature and grammar all the time, more often than you are likely aware of.  Even if one does not enjoy reading, we use literary principles all the time.  Parents will occasionally speak “code”, using symbolism to conceal the matter of the conversation from their children.  Sometimes we use sarcasm (“sometimes” being sarcastic in itself), other times we use hypotheticals, instructions, or even allegories.

As believers, we should have a strong desire to not only read God’s Word, but also understand Its meaning.  The Bible uses many different literary forms, so we have to be aware of these and notice when they are being used.  Let me give you an example.  In John 10:9 we see Jesus referring to Himself as a door.  Revelation 13:8 calls Jesus “The Lamb Who Was Slain”.  If we don’t understand the use of metaphor in these passages, we would get unnecessarily confused.  It would certainly be a wrong conclusion to render that Jesus is a rectangular structure on hinges with a handle, or that He is a fluffy animal with four legs and hooves.  There are a number of major literary devices used in particular sections of the Bible and getting these mixed up can cause great misunderstanding. 

The book of Genesis, as well as the four gospels, was written in a historical narrative form.  That is, these books are to be read as literal, as they give a detailed account in order of the events that took place.  Of course within these books, as previously mentioned with John 10:9, there are uses of other literary forms as well.  Symbolism, metaphors, parables, and more are used to support the lesson being explained.  We see wisdom or lyrical books, written by use of poetry throughout Psalms and Proverbs.  Even within this poetic style, subcategories are used, such as acrostic and alliterations.

The knowledge of the use of hyperbole (exaggeration) can save us from believing we have to cut off our hand if it ever causes us to sin (Mark 9:43).  Parallelism helps us determine the unified meaning of what appears to be two or more unique phrases.  There are also prophetic books (Isaiah, Daniel, Malachi, etc) as well as books of instructions or epistles (Ephesians, 1 &2 Timothy, Titus, etc.). 

So, what is the point of all of this?  Does this mean that we need to all go back to school and master literature and grammar?  No, take a deep breath, because that is not what I am suggesting.  What I am suggesting is that you give more caution and thought to what you are reading, where in the Bible you are reading it, and use the necessary tools to interpret the passage correctly.  We are to be students of the word.  With that said, it does take work and effort on our part.  Start off slow, recognizing the major themes first (narrative, poetic, prophetic, allegorical).  I can assure you of this, the instance of wrongly interpreting a verse will be greatly reduced if we recognize what literary style is being utilized.  You don’t need to be a literary genius to know and understand the Bible; thank goodness that is the case.  But, the more we are equipped with the tools to rightly interpret scripture, the more we will understand who God is and what He desires in our lives.  It is worth it.                                                                                     

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                           




February 7, 2021


The Friendship Fallacy

It is always disheartening to me when the gospel message is shared in any way that deviates from what we see laid out in scripture.  One of those deviations that has increased in popularity, as many churches have endorsed this ideal, is what is known as friendship evangelism.  Why do I say deviation?  Well, simply put, the ideology behind friendship evangelism is seen nowhere in scripture. 

So, what is friendship evangelism?  It is the belief that one must establish a friendship and build a level of trust before sharing the gospel.  Now, let me pause by saying, there is certainly nothing wrong with sharing the gospel with your friends, in fact this is the appropriate and God honoring thing to do.  But, becoming friends with someone is not a qualification to sharing the gospel. 

At the very center of a friendship is the shared commonality with the other person.  Friendships are born out of many different interests, like sports, work, hobbies, family, etc, etc.  The more time two people share together, the closer friends they become, furthering the level of trust.  Friendship evangelism supposes this is the ideal scenario in sharing the gospel.  Is this biblical?  Is this the way that Jesus shared His gospel message.  Is this the way the disciples shared the gospel?  In Mark 16:15 we read the instruction that Jesus gave to His disciples regarding the sharing of the gospel - And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”  Obviously in this passage we see no indication that suggests that friendship had to be established before sharing the gospel. 

Another fault with friendship evangelism is the appearance of deception.  Since “the right time” to share the message of salvation through Jesus Christ is subjective to the one sharing, this can actually be viewed as distrustful.  Because it is after trust is established and the friendship has matured that you are going to now reveal the most important thing in your life.  First off, this should be glaringly evident to your friend anyhow.  If they have no idea that you are a Christian and that you are living your life for Christ, then needless to say there is a problem.  Secondly, your friend may feel tricked, and rightfully so, as you were not divulging pertinent information from the get go. 

Not only does friendship evangelism lack logical sense, it lacks biblical support as well.  John the Baptist preached the message of repentance (Mark 1:4), Peter preached a message of repentance (Acts 2:38), Paul preached a message of repentance (Acts 26:19-20), and more importantly Jesus Christ preached a message of repentance (Matthew 4:17, Luke 5:32).  A certain level of friendship is not a prerequisite for preaching the message of repentance.  The false notion propelling friendship evangelism is man-made and at the very least creates the tendency to greatly limit the number of people you share the gospel with.  My prayer is that you are encouraged to share the good news of Jesus Christ with as many people as the Lord provides you with.  Friend or not, this is a message that all need to hear.  Who knows, they may have not been your friend, but by the grace of God, they may become your brother or sister in Christ.  Let us seize every opportunity we are given.                                                                                                                                                                                                


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam 





January 31, 2021


Expectation Frustration


The word expectation does not have to be uttered for it to be ever present in our lives.  Stop and think about it for a moment, we place expectations on just about everything in our lives.  When you turn on the shower faucet, you expect warm water to come out.  When you put the trash out by the curb, you expect the garbage truck to take it away.  When you work hard, you expect to be compensated.  When you get married, you expect your partner to be loving and faithful.  In our judicial system, you expect justice to be upheld and maintained. 

Perhaps one of the most expectant things is the joy of childbirth.  When a woman becomes pregnant, the expectation is that in roughly nine months, a baby will be born.  Our lives operate a great deal under expectations.  But, what happens when those expectations do not turn out the way we had planned?  What happens when we find ourselves the exception instead of the product of expectation?  I have seen the grief of marriages that have fallen apart, babies that have been stillborn, and lives that have been rocked by unmet expectations.  These are certainly trying times that will test one’s faith. 

I am afraid so many live their lives fixated on the positive expectations, the ones that are pleasing and desirable.  But, as followers of Christ, we have expectations that scripture has clearly laid out.  2 Timothy 2:12 tells us this, Indeed, all who desire to live a Godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.  This is pretty straight forward isn’t it?  So, as believers in Jesus Christ, we should expect nothing less than persecution for our faithful allegiance to Him.  If we do not take heed of this truth we will be blindsided when this inevitable persecution comes marching through the front doors of our lives.  Ignoring this truth is not the antidote to ridding persecution from our lives. 

In John 15:19 Jesus explains that because He has chosen us out of the world, the world hates us.  Did you hear that?  The world does not love you and think your faithful obedience to Christ is endearing, it hates you, opposing who you are at the very core.  Folks we need to hear this.  Because the expectation is, if we are a “nice” person and treat others with respect, we will live peaceably with all.  This is simply not the case.  Scripture has not led you astray, your expectations have deceived you.  We need to filter our expectations through the lens of Holy Scripture.  Expectations are a good thing, as long as they are attached to the promises of God.  But, take heart, not all the expectations are as heavy as persecution, trials and tests.  Here is just a short sample of expectations that are formed from the wonderful promises of God.

Romans 10:9  because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Romans 8:28  And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

James 1:12  Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him

1 Peter 5:10  And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you

2 Corinthians 4:17 For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison

Philippians 3:20-21  But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.

John 14:3  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.

I pray you find assurance in the promises of God.  I also pray that as we navigate through life, that we would be aware of whether we are creating our own expectations or submitting to the expectations that are found in God’s Word.  Lord, continue to mold us and shape us into what You desire us to be.                                    

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam          

January 24, 2021


The Testimony Of God

One of the most wonderful things to hear is the testimony of an individual that has been radically changed by God.  When we hear the word testimony, it should remind us of the wonderful work that God has done and continues to do in our lives.  However, I have noticed an unhealthy, and all too common, dialogue that exists with many testimonies.  Although a testimony is personal, there is such a thing as making it too personal.  Let me explain.

How often does one’s story start off with, “I was a pretty good person”, or “I wasn’t terrible, just the typical guy/girl”?  Sadly, this is a tragic way to begin one’s testimony.  If this is how one begins, the hearer has already been misled.  Apart from Christ we are all sinners (Romans 3:23) with wicked hearts (Jeremiah 17:9) that have us in a spiritually dead state (Romans 6:23).  With that said, no one was pretty good and the typical guy/girl is sinful and rebellious.  To begin a testimony in this way is a major misunderstanding of the sinfulness and depravity of mankind. 

The next part of the testimony is the explanation of how salvation took place.  Again, a common misconception revolves around phrases like “I invited Jesus into my heart” (found nowhere in scripture), or “I decided to let Jesus into my life” (again not in scripture).  Up to this point the word I, me or my has been used a great deal.  When we had absolutely nothing to offer a Holy God, by means of His grace, He intervened in our lives.  John 6:44 tells us that no one comes to Christ unless God draws (‘helko’ literally drags) them.  In God’s perfect redemptive plan, He not only accomplishes salvation in lost souls, but He also initiates it (John 6:65) and instills the faith required to accomplish it (Hebrews 12:2), sealing them (Ephesians 1:13) for eternity (John 6:37).  God’s sovereignty, His grace, love, and mercy should be the focus of every testimony. 

Even when the testimony moves to post-salvation, many unnecessarily insert too many personal pronouns.  “I have become a better person”, “I have grown in such and such a way”.  Again, this shortcuts and undermines the source of all of these changes in our lives.  Our testimony should not highlight ourselves, rather it should point to the Glory and Majesty of the Lord, the only One capable of changing who we were.  Our testimony should serve as a firsthand account of the wonderful salvatory work of God. 

An easy way to break down a testimony is in 3 areas, life before, during and after salvation.  The only ownership we should be taking in these areas is the first area.  It was our sin that separated us from the perfect Holiness of God (Isaiah 59:2), making us sinners in need of a Savior (Ephesians 2:1-10).  May the testimony that we share be one that honors and glorifies God for doing what He alone can do.  My prayer is that the Lord would provide you with many opportunities to share the story of how He changed your life forever, and that God would use that to touch the lives of others.                   


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam   


January 17, 2021

The Casual Casualty

The word nominal can be defined as a role or position that operates on name only, meaning it does not possess any supporting attributes or character of the role/position.  Today, there are many who profess the name of Christ, but their proclamation is as far as it goes.  The nominal Christian often lives a life of complacency, with little to no regard for what is taught through Holy Scripture.  I came across a wonderful passage (1 John 3:1-10) that explains the severity of this kind of complacent lifestyle. 

What John is delineating in this passage is the stark difference between a true child of God and everyone else.  A true child of God is one who is defined as hating sin, removing sin from their lives at all cost.  Sin is recognized in their lives and, by the power of God working in them, earnestly resisted.  Those who do not go on practicing sin are shown to be God’s children by evidence of their faith.  What a wonderful testimony this is to the power of God to not only change behavior, but to change the heart of sinful man.  We see in verse 9 that those who are born of God (spiritual birth), cannot go on practicing sin.  John goes on to intimately tie in salvation, abiding with God, to the character of God Himself.  What that means is, if a person was truly saved and continued to live a life of sin, practicing sin, then this would make God a liar.  This would mean that the work He has done in that person’s life was not effective enough to actually change them.

Those who practice sin do not abide in God, they are not His children.  It does absolutely no good mincing words or watering this truth down.  I am afraid that is precisely what has gone on for far too long.  The church has either been too quiet about sin or too inclusive with their definition of who God’s children are.  Here is the deal, it is not up to us who God’s children are, it is up to God, and His word is explicitly clear in what that looks like.  Making a profession of faith and then living a life of sinful rebellion is nothing more than nominal Christianity.  Many churches are afraid to speak in these kinds of terms because they might offend people, they might even lose some attendees.  But, listen to what John says here in this passage through the Holy Spirit.  Verse 8 Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil; and Verse 10 By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother.  

Many would say this kind of directness is not loving, it is too harsh and rigid.  Those feelings are brought forth from a distorted view of what love really is.  Loving someone is telling them the truth.  The truth is if we abide in the Lord, we will live a life that reflects that.  And if one lives a life of habitual sin, then they are not of the Lord, rather they are of the devil.  We need to stop fostering an environment that supports and encourages nominal Christianity.  May we be found faithfully heralding the truth of God’s word, unhindered and unedited.  Nominal Christianity stops the moment an individual cries out to the Lord for forgiveness of their sin, repenting and submitting unto God in salvation.  For it is not our clever rendition that has the power to change lives, rather it is the Sovereign God who has spoken with saving power through His Word.  Praise be to God for doing what He alone can do.                

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                 


January 10, 2021

 Hard Boiled Heart

It was a hot day in the heart of Texas, normal weather for the locals I’m sure, but hot for this Midwest boy.  My wife and I had flown to San Angelo Texas with the youth group we led at our church.  Accompanied by two other adult volunteers, we were in for a great, but eye opening, week of serving the Lord.  We quickly found out that feeding these hungry youngsters was a feat in and of itself.  It was while preparing for breakfast one morning that I received a wonderful reminder of the grace of God. 

Stacks of eggs cartons were brought in by the ranch owner and that morning it was my job to cook up the eggs.  I got out a large bowl and began to crack the eggs, emptying the contents into the bowl.  On my way to the 40 egg goal, if memory serves me right, I believe it was egg number 33 that caught my attention.  This egg cracked just like the rest had, but as I emptied the contents into the bowl, something was noticeably different.  This is the first time in my life that I had come across a black, rotten egg.  The rotten stench of sulfur permeated the air instantly.  Out of impulse, trying to save the batch of good eggs, I attempted to scoop the vile contaminant out.  This was a futile attempt however, the entire batch was ruined. 

It wasn’t until later that I contemplated the significance of that morning mishap.  It reminded me of the sin that infects the lives of all people.  If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone say that they are a good person because their good deeds outweigh their bad, I would be living high off the hog.  This unbiblical notion is one that presumes God is into numbers, having good deeds negate the bad that we do.  This is far from the truth.  You see, our sin is like that rotten egg I encountered in Texas.  As soon as that bad egg entered into the bowl, it ruined everything, forever changing the integrity of the mixture.  Such is the case with sin in our lives, it doesn’t go away because we tack a couple of good deeds on.  The severity of this condition is one that must be addressed, as spiritual death and sin are intimately connected (Romans 5:12). 

I could not remove that bad egg from the bowl, neither could any of the onlookers.  In the same way, we cannot fix the damage that sin has created in our lives, neither can anyone else.  Only through Jesus Christ can we be made new (2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 2:20), can we be cleansed (1 John 1:9), can we have our sins forgiven (Ephesians 1:7, 4:32) and forgotten (Isaiah 43:25, Hebrews 8:12).  It is by the grace of God that He takes the tainted, rotten, undesirable and makes them into useful, new, wonderful creations for His glory.  May we bring glory to God, by recognizing Him for doing what He alone can.  

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                  


January 3, 2021

It’s Not What You Know, It’s Who You Know

On Sunday morning we have been systematically going through the book of James.  In the fourth chapter of James we are taught that our lives, as followers of Christ, are ones that should be lived by the guidance and direction of the Lord (James 4:13-16).  The decisions we make are important and they are many.  But, how does one maintain a consistent focus on making decisions that honor God? 

In Proverbs 3 Solomon provides a wonderful look at how we can accomplish this task.  In verse 5 we see the need to trust God with all of our hearts.  Trust can be a fickle thing can’t it?  We extend trust based on our knowledge of the one being trusted, don't we?  We determine if the person has good character and if they are proven by experience.  Oftentimes we trust an individual with carefully selected things but not necessarily the important stuff.  But, here in this verse we see that we are to trust the Lord with our whole heart, with everything that we have.  The Lord is certainly trustworthy and proven (Psalm 18:30, Isaiah 25:1).  When we wholeheartedly trust in the Lord, we will inevitably cease to lean on our own understanding (V:5).  If we lean on our own, carnal, finite understanding, we would not be completely relying on the sovereign, omniscience of God.  In all humility, we have to consciously yield our own understanding to seek the understanding of God (James 4:7). 

In verse 6 of Proverbs 3 we read that we are to acknowledge the Lord in all of our ways.  The Hebrew word for ways is ‘dârak’ which literally means road or journey.  That means that our trajectory should be one that is in a constant state of acknowledging the Lord.  Notice the verse says in all your ways acknowledge Him.  This removes any tendency to pick and choose what part of our lives we choose to acknowledge God in.  The verse is explicitly clear that we are to acknowledge God in everything, in every circumstance.  Recognizing our need to trust in the Lord should permeate every part of our lives. 

When we trust fully in the Lord, instead of our own intuition, and acknowledge Him in our lives, then we are left with a wonderful promise.  The promise is found in the latter part of verse 6, He will make straight your paths.  Trusting in the Lord provides clarity, knowing that He will set our course according to His will and purposes for our life.  There is no better place we can be than in harmony with the will of God, the path of His choosing. 

Trust can be fickle, but we have every reason to put our full assurance in the Lord.  May we commit to acknowledging Him in all our ways, for He alone is worthy.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam  



December 27, 2020 

Claus And Effect

It has always been compelling to me how so many will teach their kids to love, idolize and adore a false character (spoiler alert) like Santa Claus, yet retort of the absurdity at the belief of an Almighty Sovereign God.  Nevertheless, those who get all wrapped up in the holidays (pun intended) will inevitably feel a bit lost when the festivities come to a swift close.  The excitement is over and they are forced to move on to something else to fill their time.  But for believers, we have cause to continue our celebration.  We have a great deal in common with the Bible character Anna. 

We find the account of Anna in Luke 2:36-38, following the birth of Jesus Christ.  This is the only place in scripture you will find this prophetess, but we need not forget her important role.  Depending on how you interpret her age, Anna was likely between 84-104 at the time of this account.  She was a devoted woman of God, spending her days praying, fasting and worshipping.  Verse 38 tells us that Anna began thanking God among those who had been waiting, indicating Anna too had been waiting.  Clearly her thanks to God were directed toward the birth of the Messiah, the One that they had been waiting for. 

As children of God, we have the finished work of Christ’s crucifixion, resurrection and ascension.  Although the work is finished, let us not forget that we, in similar fashion to Anna, have much to look forward to.  Fulfilling scripture, Jesus will one day return to establish His kingdom, war against opposition and bring about judgment (Revelation 19:11-16, Zechariah 14:2, Matthew 25:31-46, 2 Corinthians 5:10).  Just like Anna continued to praise God, even after the Messiah was born, we too will continue our praise of the Lord for eternity.  Our joy and hope are fixed on the promises of God and no season of life can change that. 

As the lights come down this Christmas and once lively evergreen trees are seen dried out on the curb, may we be reminded that we have a Savior that is so much more than temporal, fading, stuff.  I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas.  But, on December 26th, I pray that you find just as much cause to celebrate.  For our God is worthy.                                                                  


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam


December 20, 2020

The Working Of The Spirit

As Christmas draws closer, many believers will read through the account of Christ’s birth, found in Luke 1 and 2.  It is wonderful that the more we read scripture, things are brought to light that we may have not noticed before.  I think spiritual maturity plays a part in this, as we grow in knowledge and understanding we start to recognize the details more, as they pertain to a greater understanding of the totality of scripture.  For many who will read this account, the tendency is to focus on the glory that is revealed through God’s orchestration of events and circumstances.  However, a commonly overlooked reality is the integral part that the Holy Spirit had throughout this unfolding. 

The Holy Spirit is mentioned five times throughout this account.  In an unprecedented fashion, John The Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit while still in his mother Elizabeth’s womb (Luke 1:15).  Part of the message that the angel Gabriel relayed to Mary was that she would be filled with the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:35).  This was to be done so that Mary would undoubtedly accomplish all that God had planned through her.  Mary was a common young lady who God used as an instrument to bring the Messiah into this world, God taking on the form and appearance of man.  The means by which He accomplished this through her was that she be filled with the Holy Spirit.  We see that the Spirit was actively at work in the lives of those involved in the account. 

When Mary went to visit her relative Elizabeth, sharing with her all that had transpired, Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:41).  She too was part of the master plan of God, as was her husband Zechariah, who would also be filled with the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:67).  A short while later we see that Simeon was given revelation that he would see Christ before his life would come to a close, a revelation that was given by the Holy Spirit (Luke 2:26).  So, you may be thinking, what is the significance here, what do we do with this knowledge of the Holy Spirit? 

Unfortunately the Holy Spirit is commonly viewed as a lesser part of the Trinity.  In other cases, the Holy Spirit is perverted and made out to be something that we experience through special services, calling on the Spirit through repetitious music and low lit gatherings.  These are both major errors that do not give the Holy Spirit the proper reverence that is due.  As followers of Christ we have the Spirit of God who works in and through us to accomplish His will and purposes for our lives (Romans 8:9).  The same Spirit who was active in the birth of Christ is the same Spirit who we have at work in our lives.  This is certainly a remarkable truth that should cause us to praise His wonderful name with Thanksgiving.                                                         


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam


December 13, 2020 

Christmas Excitement

If you haven’t noticed, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas (in my best Bing Crosby voice).  There are so many things that get people excited about Christmas.  For some it is picking out the perfect tree, others it is adorning their home with lights and ribbons in spectacular fashion, for others it is the multitude of delicious foods they get to enjoy (one’s that will inevitably lead to many New Year’s resolutions, but that’s another story entirely).  Whatever warms your holiday heart, without question the highlight for the masses will be exchanging gifts.  A great deal of time, energy and effort are put into giving the perfect gift.  Commonly parents are particularly eager to generate a great buzz around the gifts their children will receive.  In many cases, this is the highlight of the season, the grand finale if you will. 

Sadly even many Christ following parents have fallen victim to this focal distraction.  Trust me, I don’t write this from a high and mighty seat in an attempt to cast down judgment on my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.  Rather, this is a reflection that I am wrestling with and I have a feeling that I am not the only one.  As believers we should make every attempt to be devoted in a life of faithfulness and obedience to the One True God.  The excitement that we enjoy is brought forth through the salvation that we have received through the blood of Christ.  Jesus Christ is the cause of great excitement for all believers.  Ironically, during this Christmas season, there are multitudes of other things that vie for our attention and excitement.  We vehemently proclaim that Jesus is the reason for the season, but is He the reason for our excitement?

Church services, giving to the less fortunate, reading the account of Jesus’ birth with your family, these are all great things.  But, have they become routine, have we taken them for granted?  I am not suggesting that from this point on we should revolt and forego all traditions and norms, that is certainly not my intent.  Instead, my encouragement is that we refocus our excitement around the birth of Jesus Christ, the greatest gift of all.  May we spend less time wondering what is in that oddly shaped package underneath the tree and more time celebrating that we have a Savior that emptied Himself and took on the form of man (Philippians 2:7), providing the only way for our salvation (Acts 4:12, 1 Timothy 2:5).  No Black Friday or Cyber Monday deal could ever compete with that.  May we not allow anything to take precedence over our celebration of Jesus Christ.  Let’s use this opportunity to share with others why we are excited about Christmas.                                                                                                                                                                                             

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam


December 6, 2020 


No Censorship Required

It is concerning to me the “softness” that many have unnecessarily inserted into scripture.  This softness generally comes by way of misinterpretation, an interpretation that is made to accommodate feelings and emotions.  One recent example is one’s rendering of the parable of the 10 virgins that is seen in Matthew 25:1-13.  In this parable there are 10 virgins (representing professing believers) who are going to meet the bridegroom (Jesus Christ).  There is a clear distinction between the virgins, 5 are diligent and prepared and 5 are lazy and unprepared.  The nature of their preparedness is a direct correlation to the love, or lack of love they have for the bridegroom.  The 5 who were prepared and eager about their meeting depict 5 believers who truly love the Lord.  The 5 who were not ready depict unbelievers, who made a profession of their love but their actions revealed their indifference. 

To misinterpret this passage would be to make the unwarranted conclusion that all 10 of these virgins are believers, 5 prepared and useful and 5 not prepared and complacent.  So, how do we clear this up?  There are actually several ways to remove this confusion.  First, if you look at verses 11-13 the 5 unprepared virgins come to the door of the bridegroom (Jesus) and ask to be let in.  Notice the Lord’s response, “I do not know you.”  This is not a threat to the omniscience of the Lord, rather it is a repeated phrase that signifies those who have rebelled and rejected Christ (Matthew 7:23).  Not being known by Christ is the opposite of being known by Christ, that we see in John 10:14  I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me.  So the very fact that the bridegroom (Christ) rejected the 5 unprepared virgins and stated that He did not know them, this should be a closed case as to the condition of the 5 virgin’s hearts. 

But, there is further clarity to this understanding.  The parable of the 10 virgins is tantamount to the parable of the talents.  We have the same lesson being revealed in the parable of the talents.  There are 3 servants that represent 3 professing believers and the master who represents Christ.  The actions of the first 2 servants revealed the love and faithfulness they had toward the master, while the lazy and unconcerned actions of the third servant revealed his lack of love for the master.  The third servant was in the exact same boat as the 5 virgins who were rejected, they were unprepared.  Their unpreparedness wasn’t a result of not doing enough work in advance, rather it was found in their unregenerate hearts.  Just like the 5 virgins were rejected at the door, the third servant in the parable of the talents was rebuked by the master and as we see in Matthew 7:30.  The master ordered that the servant be cast out to the outer darkness, in the palace where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.  This is not a low lit area of heaven, this is a clear reference to hell (Matthew 13:42, Luke 13:28).  To interpret either one of these parables as believers who simply differ in effectiveness is just plain wrong.   

Brothers and sisters, God’s Holy Word does not need our tweaking and adjusting to make it more palatable.  It is not our responsibility, nor right, to censor the Word Of God so it is easier to stomach for the masses.  These two parables serve as a warning for those who are not ready when the Lord returns, as Matthew 25:31-46 clearly defines.  Being ready when the Lord returns in glory is submitting our lives to Christ, laying down pride and putting on humility in servanthood for the Lord.  These parables are not about trimmed wicks, oil and buried treasures.  They are about the condition of the heart and the reality of what will take place when Jesus Christ returns to settle accounts. 

My encouragement is that we approach the Word of God with reverence and respect, not as a book of good ideas that needs our fine tuning.  May we have a high view of scripture, trusting in every word God has brought forth for our benefit to live a Godly life in Christ Jesus.                                   


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam

November 29, 2020

Thanksgiving Is Not Canceled

As we approach Thanksgiving we concede that this year has not been the typical year.  In fact, many will forgo their normal family gathering in light of the ever present virus that has demanded global attention.  As we reflect on the events of the year, the recap is a rather dismal one.  Masks have gone from hot topic to standard attire.  Our kids are growing up in a time where sickness is the scuttlebutt and charts and graphs can be seen on every news outlet.  Politics vie for focal supremacy yet fail to offer any clarity or resolution.  High school and college sports fans deal with partial seasons at best and professional sports fans are left with inundating social messages from athletes who have forgotten if they are running for office or playing basketball.  Riots, violence and hate have become commonplace in many cities across the nation.  Many lament about 2020 being the worst year in recent history. 

Although I understand the unusual nature of this year, I am not altogether surprised either.  In John 16:33 Jesus tells his disciples that in this world, they will have trouble.  Trouble has certainly not vanished in the last 2000 years.  However, take heart, neither have the promises of God vanished in that time.  Psalm 103:19 tells us that God is on the throne that He has established in heaven, ruling over all that He has made.  Our God is not silent, rather He is always working to accomplish His perfect will (Psalm 50:2, Isaiah 46:9-11).  As followers of Christ we have been given the wonderful promise of security in Him (John 10:27-29, John 6:37, Romans 11:29).  And praise God our hope, joy, peace and comfort are not of this world (Romans 15:13, 2 Thessalonians 3:16, Jeremiah 29:11, 2 Corinthians 1:3-4).  My encouragement to you is this, don’t look at 2020 as a year void of things to be thankful for.  Instead be thankful that 2020 has been a year that aids in our appreciation and understanding of God’s grace in our lives.  We have so much to be thankful for.  We serve a living and active God who reigns supreme, victory has already been won.  The last part of John 16:33 is a wonderful promise that we can rest on, Jesus said “But take heart, I have overcome the world.”  Sorry world, you can try to take our Thanksgiving, but you cannot take our thankfulness.                                                                                                                                                                 

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                  

November 22, 2020


The Battle Rages But The Victory Is Won


No matter how well an athlete trains for a competition, nerves are still commonly present.  Sometimes these uneasy feelings are masked behind a braggadocious facade with boasts of unwavering confidence.  Nevertheless, the presence of nerves are just under the surface.  These nerves generate out of a fear of the unknown.  Did I train hard enough?  Did my opponent train harder?  What if I make a simple mistake, human error, a slip?  These are things an athlete mulls over, even the ones who seem calm and unfazed.  In sports, it isn't over until it's over.  Whether it be a last ditch effort haymaker, an interception, a buzzer beater, you name it, but the fact is, it isn't over until it's over.  

Fortunately for those who have submitted their lives to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, this is not the case for them.  Ephesians 6:12 tells us that, as believers, we are in a battle.  This battle is with an enemy, an adversary, that fights tirelessly and vigorously.  Our enemy, satan, is very good at what he does.  1 Peter 5:8 says that the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to destroy or devour.  Logically one could conclude that this is a rival that is deserving of our concern.  However, for those who are in Christ, there is absolutely nothing to fear.  

As well trained as satan is at his craft, he is no match for our great God.  1 Corinthians 15:57 tells us that God has given us victory through Christ.  Romans 8:37 calls us conquerors, while 2 Corinthians 2:14 says that we are led in triumph by Christ.  Romans 8:31 gives us the confidence in knowing that our relationship with Him is one that should not fear opposition.  We will in fact be in battle daily, always fighting to be pillars and supports of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15), while fighting against the schemes of satan (James 4:7).  We have no reason to falter in our pursuit, as we find our confidence and strength in Him alone (Isaiah 41:10, Ephesians 6:10).  Unlike the undetermined outcome that exists prior to an athletic event, our battle as children of God has already been won.  Thank you Lord, that we have victory through Your precious name.  Having no reason to fear, may we march forward in all boldness through the power of Your Spirit (2 Timothy 1:7).                                                                                                                                                         

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                   


November 15, 2020 


Big News

As the sunset behind the green rolling hills near Bethlehem, the shepherds were about to embark on the night shift.  The cool of the night would be ushered in and the noise of the day would grow quiet.  Shepherds in those days had to be fearless, not letting anyone or anything harm the sheep they were entrusted with.  They also had to be attentive, knowing the situation and the condition of the sheep at all times.  When nightfall came, an increased level of awareness was most certainly present among the shepherds.  Predators of all kinds would roam the land in search of such a meal.  Wolves are commonly viewed as a sheep’s worst nightmare, but the Bible also lists lions and bears as possible advisories to the flock (1 Samuel 17:34).

In the profession of a shepherd, no news is good news.  An uneventful night was all those who tended the flock could hope for.  Any sound or rustling in the tall grass could send the shepherds into a mode of fierce protection.  On the night that Jesus Christ was born, shepherds in a nearby field were about to experience an unprecedented event.  Luke 2:8 says that while the shepherds were keeping watch over their sheep, an angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them.  Suddenly this uneventful night became a divine display of God’s glory.  The fear that must have immediately gripped these men would have them wishing it had been a lion or a bear instead.  God used this magnificent event to tell of the Savior’s birth.  We recognize the contrast between the humble, quiet birth of Christ and the glorious, attention demanding revelation of His arrival.

Undoubtedly this event was one that the shepherds would never forget.  For those of us who have been saved by God’s grace, we can relate, at some level, to what the shepherds must have felt that night.  For us it was not the glory of the Lord shining down in the middle of the night or an angel of the Lord speaking audibly to us.  But, the miraculous work that God has done in our lives certainly leaves us in awe, recognizing His glory and majesty.  I encourage you this week to thank God for the many ways that He has shown His glory in your life.  The tendency is to look at particular accounts throughout scripture and marvel at the ways in which the Lord worked, and rightfully so.  But, let us not overlook the spectacular work that God has done in our very own lives.  May we ruminate on ALL of the wonderful ways that God displays His glory.  Lord, it is all for Your glory.  Romans 11:36  For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.                                                                                                                                         

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                  


November 8, 2020 

Free To Be Slave 

I am often baffled by those who feel they need to choose a specific camp when it comes to a particular theological stance.  Don't get me wrong, there are without question stances that need to be made and maintained when it comes to proper theology that is formed from the truths of scripture.  But, there are those issues that are really not issues at all.  I have witnessed brothers and sisters who have adamantly demanded that believers are free and liberated, and no longer slaves.  On the other hand I have also encountered those who declare with persistence that we are slaves to God.  So, the question that unavoidably springs forth is, which one is right?  Herein lies the problem with the debate, assuming that since one is right that the other has to be wrong. 

Those who stand on the premise that we are liberated and free are correct.  Galatians 5:1 says For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.  This verse is explaining the freedom that Jesus Christ has provided from the law, we see a similar example in 2 Corinthians 3:17.  Then in a more than convincing passage, John 8:34 points out that those who practice sin are slaves to sin.  However, in verse 36 we see that the Son, Jesus Christ, is the source of freedom and liberation from sin's enslavement.  This is a crucial understanding that scripture reveals, that Jesus Christ came to save people from their bondage of sin.  If we are compelled to choose a camp, this one is looking pretty promising. 

Those who stand firm on the understanding that we are slaves, must provide ample evidence.  Romans 6:22 But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life.  In this text we see that those who are in Christ have been removed from sin's enslavement and become slaves of God.  It would be irresponsible for us to reason that this is merely a transfer of slave ownership alone.  Rather, this is a momentous positional change that is done only through the salvatory work of God.  The only way that we can be freed, liberated from the eternal grasp of sin's clutches is by God drawing us to salvation.  As Matthew 6:24 says, we cannot serve two masters.  Luke 9:23 tells us that as believers in Jesus Christ we are to deny ourselves and follow Him.  The Lord is our Master and we are His servants.  Suddenly this camp has us wondering what side we should be on. 

I hope you are picking up on where this is going.  This is a classic case of the unnecessary nature of needing to choose between two theological principles.  In this particular case, both camps are completely right.  By the grace of God, He has provided the only way to be free from the bondage of sin, through the redemptive blood of His Son.  When an individual is drawn to salvation by God, they are then removed from sin's enslavement and placed into servanthood of the Lord, a slave of God.  The two camps are not opposed to one another, rather they are two parts to a whole.  As I have stated on many occasions, my encouragement is that we always look at what we are saying and ask ourselves the question "what does this say about God?"  In this case, both angles of approach say the same thing, that being a slave to God is the only way to be free from eternal punishment that we deserve as a result of our own sin.  Praise be to God for providing mercy and grace to an undeserving lot like us.  He is good.                                                                                                                  

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                  


November 1, 2020  

The Road Less Traveled


There is a passage in scripture that has always produced within me a mix of emotions.  In Matthew 7:13-14 Jesus teaches the familiar lesson about the narrow gate and the wide gate.  The rich depth that permeates this short passage is staggering.  Every time I come across this section of scripture it seems that another facet in understanding is brought forth, which I liken to another layer of the onion being peeled.

The more I study the Word of God, the more certain I become that the narrow gate is in direct correlation to the size of the path.  We read in verse 14 that the way that leads to life, eternal life, is hard.  And all God's people said "Amen", right?  The Christian life is one of trials, tests, persecution, and opposition (John 16:33, 2 Timothy 3:12).  As born again believers in Jesus Christ we work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12) in this life long journey of sanctification.  Humbly serving the Lord is an extraordinary privilege, one that exceeds anything that the world could offer.  But, make no mistake, it is, as the scriptures reveal, a difficult journey.  When we understand the extent of what it means to pick up our cross and follow God daily, we know our lives were not meant for ease and comfort.  Few are on this path, a few in comparison to the other path.  But, those who are on this path know they are on it, they are confident.  This is a confidence that comes not from their own achievements and merit, but one that comes from the promises and power of God.  No one is on the path to life by accident.  There is no confusion, as all who press on do so by the grace of God alone.  

The other gate is wide and in a similar correlative fashion, the path is wide as well.  On this path there is a diverse group of people, from all walks of life: rich and poor, wild and passive, rude and arrogant, quiet and pleasant, violent and abusive, unassuming and shy, passionate and apathetic.  However, the path has but one common thread.  Inclusion to this path is not defined by the color of one's skin, the amount of good deeds done in one's life or even whether they attended church or not.  Thus lies the confusion that exists on this wide path.  The one thing that knits the droves of individuals on this wide way is they have never repented of their sins.  In a steady march toward the wide gate, even many religious people obliviously proceed; religion is not what determines position. 

As I get older the thing that frightens me the most is what the reaction of those who will enter through the wide gate will be.  They have enjoyed a life that cost little, denying the Messiah who gave everything.  But, what really gets to me is the confusion.  Many are confused and think because of the way they lived their life, or they were raised in a Christian home by Christian parents, or they attended church as a youth, or they raised their hand during an invitation, that this was more than sufficient to gain them access to the narrow gate, heaven.  None of these scenarios reveal the real condition of the heart.  This is where I am left motivated and charged up.  I, we, have work to do.  There are a lot of people out there who think they are good, that think they are deservingly on the narrow way, by virtue of works and self righteousness.  We need to share the full saving gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone that we can.  Because we should not be happily complacent with the path that we are on, while giving little thought to the masses that push toward the wide gate of destruction.  Lord, please give us an increased sense of urgency and passion to reach the lost.  May we live and act like we have the most important message of all to share.                                                                                                          

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                  


October 25, 2020 


In the fifteenth chapter of the book of Romans, the Apostle Paul places a great deal of emphasis on unity within the body of believers.  In fact, Paul goes so far as to point out that we are not only to come together on Sunday morning for a moment of unity, rather we are to live in harmony with our brothers and sisters in Christ (Romans 15:5).  The word live denotes a constant state, one that is not just part of life but essential to sustaining a healthy spiritual life.  Thank goodness Paul does not leave us with this good intended ideal without any practical ways in which to accomplish it.

Earlier in that same chapter we see that putting others needs into focus and building them up is a key element in fostering unity (v2).  It is also made clear that this is not merely a goal and personal aim of Paul, but this was the character and nature that Jesus Christ exhibited (v3).  Jesus Christ came to serve others (Matthew 20:28, Mark 10:45), providing us with an example that we should strive to emulate to the best of our abilities.  And one of the ways we can do that is to faithfully and diligently be equipped in the proper teaching of the Word of God, so that we can be in one accord and have one voice in our praise and glory to the Father (Romans 15:6).

One voice?  How does that work?  This is not to assume we don't have a personal responsibility and ability to worship and honor God.  But, it would be absurd for us to assume that we all have a different set of parameters when it comes to what pleases God.  Pleasing God is our aim, it is a vital function and purpose of a follower of Christ (Galatians 1:10).  Something that the Bible is very clear on in terms of what pleases God is unity within the body (1 Corinthians 1:10, 1 Peter 3:8, Philippians 2:2, Colossians 3:14).  These passages are not talking about denominations or affiliations, rather they speak to the body of believers collectively, those who have believed upon Jesus Christ as the only way.  When the body adheres to these commands that scripture has laid out, they function in such a way that glorifies God harmoniously, in one voice.  Who but God could bring together a group of former bond servants to sin, rebellious and wicked as we were, to form a pleasing bride that would be spotless and blameless in the sight of the Lord, with the ability to exalt His majesty through one, united voice?

Satan wants nothing more than to bring division and dissension to the body.  That kind of chaos and strife is what defines his character.  Let us be steadfast in prayer for the church, both locally, and universally.  My challenge to you this week is, take some extra time to devote to praying for the body, that we would be found united and of one voice and one accord.  For this is pleasing to the Lord.                                                                                  

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam


October 18, 2020 

May I Have A Word

It is always intriguing to me how one word or a short phrase can have such profound meaning behind it.  The affirming words "I do" at a wedding encompass so much.  All the communication that took place prior to the wedding day, perhaps the premarital counseling that the couple went through, the time and energy that have been invested in one another, it all culminates to this simple yet powerful phrase, "I do".  Not all words and phrases bring about such a positive outcome though.  Far too many families have been impacted by the painful words from a doctor that has to break the heart-wrenching news "you have cancer".  Words can change lives and the ramifications are vast.  Whether it is the army general who gives the command "charge", the NASA engineer that says "blast off" or the judge who gives a declaration of "guilty", word can possess tremendous power.   

In John 19 we read the account of Jesus Christ suffering on the cross at Golgotha.  After experiencing what no man could endure, Jesus said these words found in verse 30, "It Is Finished".  The enormity and the power of this statement was one that would reverberate for eternity.  In that moment Jesus Christ had completed His redemptive earthly ministry in the flesh.  His blood atonement on the cross was sufficient for all sin.  Salvation was made exclusively possible through repenting and confessing our sins to Him and acknowledging Jesus Christ's penal substitutionary atonement.  "It Is Finished".  That thing you did that is so bad not a day goes by that you don't think about it, "It Is Finished".  That legalistic lifestyle of constantly trying to tip the scales of good works over bad in your favor, "It Is Finished".  The guilt and shame you have been harboring for as long as you can remember "It Is Finished".  Those feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness, "It Is Finished".  The life that is slave to sin and bound for hell, "It Is Finished."  There is great power in the words of Christ. 

Thank You Jesus for doing what we could not do, thank You for saving us from ourselves.  Thank You for the finality of the work that You did on the cross in our place.  May we never forget the power in that phrase, may it bring us to our knees in thanksgiving as we marvel at Your grace, love and mercy.                                                                            

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam        


October 11, 2020

Season Of Change

As I look out our back dining room window the changing colors of the maple leaves quickly reminds me that a new season is being ushered in.  Soon enough the leaves will fall, the air will grow colder and pumpkin spice will be replaced with the fragrance of spruce and peppermint.  For all the complaining that can be made at the expense of the erratic Midwest weather, I do love the changing of the seasons.  It’s always amusing to watch “out of staters” getting off the planes in the Midwest airports.  Apparently no one mentioned to them that a week-long trip would warrant a coat, jacket, shorts, sandals, and snow boots. 

The Apostle Paul had a great deal of valuable instruction for Timothy, the young man from Lystra.  In 2 Timothy 4:2 Paul urges Timothy to preach the word; in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.  Timothy had been entrusted with weighty responsibility of leading and shepherding the church in Ephesus.  Paul knew that Timothy would find out soon enough that there would be times where the message of Christ would be heard with ease and conversely there would be times when that message would not be well received.  Thus Paul encourages Timothy to preach during all seasons.  The results of good biblical preaching and teaching are what Paul mentions in the latter part of verse 2, to reprove, rebuke, and exhort.  These are results that God’s Word can produce in either scenario. 

Though the Midwest weather may be ever changing, there is no doubt that we live in a time where the Word of God is in large part, out of season.  God’s Word has been taken out of schools, taken out of homes, and sadly, even taken out of many churches.  The truth that God’s Word contains brings about an acknowledgment of sin, and sin brings to light the separation between the lives of fallen mankind and the perfect holiness and righteousness of God.  As followers of Christ, we have a responsibility to herald the name of Christ, to proclaim and share the saving gospel.  We need not worry ourselves with the nature of the season we are in.  Instead, let us boldly preach the message of the Savior, which is never changing.  Hebrews 13: 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.  So grab your coat, your stocking hat, your sunglasses and t-shirt, because we have work to do.                                             

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam         

October 4, 2020

The End Of The Story

During a discussion in a men's bible study one Friday morning, we got talking about Mary, the mother of Jesus.  We were commenting on the extraordinary responsibility that God had set before Mary.  A few of the men shared their thoughts on what that must have been like for the young betrothed virgin girl.  When the angel Gabriel told Mary of the monumental task that she was about to embark on, one is led to wonder what was going through her mind.  Mary was a young engaged girl, who, before that day, likely day dreamed about the future.  Whatever her plans and aspirations were, God intervened with a different ending to the story of her life. 

I asked the guys in the group, if God had not intervened in their lives, how different would the end of their story be?  Without hesitation some of the men shared about the predictability of how their lives would have played out.  Most commented that their sinful behavior would have landed them in jail or worse yet, the morgue.  It was a sobering moment as all in attendance recognized the grace that God had lavished on their lives.  You see, these men knew who they were before they submitted their lives to Christ and they knew the trajectory that old life had them on.  They could have easily finished the story of their lives.  BUT......God had a different plan for them.  God's redemptive plan in their lives would change the ending. 

If God has done a mighty work in your life and brought you to salvation through His Son Jesus Christ, then you have great cause for rejoice.  The God of the universe and all that it contains saw fit to change the end of your story.  He is the only one that can take the enslaved sinner, change their heart and declare them righteous.  However, there are a great many people out there who are living out the very predictable story of their lives.  They are dead in their sins, being condemned by the very thing that ensures their story's unsurprising end.  But, God's message of hope, the saving gospel of Jesus Christ, is a message that changes lives, it changes the ending.  My encouragement for you this week is to find someone to discuss this with.  Ask someone how they see their life playing out, ask them to write their ending.  This gives you a wonderful opportunity to share with them.  As followers of Christ, we did not write our ending, God did (Ezekiel 36:26, 2 Corinthians 3:18).  Praise God for doing what we couldn't do.  To you alone Lord we give all honor and praise.

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                   


September 27, 2020 

We’ve Been Enlisted

In the tumultuous times we find ourselves in, the reality of “the last days” (2 Timothy 3:1) rings loud and clear.  Our heads would have to be buried deeply in the sand of delusion to not recognize the spiritual battle that is present.  Everything that we, as followers of Christ, stand for is being increasingly attacked.  Many churches and individuals will compromise under the increasing pressure to conform to “today’s culture”.  It is stunning how quickly many forget who they are in Christ. 

Throughout scripture there are many references to the structure and order of the military.  We are likened to good soldiers in Christ (2 Timothy 2:3-4); we are told to put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:11), prepared to wrestle against evil (Ephesians 6:12).  If you are wondering at what point and time you signed up for this post, may I remind you, you didn’t.  You were enlisted.  Much like the disciples, if left to our choosing, we would have not signed up (John 15:16).  But, God chose us (1 Peter 2:9, Ephesians 1:3-4), He equips us (Hebrews 20:21, 2 Timothy 3:16-17), and He uses us to accomplish His purposes (Romans 8:28).  We are soldiers not by merit but by divine appointment.  

The darkness in this present age is blatantly apparent, as evil is not hidden but paraded.  The need for preparedness and support is vitally important.  To be prepared we need to equip ourselves as well as one another.  We do that through personal study and prayer as well as discipleship.  Like all good soldiers we need to engage in ongoing training, be united with our comrades and know our enemy.  But, unlike any army that has ever existed, God has promised victory for those who serve Him (1 Corinthians 15:57).  The words of 1 Corinthians 15:58 offer more encouragement than any words I could ever conjure up,  Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.  I pray this week that you not only recognize your privileged responsibility but also find great comfort in God’s wonderful promises of victory.  The battle is already won.                 

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                 


 September 20, 2020

 Can’t Judge a Tree By Its Leaves?

            As a former arborist I can recall many times in which we would be called out to remove a tree off of a customer’s house.  Normally, the tree that had fallen was never deemed a threat, as it looked completely healthy.  If the tree had shown typical signs of distress and disease, it would have likely been removed as a precautionary measure.  But, typically the trees that fell looked like they were full of life. 

The problem with these fallen trees lied on the inside.  You see, from the outside the trees looked full and healthy, but on the inside they were often hollow and diseased.  Only upon closer examination could one spot what was really going on inside.  Thus there are many trees that look full of life on the outside but they are dying on the inside. 

In this world there are many people who walk around looking like they are full of life but they are dead inside.  Instead of green leaves covering their condition, they hide behind a smile or laughter.  See, the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 2 talks about the former condition of those who have received salvation.  Recounting their unregenerate state, Paul notes that though they were walking the earth, they were dead because of their trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1-2).  Paul then explains the only means by which they now have life, by God’s grace which gave them the faith to believe upon Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:4-5). 

My challenge to you is this.  Throughout your week you will encounter many different people.  The person at the coffee shop may smile and give a nod of affirmation at your take on today’s weather, or that amazing catch in last night’s game.  But, this gives no insight as to whether they are really alive, spiritually alive.  But, what happens if you ask a question like, “there seems to be a lot of people grasping for hope these days, where do you place your hope?”  Or how about asking what thing they treasure most in their life?  You may be surprised by what you receive back as an answer.  Sometimes their response might validate and give credence to the reason they seem so full of life.  Other times it might reveal the lack of real genuine hope in their life, making their need for Christ glaringly apparent. 

The point is, you cannot determine whether someone is full of life without knowing what is on the inside.  Slow down, take the time to engage a little in a conversation.  God may be providing you with an opportunity to share where true life is found (John 5:21, John 8:12, Romans 6:23).


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam                   

September 13, 2020

Casting Burdens

This week I was reminded of the familiar Psalm, one that has such sweet relevance to what we are facing as a country, rather as a world.  Psalm 55:22 Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you, he will never permit the righteous to be moved.  These wonderful words will likely have us throwing out a hearty amen in concurrence.  However, I think it is common to overlook the important details that this verse contains. 

Commonly when we see the word “cast” we think of the repetitious action of release and retrieve that accompanies fishing with a rod and reel.  But, is this really what the Psalmist David was thinking when he wrote this?  Hardly, as the rod and reel had not been invented at that time.  In those days, fishing was done by means of throwing a net over the side of a boat.  In this application, the release of the net is paramount.  When the net exited the grip of the fisherman’s hands, control was relinquished.  In the same way, when we cast our burdens upon the Lord, we are relinquishing our control, which let’s be honest, we never really had a firm grip on in the first place. 

Any idea what happens when you go to heave the net overboard but don’t release your grip of control?  You go overboard right?  Much is the same when we attempt to hold tightly to the struggles that we are facing in our lives.  We find out very quickly that we cannot handle the pressures and afflictions of this world with our own wisdom and fortitude.  God wants us to trust Him and not lean on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5).  God desires us to recognize His glory and majesty and come to Him, bringing our cares to the throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16).  By His grace He upholds us and like it says in Psalm 55:22, the righteous will not be moved.  Let us stand in bold confidence of our Lord, that He not only has the power to deal with the problems we face, but He also has the desire to care deeply for what burdens His children.  Might I encourage you to cast your burdens to the Lord, even the ones that you have been clinging to with white knuckles.  He will provide for you and accomplish everything according to His perfect will.                           


By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam         

September 6, 2020

Caring For The Bride

There was a great King and the King loved His bride very much.  In fact, His bride was the object of His affection, and He told her so.  But, the King had to go away for a long time, so He set things in order before He departed.  The King entrusted His servant with caring for His bride, a great task and a privileged one at that.  The responsibility in caring for the bride was significant, it would require careful adherence to the King’s instructions. 

During the time that the King was gone, the servant was diligent in keeping to the instructions and caring greatly for the bride.  The bride was appealing to the kingdom, others would recognize her beauty as she stood as a beacon of light.  But, as time went on, people appeared to become disinterested in her beauty.  The servant noticed this trend and decided to do something about it.  He thought, if I change a few things, liven her up a bit, people will be more drawn to her beauty.  The servant knew this was not as the King had instructed, but He had been gone for a long time, surely He would understand the need for change. 

So, the servant dressed her in a more vibrant attire to appeal to the crowds.  He changed her hair to fit in with a more modern day look.  It seemed that every time the servant changed something about the bride, the more people were drawn to her.  The efforts of the servant shifted from compliance of the King’s orders to what thing could he change next to make even more people admire the bride.  As time went on, the bride looked very little like she looked when the King left.

If you haven’t picked up on it yet, the King is Jesus Christ and the bride is His church, the servant is the church leaders that have been entrusted with caring for the church.  I am afraid that much of what we see in the church today is a perverted image of the bride of Christ.  Far too much attention and focus has gone to appealing to the masses, compromising both instruction and obedience.  The Bible offers exhaustive teachings and commands of how to care for the church, the bride of Christ.  For the sake of attendance numbers and comfortable conversation, many have drifted far from the King’s instructions. 

One day the King is coming back, this is certain (Hebrews 9:28).  What will He say to the servants?  To the faithful and obedient I can guess He would say something like “Well done good and faithful servant.”  To the others I can only imagine that the rebuke will be severe.  Lord help those who have not taken seriously the responsibility of caring for Your bride.  The King is coming back and He will come to take His bride.  May we be found honoring and upholding her in the way that the Lord has commanded.        

By His Grace And For His Glory,
Pastor Sam